
Emma Wincent

Emma Wincent

Principal Researcher | Docent
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Systemtoxikologi Vincent, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Emma Wincent is a senior researcher in Molecular Toxicology at ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Unit of Systems Toxicology.
    She received her M.Sc. degree in Toxicology in 2002 at ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ (KI) and a Ph.D. degree in Toxicology in 2009 at Stockholm University. In 2009 she joined Professor Agneta Rannug´s group for a postdoc in environmental medicine at KI and was in 2015 recruited to the Swedish Toxicology Sciences Research Center (SWETOX) to lead the research spoke in Toxicokinetics. She returned to KI, to the Institute of Environmental Medicine, in 2018/2019, continuing her research in toxicokinetics and molecular toxicology related areas.

    Emma is also course leader and frequent teacher at the global Master's Programme in Toxicology at ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.


  • The overall aim of the research in my group is to increase the understanding of how chemical factors may cause toxicity by altering critical biological
    pathways, and in contrast, how biological factors, such as inflammation, tissue damage or dysbiosis, may influence the outcome of chemical exposure. We are specifically focusing on biotransformation systems and how interactions between chemical/biological factors affecting these may impact immune function, metabolic signaling and cell differentiation. To study these pathways and functions we use a wide range of experimental models, including recombinant enzymes, tissue fractions, cell/organoid cultures and zebrafish, and methods such as toxicity assays, enzyme kinetics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and chromatography (HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS). The major ongoing projects are briefly described below.

    Project 1: The role of AHR/CYP1-feedback signalling in epithelial barrier homeostasis.
    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), also known as the dioxin receptor, is renowned in toxicology for mediating the adverse effects of environmental pollutants such as dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs. These adverse effects include for example immunotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, endocrine disruption, and carcinogenesis. While the toxicity of AHR signalling has been the focus for the last 40 years within the AHR-field, the focus is more and more shifting to understanding the physiological functions of this receptor pathway, and how these are regulated.
    We previously reported on a critical role of the CYP1 enzyme family in regulating AHR signalling during zebrafish embryo development, intestinal
    immunity in mice and immune cell differentiation.

    The aim of this project is to investigate how the dichotomy of detrimental vs. beneficial functions of the AHR in might be resolved, focusing on AHR functions in epithelial stem cell differentiation by analysing related endpoints in cells, tissues, or serum from mice models with genetic alterations in the AHR or CYP1 pathways. In addition to stem cell differentiation, we are also investigating effects on metabolic and endocrine signalling. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and performed in collaboration with the research group led by Brigitta Stockinger at the Francis Crick Institute.

    Project 2: Chemical impact on tissue repair and regeneration
    The purpose of this project is to investigate the impact of xenobiotic chemicals on the ability to repair tissue damage, focusing on the role of the
    aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) as mediator of key events of tissue repair. While the AHR is a transcription factor originally discovered for mediating
    the toxicity of xenobiotics, the discovery of natural ligands formed endogenously, present in the diet or formed by commensal microbiota has
    pinpointed important functions of the AHR in e.g. barrier organs such as the skin, lung, and gut. Successful tissue repair depends on synchronized and tightly controlled action of the immune system and proliferation/differentiation of tissue-specific stem cells at the site of injury, processes in which physiological AHR signalling has proven to be critical.

    The aim of this project is to determine if and how xenobiotic chemicals may interfere with tissue repair processes by subverting AHR from its physiological functions, and to determine the consequences of such interference. This is achieved using zebrafish models for tissue repair and regeneration, and by combining OMICS-based effect screening with targeted analysis of markers for tissue integrity and inflammatory signalling.
    The project is financed by the Swedish Research Council Sustainable Development (FORMAS).

    Selected publications
    Kinetics and toxicity of an environmentally relevant mixture of halogenated organic compounds in zebrafish embryo [1]. Lindqvist D, Wincent E. Aquatic Toxicology. 2022 Nov.

    AHR in the intestinal microenvironment: safeguarding barrier function. Stockinger B, Shah K, Wincent E. Nature Reviews Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Mar 19.

    Toxicokinetics of Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids Influences Their Toxic Potency in the Zebrafish Embryo (/Danio rerio/) [3]. Vogs C, Johansson G, Näslund M, Wulff S, Sjödin M, Hellstrandh M, Lindberg J, Wincent E. Environ Sci Technol. 2019 Apr 2
  • 53(7):3898-3907.

