
Hanna Sahlin

Hanna Sahlin

Adjunct Lecturer
Visiting address: Norra Stationsgatan 69, plan 7, 11364 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF KCP PT/HU, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a clinical psychologist, licensed psychotherapist and Specialist in
    clinical psychology. I earned my PhD on /Deliberate self-harm
    - characteristics, clinical correlates and interventions/ in April 2018.
    *2018 PhD *Deliberate self-harm – characteristics, clinical correlates and
    *2013-2017: *PhD programme at the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, Department of
    Clinical Neuroscience.
    *2012-2015: Research school of Psychiatry. *̽»¨¾«Ñ¡,
    *2013:* Board Certified specialist in Clinical Psychology, Swedish
    Psychological Association.
    *2010: *University diploma in Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral
    Therapy Stockholm University, Department of Psychology.
    *2003*: Licensed psychologist, National Board of Health and Welfare
    *2001: *Master of Science in Psychology. Uppsala University, Department
    of Psychology.


  • I have a long, clinical background mainly specialized in Dialectical Behavior
    Therapy for women with borderline personality disorder and deliberate
    My PhD-thesis called "Deliberate self-harm – characteristics, clinical
    correlates and interventions" focused on both cross-sectional and
    registry-based studies of deliberate self-harm as a phenomenom "outside" of
    borderline personality disorder, as well as on treatment intervention
    studies. Our intervention studies are focused on increasing emotion
    regulation skills in adults and adolescents with self-harm.
    I have my post-doc studies in Viktor Kaldos researchgroup, where we study the
    emotion regulating effect of affect labeling, or
    naming: /cns/emotionsreglering
    Current research focus is on emotion regulation, treatment interventions for
    gender minority/transgender individuals and borderline personality disorder.


  • Article: JAMA NETWORK OPEN. 2023;6(7):e2322069
    Bjureberg J; Ojala O; Hesser H; Habel H; Sahlin H; Gratz KL; Tull MT; Claesdotter Knutsson E; Hedman-Lagerlof E; Ljotsson B; Hellner C
  • Article: PILOT AND FEASIBILITY STUDIES. 2023;9(1):76
    Molander O; Bjureberg J; Sahlin H; Beijer U; Hellner C; Ljotsson B
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2022;12(12):e066357
    Grudin R; Ahlen J; Mataix-Cols D; Lenhard F; Henje E; Mansson C; Sahlin H; Beckman M; Serlachius E; Vigerland S
  • Article: MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. 2022;27(5):2514-2521
    Tate AE; Sahlin H; Liu S; Lu Y; Lundstrom S; Larsson H; Lichtenstein P; Kuja-Halkola R
  • Article: JMIR FORMATIVE RESEARCH. 2021;5(7):e17910
    Simonsson O; Engberg H; Bjureberg J; Ljotsson B; Stensils J; Sahlin H; Hellner C
  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2021;78(7):705-713
    Nordh M; Wahlund T; Jolstedt M; Sahlin H; Bjureberg J; Ahlen J; Lalouni M; Salomonsson S; Vigerland S; Lavner M; Ost L-G; Lenhard F; Hesser H; Mataix-Cols D; Hogstrom J; Serlachius E
  • Article: CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY. 2019;17(11):2236-2244.e11
    Lalouni M; Ljotsson B; Bonnert M; Ssegonja R; Benninga M; Bjureberg J; Hogstrom J; Sahlin H; Simren M; Feldman I; Hedman-Lagerlof E; Serlachius E; Olen O
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH. 2019;21(10):e13602
    Lenhard F; Mitsell K; Jolstedt M; Vigerland S; Wahlund T; Nord M; Bjureberg J; Sahlin H; Andren P; Aspvall K; Melin K; Mataix-Cols D; Serlachius E; Hogstrom J
  • Article: COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY. 2019;48(4):322-336
    Sahlin H; Bjureberg J; Gratz KL; Tull MT; Hedman-Lagerlof E; Bjarehed J; Jokinen J; Lundh L-G; Hellner C; Ljotsson B
    Bjureberg J; Ohlis A; Ljotsson B; D'Onofrio BM; Hedman-Lagerloef E; Jokinen J; Sahlin H; Lichtenstein P; Cederloef M; Hellner C
  • Article: BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2018;18(1):326
    Bjureberg J; Sahlin H; Hedman-Lagerlof E; Gratz KL; Tull MT; Jokinen J; Hellner C; Ljotsson B
  • Article: JOURNAL FOR PERSON-ORIENTED RESEARCH. 2018;4(1):15-28
    Dahlberg A; Wetterberg E; Lundh L-G; Sahlin H
  • Article: BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2017;17(1):411
    Bjureberg J; Sahlin H; Hellner C; Hedman-Lagerlof E; Gratz KL; Bjarehed J; Jokinen J; Tull MT; Ljotsson B
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2017;7(10):e016220
    Sahlin H; Bjureberg J; Gratz KL; Tull MT; Hedman E; Bjarehed J; Jokinen J; Lundh L-G; Ljotsson B; Hellner C
  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2017;74(6):615-621
    Sahlin H; Kuja-Halkola R; Bjureberg J; Lichtenstein P; Molero Y; Rydell M; Hedman E; Runeson B; Jokinen J; Ljotsson B; Hellner C
    Bjureberg J; Ljotsson B; Tull MT; Hedman E; Sahlin H; Lundh L-G; Bjarehed J; DiLillo D; Messman-Moore T; Gumpert CH; Gratz KL
  • Article: ARCHIVES OF SUICIDE RESEARCH. 2015;19(4):500-509
    Sahlin H; Moberg T; Hirvikoski T; Jokinen J

All other publications

  • Thesis / dissertation: 2018
    Sahlin, Hanna


  • Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2018-2026

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2018

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