
Eva Hedlund

Eva Hedlund

Principal Researcher | Docent
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C5 Cell- och molekylärbiologi, C5 CMB Hedlund, 171 77 Stockholm


  • The lethal motor neuron diseases (MNDs) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
    and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) are defined by the loss of somatic motor
    neurons that innervate muscles in arms, legs, trunk and face, leading to
    muscle wasting. However, not all motor neurons are equally vulnerable;
    certain groups of motor neurons are spared, including those in the oculomotor
    nucleus, controlling eye movement and motor neurons in the Onuf's nucleus,
    controlling pelvic muscles. The reasons for the differential vulnerability to
    degeneration among motor neuron groups are unknown.
    *Research in the Hedlund lab is aimed at elucidating mechanisms of neuronal
    vulnerability and resistance with the goal of identifying new molecular
    targets for the treatment of motor neuron diseases.*
    Towards this goal, we utilize laser capture microdissection coupled with RNA
    sequencing to dissect molecular pathways in distinct motor neuron populations
    in animal models of MNDs. We also perform cross-disease analyses of
    degenerative and regenerative axonal responses at neuromuscular junctions -
    the specialized synapses between motor neurons and muscle.
    Motor neuron cultures derived from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced
    pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) harboring disease-inducing mutations are
    coupled with microfluidics to model MNDs and study neuronal vulnerability and
    protection in vitro. Finally, we modulate candidate gene expression in vivo
    in transgenic MND mouse models to induce motor neuron protection and axonal
    More information can be found on the lab web site. [1]


