
Farasat Zaman

Farasat Zaman

Senior Research Specialist
Visiting address: BioMedicum A4, Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Barnendokrinologi Sävendahl, 171 77 Stockholm


  • *Osteoporosis and bone growth failure in chronic paediatric diseases*
    The overall aim of these studies is to address unanswered core bone health
    questions such as osteoporosis/bone growth failure in the paediatric patients
    with chronic diseases and exposed to high dose glucocorticoid therapy. Some
    20% of paediatric patients treated with GCs experience multiple peripheral
    fractures, bone pain and vertebral compression fractures. We are currently
    investigating following disorders in which GCs are frequently used:
    * /Inflammation/
    * /Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)/
    * /Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)/
    Impaired bone health is often present at diagnosis in these disorders, but
    poorly understood Severe osteoporosis is a frequent finding 1-3 years post
    diagnosis. Understanding the pathophysiology of disordered bone
    health/osteoporosis following glucocorticoids treatement in chronic
    conditions such as ALL, inflammation and DMD will lead to development of
    better treatment strategies in affected children. We are also investigating
    novel molecules/peptides in combination with GCs to prevent osteoporosis and
    bone growth failure in infllamtion, ALL and DMD.


  • Article: BONE. 2022;154:116186
    Ramesh S; Zaman F; Savendahl L; Madhuri V
  • Journal article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2021;11(1):21507
    Mushtaq I; Akhter Z; Farooq M; Jabeen F; Rehman AU; Rehman S; Ayub S; Mirza B; Siddiq M; Zaman F
    Ramesh S; Zaman F; Madhuri V; Savendahl L
    Mushtaq I; Mushtaq I; Akhter Z; Murtaza I; Qamar S; Ayub S; Mirza B; Butt TM; Janjua NK; Shah FU; Zaman F
    Celvin B; Zaman F; Aulin C; Savendahl L
  • Article: FASEB JOURNAL. 2019;33(4):4962-4974
    Zaman F; Zhao Y; Celvin B; Mehta HH; Wan J; Chrysis D; Ohlsson C; Fadeel B; Cohen P; Savendahl L
  • Article: NATURE MEDICINE. 2014;20(11):1279-1288
    Moverare-Skrtic S; Henning P; Liu X; Nagano K; Saito H; Borjesson AE; Sjogren K; Windahl SH; Farman H; Kindlund B; Engdahl C; Koskela A; Zhang F-P; Eriksson EE; Zaman F; Hammarstedt A; Isaksson H; Bally M; Kassem A; Lindholm C; Sandberg O; Aspenberg P; Savendahl L; Feng JQ; Tuckermann J; Tuukkanen J; Poutanen M; Baron R; Lerner UH; Gori F; Ohlsson C
  • Article: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2014;224(2):196-200
    Zaman F; Chrysis D; Huntjens K; Chagin A; Takigawa M; Fadeel B; Savendahl L
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2012;7(3):e33168
    Zaman F; Chrysis D; Huntjens K; Fadeel B; Savendahl L
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2012;7(11):e50523
    Eriksson E; Zaman F; Chrysis D; Wehtje H; Heino TJ; Savendahl L
  • Article: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2010;285(5):3462-3469
    Lindahl E; Nyman U; Zaman F; Palmberg C; Cascante A; Shafqat J; Takigawa M; Savendahl L; Jorvall H; Joseph B
  • Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2007;67(20):10078-10086
    Zaman F; Menendez-Benito V; Eriksson E; Chagin AS; Takigawa M; Fadeel B; Dantuma NP; Chrysis D; Saevendahl L
  • Article: BONE. 2007;40(5):1415-1424
    Chagin AS; Karimian E; Zaman F; Takigawa M; Chrysis D; Savendahl L
  • Article: ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2007;148(1):128-139
    Colon E; Zaman F; Axelson M; Larsson O; Carlsson-Skwirut C; Svechnikov KV; Soder O
  • Article: ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2005;146(3):1391-1397
    Chrysis D; Zaman F; Chagin AS; Takigawa M; Sävendahl L

All other publications

  • Review: JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2018;236(1):R69-R91
    Wood CL; Soucek O; Wang SC; Zaman F; Farquharson C; Savendahl L; Ahmed SF
  • Letter: LANCET ONCOLOGY. 2016;17(8):e319-e320
    Zaman F; Kogner P; Savendahl L
  • Letter: NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. 2016;374(22):2185
    Zaman F; Savendahl L
    Sederquist B; Fernandez-Vojvodich P; Zaman F; Savendahl L
  • Editorial comment: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2013;72(10):e24-E25
    Fernandez-Vojvodich P; Zaman F; Savendahl L
  • Letter: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2013;90(6):533-534
    Eriksson E; Savendahl L; Zaman F
  • Doctoral thesis: 2010
    Zaman, Farasat
  • Letter: LEUKEMIA. 2008;22(4):883-884
    Zaman F; Fadeel B; Savendahl L
  • Published conference paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2007;30(4):366-376
    Nurmio M; Toppari J; Zaman F; Andersson A-M; Paranko J; Soeder O; Jahnukainen K


  • Senior Research Specialist, Department of Women's and Children's Health, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2021-

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Women's and Children's Health, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2010

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