    Cytochrome P4501-inhibiting chemicals amplify aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation and IL-22 production in T helper 17 cells [4]. Schiering C, Vonk
    A, Das S, Stockinger B, Wincent E. Biochem Pharmacol. 2018 May
  • 151:47-58.

    Feedback control of AHR signalling regulates intestinal immunity. Schiering C, Wincent E, Metidji A, Iseppon A, Li Y, Potocnik AJ, Omenetti S,
    Henderson CJ, Wolf CR, Nebert DW, Stockinger B. Nature. 2017 Feb 9
  • 542(7640):242-245.

    Biological effects of 6-formylindolo[3, 2-b]carbazole (FICZ) in vivo are enhanced by loss of CYP1A function in an Ahr2-dependent manner. [7]Wincent
    E, Kubota A, Timme-Laragy A, Jönsson ME, Hahn ME, Stegeman JJ. Biochem Pharmacol. 2016 Jun 15
  • 110-111:117-29

    Induction and inhibition of human cytochrome P4501 by oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [8]. Wincent E, Le Bihanic F, Dreij K.
    Toxicol. Res. 2016 Mar 5:788-99

    Evidence for new light-independent pathways for generation of the endogenous aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist FICZ [9]. Smirnova A, Wincent E, Vikström Bergander L, Alsberg T, Bergman J, Rannug A, Rannug U. Chem Res Toxicol. 2016 Jan 19
  • 29(1):75-86.

    Combination effects of AHR agonists and Wnt/β-catenin modulators in zebrafish embryos: Implications for physiological and toxicological AHR
    functions. Wincent E, Stegeman JJ, Jönsson ME. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2015 Apr 15
  • 284(2):163-79

    Quercetin, resveratrol, and curcumin are indirect activators of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Mohammadi Bardbori A, Bengtsson J, Rannug U,
    Rannug A, Wincent E. Chem Res Toxicol. 2012 Sep 17
  • 25(9):1878-84.

    Inhibition of cytochrome P4501 as a novel mechanism of Ah receptor activation. Wincent E, Bengtsson J, Mohammadi Bardbori A, Alsberg T,
    Luecke S, Rannug U, Rannug A. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Mar 20
  • 109(12):4479-84.

    Cytochrome P450 1A1 gene regulation by UVB involves crosstalk between the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and nuclear factor kappa B [13]. Luecke S, Wincent E, Backlund M. Rannug U, Rannug A. Chem. Biol. Interact. 2010 Mar 30
  • 184(3):466-73.


  • * *Course leader* at the Global Master Program in Toxicology at Karolinska instututet: Target Organ Toxicology - Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics.

    * *Teacher* in toxicology-related topics: Receptor signalling
  • Biotransformation
  • Genetic Toxicology
  • Endocrine Disruption
  • Barrier Organ toxicology