    Barde S; Aguila J; Zhong W; Solarz A; Mei I; Prud'homme J; Palkovits M; Turecki G; Mulder J; Uhlen M; Nagy C; Mechawar N; Hedlund E; Hokfelt T
  • Article: METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2023;2594:143-164
    Schweingruber C; Nijssen J; Benitez JA; Hedlund E
  • Article: SKELETAL MUSCLE. 2022;12(1):22
    Woschitz V; Mei I; Hedlund E; Murray LM
  • Article: CELL METABOLISM. 2021;33(11):2215-2230.e8
    Correia JC; Kelahmetoglu Y; Jannig PR; Schweingruber C; Shvaikovskaya D; Zhengye L; Cervenka I; Khan N; Stec M; Oliveira M; Nijssen J; Martinez-Redondo V; Ducommun S; Azzolini M; Lanner JT; Kleiner S; Hedlund E; Ruas JL
  • Article: NATURE MEDICINE. 2021;27(4):640-646
    Manberg A; Skene N; Sanders F; Trusohamn M; Remnestal J; Szczepinska A; Aksoylu IS; Lonnerberg P; Ebarasi L; Wouters S; Lehmann M; Olofsson J; von Gohren Antequera I; Domaniku A; De Schaepdryver M; De Vocht J; Poesen K; Uhlen M; Anink J; Mijnsbergen C; Vergunst-Bosch H; Hubers A; Klappe U; Rodriguez-Vieitez E; Gilthorpe JD; Hedlund E; Harris RA; Aronica E; Van Damme P; Ludolph A; Veldink J; Ingre C; Nilsson P; Lewandowski SA
    Aguila J; Cheng S; Kee N; Cao M; Wang M; Deng Q; Hedlund E
  • Article: GLIA. 2021;69(1):124-136
    Boucanova F; Pollmeier G; Sandor K; Morado Urbina C; Nijssen J; Medard J-J; Bartesaghi L; Pellerin L; Svensson CI; Hedlund E; Chrast R
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2020;11(1):6341
    Jutzi D; Campagne S; Schmidt R; Reber S; Mechtersheimer J; Gypas F; Schweingruber C; Colombo M; von Schroetter C; Loughlin FE; Devoy A; Hedlund E; Zavolan M; Allain FH-T; Ruepp M-D
  • Article: GENOME RESEARCH. 2020;30(8):1083-1096
    Nichterwitz S; Nijssen J; Storvall H; Schweingruber C; Comley LH; Allodi I; van der Lee M; Deng Q; Sandberg R; Hedlund E
  • Article: CELL REPORTS. 2020;31(9):107699
    Osman AM; Sun Y; Burns TC; He L; Kee N; Oliva-Vilarnau N; Alevyzaki A; Zhou K; Louhivuori L; Uhlen P; Hedlund E; Betsholtz C; Lauschke VM; Kele J; Blomgren K
  • Article: ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA. 2020;139(5):837-853
    Nizzardo M; Taiana M; Rizzo F; Benitez JA; Nijssen J; Allodi I; Melzi V; Bresolin N; Comi GP; Hedlund E; Corti S
  • Article: BIO-PROTOCOL. 2019;9(14):e3312
    Nijssen J; Aguila J; Hedlund E
  • Article: STEM CELL REPORTS. 2019;12(6):1329-1341
    Allodi I; Nijssen J; Benitez JA; Schweingruber C; Fuchs A; Bonvicini G; Cao M; Kiehn O; Hedlund E
  • Article: JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON. 2019;597(12):3133-3146
    Cheng AJ; Allodi I; Chaillou T; Schlittler M; Ivarsson N; Lanner JT; Thams S; Hedlund E; Andersson DC
  • Article: HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2019;28(10):1629-1644
    Sancho P; Bartesaghi L; Miossec O; Garcia-Garcia F; Ramirez-Jimenez L; Siddell A; Akesson E; Hedlund E; Lassuthova P; Pascual-Pascual SI; Sevilla T; Kennerson M; Lupo V; Chrast R; Espinos C
  • Article: NATURE. 2019;567(7747):234-238
    Newton PT; Li L; Zhou B; Schweingruber C; Hovorakova M; Xie M; Sun X; Sandhow L; Artemov AV; Ivashkin E; Suter S; Dyachuk V; El Shahawy M; Gritli-Linde A; Bouderlique T; Petersen J; Mollbrink A; Lundeberg J; Enikolopov G; Qian H; Fried K; Kasper M; Hedlund E; Adameyko I; Savendahl L; Chagin AS
  • Article: STEM CELL REPORTS. 2018;11(6):1565-1578
    Nijssen J; Aguila J; Hoogstraaten R; Kee N; Hedlund E
  • Article: NATURE IMMUNOLOGY. 2018;19(5):435-7
    Lund H; Pieber M; Parsa R; Grommisch D; Ewing E; Kular L; Han J; Zhu K; Nijssen J; Hedlund E; Needhamsen M; Ruhrmann S; Guerreiro-Cacais AO; Berglund R; Forteza MJ; Ketelhuth DFJ; Butovsky O; Jagodic M; Zhang X-M; Harris RA
  • Article: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2018;29(2):75-83
    Reber S; Mechtersheimer J; Nasif S; Benitez JA; Colombo M; Domanski M; Jutzi D; Hedlund E; Ruepp M-D
  • Article: METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2018;1649:95-110
    Nichterwitz S; Benitez JA; Hoogstraaten R; Deng Q; Hedlund E
  • Article: MOLECULAR METABOLISM. 2018;7:12-22
    Mills R; Taylor-Weiner H; Correia JC; Agudelo LZ; Allodi I; Kolonelou C; Martinez-Redondo V; Ferreira DMS; Nichterwitz S; Comley LH; Lundin V; Hedlund E; Ruas JL; Teixeira AI
