
Hanna Johansson

Hanna Johansson

Postdoctoral Researcher
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Fysioterapi Franzen, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a registered physiotherapist with a PhD in ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ science from ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡. I defended my doctoral thesis "Balance and Gait in Parkinson's disease: from Perceptions to Performance" in 2020. I am currently an SFO-V fellow and postdoctoral researcher at the Division of Physiotherapy, and a member of the Balance, gait, exericise and physical activity in neurological diseases - Franzén Group

  • I am also affiliated to Karolinska University Hospital and Stockholm Sjukhem.


  • I primarily conduct research connected to the STEPS (Support for home Training using Ehealth in Parkinson's disease) trial, which is a collaborative project between ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ and Stockholm Sjukhem. The project evaluates the effect of individually adapted, eHealth-delivered, home training for people with Parkinson's disease (PD). In my research, I also evaluate how primary care can optimize the clinical assessment of people with PD by integrating wearable sensors for motion analysis.


  • I am a member of the Balance, gait, exericise and physical activity in neurological diseases - Franzén Group where the focus is on  

  • translational research from exploring neuronal mechanisms to clinical interventions/implementation in the field of neurological and geriatric 
  • rehabilitation.

Selected publications

  • Article: BMC NEUROLOGY. 2023;23(1):356
    Leavy B; Sedhed J; Kalbe E; Akesson E; Franzen E; Johansson H
  • Review: JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2023;270(6):2890-2907
    Johansson H; Folkerts A-K; Hammarstrom I; Kalbe E; Leavy B


  • Article: GAIT AND POSTURE. 2025;115:14-20
    Johansson H; Peterson DS; Sedhed J; Leavy B
  • Article: CLINICAL REHABILITATION. 2024;:2692155241298859
    Sedhed J; Johansson H; Akesson E; Franzen E; Leavy B
  • Article: NEUROREHABILITATION AND NEURAL REPAIR. 2024;:15459683241300456
    Longhurst JK; Hooyman A; Landers MR; Mancini M; Franzen E; Leavy B; Johansson H; Peterson D
  • Article: MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE. 2024;11(11):1410-1420
    Albrecht F; Johansson H; Poulakis K; Westman E; Hagstromer M; Franzen E
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2024;14(1):9513
    Albrecht F; Johansson H; Ekman U; Poulakis K; Bezuidenhout L; Pereira JB; Franzen E
  • Article: BMC NEUROLOGY. 2024;24(1):114
    Sedhed J; Johansson H; Andersson N; Akesson E; Kalbe E; Franzen E; Leavy B
  • Article: NEUROIMAGE: CLINICAL. 2024;43:103637
    Kvist A; Bezuidenhout L; Johansson H; Albrecht F; Conradsson DM; Franzen E
  • Article: JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE. 2023;55:jrm9427
    Joseph C; Johansson H; Leavy B; Franzen E
  • Article: BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR. 2023;13(4):e2948
    Kvist A; Bezuidenhout L; Johansson H; Albrecht F; Ekman U; Conradsson DM; Franzen E
    Albrecht F; Poulakis K; Freidle M; Johansson H; Ekman U; Volpe G; Westman E; Pereira JB; Franz E
  • Article: NPJ PARKINSON'S DISEASE. 2022;8(1):12
    Freidle M; Johansson H; Ekman U; Lebedev AV; Schalling E; Thompson WH; Svenningsson P; Lovden M; Abney A; Albrecht F; Steurer H; Leavy B; Holmin S; Hagstromer M; Franzen E
  • Article: JOURNAL OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE. 2021;11(4):2057-2071
    Albrecht F; Pereira JB; Mijalkov M; Freidle M; Johansson H; Ekman U; Westman E; Franzen E
  • Article: NEUROREHABILITATION AND NEURAL REPAIR. 2021;35(4):356-366
    Johansson H; Ekman U; Rennie L; Peterson DS; Leavy B; Franzen E
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2021;16(5):e0251849
    Freidle M; Johansson H; Lebedev AV; Ekman U; Lovden M; Franzen E
  • Article: PARKINSON'S DISEASE. 2020;2020:2410863-12
    Johansson H; Freidle M; Ekman U; Schalling E; Leavy B; Svenningsson P; Hagstromer M; Franzen E
  • Article: BMC NEUROLOGY. 2020;20(1):50
    LaGrone S; Joseph C; Johansson H; Enberg B; Franzen E
    Leavy B; Joseph C; Lofgren N; Johansson H; Hagstromer M; Franzen E
  • Article: PHYSICAL THERAPY. 2019;99(11):1501-1510
    Johansson H; Franzen E; Roaldsen KS; Hagstromer M; Leavy B
  • Article: BMC NEUROLOGY. 2019;19(1):280
    Franzen E; Johansson H; Freidle M; Ekman U; Wallen MB; Schalling E; Lebedev A; Lovden M; Holmin S; Svenningsson P; Hagstromer M
  • Article: GAIT AND POSTURE. 2017;58:481-486
    Johansson H; Lundin-Olsson L; Littbrand H; Gustafson Y; Rosendahl E; Toots A

All other publications

  • Preprint: RESEARCH SQUARE. 2023
    Sedhed J; Johansson H; Andersson N; Åkesson E; Kalbe E; Franzén E; Leavy B
  • Review: AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS. 2022;80:101698
    Hortobagyi T; Vetrovsky T; Balbim GM; Sorte Silva NCB; Manca A; Deriu F; Kolmos M; Kruuse C; Liu-Ambrose T; Radak Z; Vaczi M; Johansson H; Rocha dos Santos PC; Franzen E; Granacher U
  • Review: EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY. 2022;162:111759
    Monaghan AS; Johansson H; Torres A; Brewer GA; Peterson DS
  • Thesis / dissertation: 2020
    Johansson, Hanna
  • Review: NEURAL PLASTICITY. 2020;2020:8961493-15
    Johansson H; Hagstromer M; Grooten WJA; Franzen E
  • Preprint: RESEARCH SQUARE. 2020
    LaGrone S; Joseph C; Johansson H; Enberg B; Franzén E
  • Preprint: RESEARCH SQUARE. 2019
    LaGrone S; Joseph C; Johansson H; Enberg B; Franzén E
  • Preprint: RESEARCH SQUARE. 2019
    LaGrone S; Joseph C; Johansson H; Enberg B; Franzén E


  • Swedish Research Council for Health Working Life and Welfare
    1 July 2023 - 30 June 2026


  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2021-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2020
  • Bachelor Of Medical Science, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2006
  • Bachelor Of Science In Physiotherapy, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2006

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