  • Journal article: PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2023;194:106848
    Alangari AA; Ashoori MD; Alwan W; Dawe HR; Stockinger B; Barker JN; Wincent E; Di Meglio P
  • Article: TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO. 2023;89:105588
    Billat P-A; Vogs C; Blassiau C; Brochot C; Wincent E; Brion F; Beaudouin R
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. 2023;316(Pt 1):120510
    Endirlik BU; Wincent E; Dreij K
  • Journal article: JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 2022;142(12):s238
    Ashoori M; Hardman-Smart J; Dawe H; Tosi I; vincent E; Barker J; Smith C; Di Meglio P
  • Article: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY. 2022;252:106311
    Lindqvist D; Wincent E
  • Article: ECOTOXICOLOGY. 2022;31(9):1382-1389
    Eriksson ANM; Rigaud C; Wincent E; Pakkanen H; Salonen P; Vehniainen E-R
  • Article: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY. 2022;244:106083
    Eriksson ANM; Rigaud C; Krasnov A; Wincent E; Vehniainen E-R
  • Article: DISEASE MODELS & MECHANISMS. 2021;14(12):dmm049104
    Diaz OE; Sorini C; Morales RA; Luo X; Frede A; Krais AM; Chavez MN; Wincent E; Das S; Villablanca EJ
  • Article: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2020;745:141031
    Rigaud C; Eriksson A; Krasnov A; Wincent E; Pakkanen H; Lehtivuori H; Ihalainen J; Vehniainen E-R
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2019;53(7):3898-3907
    Vogs C; Johanson G; Naslund M; Wulff S; Sjodin M; Hellstrandh M; Lindberg J; Wincent E
  • Article: BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY. 2018;151:47-58
    Schiering C; Vonk A; Das S; Stockinger B; Wincent E
    Garcia DS; Sjodin M; Hellstrandh M; Norinder U; Nikiforova V; Lindberg J; Wincent E; Bergman A; Cotgreave I; Kos VM
  • Article: NATURE. 2017;542(7640):242-245
    Schiering C; Wincent E; Metidji A; Iseppon A; Li Y; Potocnik AJ; Omenetti S; Henderson CJ; Wolf CR; Neberts DW; Stockinger B
  • Article: BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY. 2016;110:117-129
    Wincent E; Kubota A; Timme-Laragy A; Jonsson ME; Hahn ME; Stegeman JJ
  • Article: TOXICOLOGY RESEARCH. 2016;5(3):788-799
    Wincent E; Le Bihanic F; Dreij K
  • Article: CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY. 2016;29(1):75-86
    Smirnova A; Wincent E; Bergander LV; Alsberg T; Bergman J; Rannug A; Rannug U
  • Article: TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. 2015;284(2):163-179
    Wincent E; Stegeman JJ; Jonsson ME
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2015;49(6):3869-3877
    Wincent E; Jonsson ME; Bottai M; Lundstedt S; Dreij K
  • Article: CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY. 2012;25(9):1878-1884
    Mohammadi-Bardbori A; Bengtsson J; Rannug U; Rannug A; Wincent E
    Wincent E; Bengtsson J; Bardbori AM; Alsberg T; Luecke S; Rannug U; Rannug A
  • Article: CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS. 2010;184(3):466-473
    Luecke S; Wincent E; Backlund M; Rannug U; Rannug A
  • Article: BIOORGANIC AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2009;17(4):1648-1653
    Wincent E; Shirani H; Bergman J; Rannug U; Janosik T
  • Article: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2009;284(5):2690-2696
    Wincent E; Amini N; Luecke S; Glatt H; Bergman J; Crescenzi C; Rannug A; Rannug U
  • Article: CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS. 2004;149(2-3):151-164
    Bergander L; Wincent E; Rannug A; Foroozesh M; Alworth W; Rannug U
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Conference publication: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2022;368:S207-S208
    Hinojosa M; Johanson G; Vincent E; Forsby A
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 2022;142(12):S238
    Ashoori M; Hardman-Smart J; Dawe H; Tosi I; Vincent E; Barker J; Smith C; Di Meglio P
    Stockinger B; Shah K; Wincent E
  • Corrigendum: TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. 2015;288(2):280
    Wincent E; Stegeman JJ; Jonsson ME
  • Meeting abstract: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2012;211:S117-S118
    Bengtsson J; Wincent E; Rannug A; Rannug U
  • Meeting abstract: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2012;211:S14
    Rannug A; Wincent E; Bardbori AM; Rannug U
  • Meeting abstract: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2012;211:S14
    Rannug U; Smirnova A; Alsberg T; Wincent E; Rannug A
  • Meeting abstract: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2012;211:S143-S144
    Bardbori AM; Wincent E; Rannug U; Rannug A
  • Meeting abstract: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2012;211:S117
    Wincent E; Bengtsson J; Bardbori AM; Alsberg T; Rannug U; Rannug A


  • 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2028
  • Swedish Research Council
    1 January 2023 - 31 December 2025
    EU-HORIZON Environment and Health
    1 September 2022 - 31 August 2027
  • Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
    1 January 2022 - 31 December 2024
  • Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
    1 January 2022 - 31 December 2024
  • Swedish Research Council
    1 January 2021 - 31 December 2024
  • Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
    1 January 2021 - 31 December 2024
  • Swedish Research Council
    1 December 2020 - 31 December 2023
  • Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
    1 January 2017 - 31 December 2019
  • Toxicokinetic modeling of internal dose in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos
    Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
    1 January 2015 - 31 December 2018
  • The consequences of a dysfunctional CYP1/AHR auto-regulatory feedback loop in AHR mediated regulation of development and immune responses
    Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
    1 January 2012 - 31 December 2015
  • Travel contribution: Society for Toxicology's Annual Meeting in Washington, USA, 6-10 March, 2011 and participation in a mini-symposium at Woods ...
    Swedish Research Council for Health Working Life and Welfare
    1 February 2011 - 31 March 2011


  • Principal Researcher, Institute of Environmental Medicine, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2021
  • Master Of Medical Science, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2005

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