  • Article: STEM CELL REPORTS. 2017;9(3):742-751
    Pereira M; Birtele M; Shrigley S; Benitez JA; Hedlund E; Parmar M; Ottosson DR
  • Article: GENOME RESEARCH. 2016;26(10):1342-1354
    Chen G; Schell JP; Benitez JA; Petropoulos S; Yilmaz M; Reinius B; Alekseenko Z; Shi L; Hedlund E; Lanner F; Sandberg R; Deng Q
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2016;7:12139
    Nichterwitz S; Chen G; Benitez JA; Yilmaz M; Storvall H; Cao M; Sandberg R; Deng Q; Hedlund E
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2016;6:26448
    Hedlund E; Belnoue L; Theofilopoulos S; Salto C; Bye C; Parish C; Deng Q; Kadkhodaei B; Ericson J; Arenas E; Perlmann T; Simon A
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2016;6:25960
    Allodi I; Comley L; Nichterwitz S; Nizzardo M; Simone C; Benitez JA; Cao M; Corti S; Hedlund E
  • Article: JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY. 2016;524(7):1424-1442
    Comley LH; Nijssen J; Frost-Nylen J; Hedlund E
  • Article: ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA. 2016;131(3):453-464
    Lewandowski SA; Nilsson I; Fredriksson L; Lonnerberg P; Muhl L; Zeitelhofer M; Adzemovic MZ; Nichterwitz S; Lawrence DA; Hedlund E; Eriksson U
  • Article: NEUROSCIENCE. 2015;291:216-229
    Comley L; Allodi I; Nichterwitz S; Nizzardo M; Simone C; Corti S; Hedlund E
  • Article: STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 2014;3(9):1032-1042
    Cesar Aguila J; Blak A; van Arensbergen J; Sousa A; Vazquez N; Aduriz A; Gayosso M; Lopez Mato MP; Lopez de Maturana R; Hedlund E; Sonntag K-C; Sanchez-Pernaute R
  • Article: DEVELOPMENT. 2011;138(16):3399-3408
    Deng Q; Andersson E; Hedlund E; Alekseenko Z; Coppola E; Panman L; Millonig JH; Brunet J-F; Ericson J; Perlmann T
  • Article: CELL STEM CELL. 2011;8(6):663-675
    Panman L; Andersson E; Alekseenko Z; Hedlund E; Kee N; Mong J; Uhde CW; Deng Q; Sandberg R; Stanton LW; Ericson J; Perlmann T
  • Article: BRAIN. 2010;133(Pt 8):2313-2330
    Hedlund E; Karlsson M; Osborn T; Ludwig W; Isacson O
  • Article: STEM CELLS. 2008;26(6):1526-1536
    Hedlund E; Pruszak J; Lardaro T; Ludwig W; Vinuela A; Kim K-S; Isacson O
    Wernig M; Zhao J-P; Pruszak J; Hedlund E; Fu D; Soldner F; Broccoli V; Constantine-Paton M; Isacson O; Jaenisch R
  • Article: STEM CELLS. 2007;25(5):1126-1135
    Hedlund E; Pruszak J; Ferree A; Vinuela A; Hong S; Isacson O; Kim K-S
  • Article: NEUROSCIENCE. 2006;142(2):343-354
    Kelly BB; Hedlund E; Kim C; Ishiguro H; Isacson O; Chikaraishi DM; Kim K-S; Feng G
  • Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY. 2006;97(5):1467-1480
    Chung S; Shin B-S; Hedlund E; Pruszak J; Ferree A; Kang UJ; Isacson O; Kim K-S
  • Article: EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY. 2005;194(2):363-375
    Kubasak MD; Hedlund E; Roy RR; Carpenter EM; Edgerton VR; Phelps PE
  • Article: MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE. 2005;28(2):241-252
    Chung S; Hedlund E; Hwang M; Kim DW; Shin BS; Hwang DY; Kang UJ; Isacson O; Kim KS
  • Article: EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY. 2004;190(1):122-132
    Kakinohana O; Cizkova D; Tomori Z; Hedlund E; Marsala S; Isacson O; Marsala M
  • Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2004;75(3):307-319
    Hedlund E; Karsten SL; Kudo L; Geschwind DH; Carpenter EM
  • Article: MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT. 2002;114(1-2):171-175
    Anderson TR; Hedlund E; Carpenter EM
  • Article: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2001;276(26):23937-23944
    Rose K; Allan A; Gauldie S; Stapleton G; Dobbie L; Dott X; Martin C; Wang L; Hedlund E; Seckl JR; Gustafsson J; Lathe R
  • Article: TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 1998;19(3):82-85
    Hedlund E; Gustafsson J; Warner M
    Warner M; Hellmold H; Magnusson M; Rylander T; Hedlund E; Gustafsson JA
  • Article: MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY. 1996;50(2):342-350
    Hedlund E; Wyss A; Kainu T; Backlund M; Kohler C; PeltoHuikko M; Gustafsson JA; Warner M
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All other publications

