Hillevi Bergvall
Phd Student
E-mail: hillevi.bergvall@ki.se
Visiting address: Norra Stationsgatan 69, plan 7, 11364 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Lundgren Bohman, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am a licensed psychologist, graduated at Stockholm university in 2009. My previous experience includes several years of assessment and treatment of depression and anxiety disorders, and co-founding a psychiatric clinic. Currently, my role as a director of studies for the psychologists' internship in Region Stockholm includes the education of 170 novice psychologists and their supervisors yearly. I am also doing my doctoral studies at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at KI. I work at the Competence Centre for Psychotherapy, within the Centre for Psychiatry Research, which is part of both KI and Region Stockholm Healthcare Services.
- Does training in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) improve therapist competence? Is CBT for anxiety and depression delivered competently within routine clinical care, according to guidelines, and is this related to patient outcome? What CBT techniques and procedures are delivered, according to patients? My doctoral studies focus on the quality assurance of cognitive behaviour therapy for adults with depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. Previous research includes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the treatment of stress among social workers: a randomized controlled trial and an observational study of the psychological internships during the pandemic.
- My teaching topics include professional development for psychologists, psychotherapy training, clinical supervising, assessment of psychiatric disorders, CBT, and quality assessment in routine clinical care. I am the director of studies for the psychologists' internship in Region Stockholm since 2016.
- Journal article: BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2024;24(1):887
- Article: BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2023;23(1):249
- Article: BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY. 2011;49(6-7):389-398