  • Letter: NEURON. 2023;111(23):3739-3741
    Gautier O; Blum JA; Maksymetz J; Chen D; Schweingruber C; Mei I; Hermann A; Hackos DH; Hedlund E; Ravits J; Gitler AD
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023
    Gautier O; Blum J; Maksymetz J; Chen D; Schweingruber C; Mei I; Hermann A; Hackos D; Hedlund E; Ravits J; Gitler A
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023
    Schweingruber C; Nijssen J; Mechtersheimer J; Reber S; Leboeuf M; O’Brien N; Mei I; Hedges E; Keuper M; Aguila Benitez J; Aguila Benitez J; Radoi V; Jastroch M; Ruepp M-D; Hedlund E
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2022
    Barde S; Aguila J; Zhong W; Solarz A; Mei I; Prud’homme J; Palkovits M; Turecki G; Mulder J; Uhlén M; Nagy C; Mechawar N; Hedlund E; Hökfelt T
  • Review: BIOLOGY-BASEL. 2022;11(8):1191
    Schweingruber C; Hedlund E
  • Corrigendum: NATURE MEDICINE. 2021;27(7):1308
    Manberg A; Skene N; Sanders F; Trusohamn M; Remnestal J; Szczepinska A; Aksoylu IS; Lonnerberg P; Ebarasi L; Wouters S; Lehmann M; Olofsson J; von Gohren Antequera I; Domaniku A; De Schaepdryver M; De Vocht J; Poesen K; Uhlen M; Anink J; Mijnsbergen C; Vergunst-Bosch H; Hubers A; Klappe U; Rodriguez-Vieitez E; Gilthorpe JD; Hedlund E; Harris RA; Aronica E; Van Damme P; Ludolph A; Veldink J; Ingre C; Nilsson P; Lewandowski SA
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2021
    Correia JC; Kelahmetoglu Y; Jannig PR; Schweingruber C; Svaikovskaya D; Zhengye L; Cervenka I; Oliveira M; Nijssen J; Martínez-Redondo V; Stec M; Khan N; Lanner JT; Kleiner S; Hedlund E; Ruas JL
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2020
    Aguila J; Cheng S; Kee N; Cao M; Deng Q; Hedlund E
  • Conference publication: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 2019;27:1479-1480
    Sancho P; Bartesaghi L; Moissec O; Garcia-Garcia F; Ramirez-Jimenez L; Siddell A; Akesson E; Hedlund E; Lassuthova P; Pascual-Pascual S; Sevilla T; Kennerson M; Lupo V; Chrast R; Espinos C
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2018
    Allodi I; Nijssen J; Benitez JA; Schweingruber C; Fuchs A; Bonvicini G; Cao M; Kiehn O; Hedlund E
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2018
    Nichterwitz S; Storvall H; Nijssen J; Comley LH; Allodi I; van der Lee M; Schweingruber C; Deng Q; Sandberg R; Hedlund E
  • Review: MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF MEDICINE. 2018;59:36-46
    Hedlund E; Deng Q
  • Review: ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA. 2017;133(6):863-885
    Nijssen J; Comley LH; Hedlund E
  • Conference publication: NEUROLOGY. 2017;88
    Nizzardo M; Rizzo F; Taiana M; Allodi I; Benitez JA; Nijssen J; Ulzi G; Melzi V; Del Bo R; Bresolin N; Comi G; Hedlund E; Corti S
  • Conference publication: ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA. 2017;219:17
    Cheng A; Allodi I; Chaillou T; Thams S; Ivarsson N; Schlittler M; Lanner J; Hedlund E; Andersson D
  • Review: CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES. 2014;71(6):999-1015
    Rizzo F; Riboldi G; Salani S; Nizzardo M; Simone C; Corti S; Hedlund E
  • Review: FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE. 2014;8:109
    Allodi I; Hedlund E
  • Review: STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL. 2012;2012:412040-17
    Aguila JC; Hedlund E; Sanchez-Pernaute R
  • Editorial comment: EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY. 2011;231(1):14-18
    Hedlund E
  • Review: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2009;266(4):358-371
    Hedlund E; Perlmann T
  • Meeting abstract: MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT. 2009;126:S245
    Panman L; Andersson E; Hedlund E; Udhe C; Mong J; Alexsenko Z; Sandberg R; Ericson J; Perlmann T
  • Editorial comment: CELL STEM CELL. 2008;3(6):575-576
    Hedlund E; Isacson O
  • Review: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2007;26(7):1721-1737
    Hedlund E; Hefferan MP; Marsala M; Isacson O
  • Review: CURRENT DRUG METABOLISM. 2001;2(3):245-263
    Hedlund E; Gustafsson J; Warner M
  • Doctoral thesis: 2000
    Hedlund E
    Warner M; Hellmold H; Yoshida S; Liao DZ; Hedlund E; Gustafsson JA
  • Show more


  • Principal Researcher, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2023-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, karolinska institutet, 2011
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, - No translation available -, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2000

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