
Duarte Ferreira

Duarte Ferreira

Telephone: +46852482439
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum C5, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Molekylär muskelfysiologi och patofysiologi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • In 2013, I received my PhD from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon where I did my PhD studies in Professor Rodrigues’ laboratory (iMed.UL, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon), under her supervision and Dr Castro’s, to investigate the changes in the apoptosis and microRNAs among morbid obese patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases.

    In 2013, thanks to Wenner-Gren Foundation, I moved to Stockholm, Sweden to pursue my postdoc under Professor Ruas mentorship at ̽ѡ. My postdoc studies explore different regulators of skeletal muscle mass and function as well as adipose tissue.

    In 2018, I became Assistant professor, where I divide my time between teaching (70%) and research (30%).

    In 2023, I joined Dr. Lanner lab at ̽ѡ, where I will focus on novel pharmacological interventions to improve mitochondrial function and enhance the antioxidant defence in dysfunctional skeletal muscle.


  • I have accumulated over 1, 000 hours of teaching experience across various educational environments, including laboratories, seminars, and lectures. My teaching is primarily focused towards ̽ѡ, dental, and bio̽ѡ students, with an emphasis on subjects around physiology and pharmacology. Moreover, I have supervised numerous students in their research theses at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. These teaching experiences have been extremely rewarding and fulfilling; I really enjoy helping students develop their understanding towards topics that I am passionate about.

    Responsible teacher for the “Advanced Physiology, smaller course” (HL2017) and “Advanced Physiology” (HL2018) course for the master program in collaboration with KTH until autumn 2021.


    Moment responsible teacher for the course DFM1 (until spring semester 2021) and DSM1.1 (until spring semester 2022) in the 5.5-year ̽ѡ program.


    Examiner and responsible teacher for the “Pharmacology with Toxicology” course (1BI045) for the Biomedicine bachelor program until spring 2023.


    Responsible teacher for the course “Basic Science 5”, 30 HP (2LA004), in the 6-year ̽ѡ program


    Responsible teacher for the course “GCP and Clinical Pharmaceutical trials”, 3.5HP (4FF011) in the Master’s program in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology


    Responsible teacher for the course “Information literacy: searching, writing and presenting science”, 4.0HP (4FF013) in the Master’s program in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology


    Examiner for the course “Laboratory animal science, behavior and metabolism”, 7.5HP (4FF009) in the Master’s program in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology


    Examiner for the course “Applied physiology and pharmacology - research project 1”, 7.5HP (4FF005) in the Master’s program in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology


    Examiner for the course “Applied physiology and pharmacology - research project 2”, 7.5HP (4FF006) in the Master’s program in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology


    Examiner for the course “Degree project in translational physiology and pharmacology”, 30HP (4FF007) in the Master’s program in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology


    Examiner and responsible teacher for the course to PhD students regarding “Mechanisms of Gene Regulation in Metabolism” (#3157). 


    Semester responsible and basic scientific competence responsible for the first semester of the 6-year ̽ѡ program. 


    Director of Studies in Pharmacology 


    Director of Studies in the Master’s program in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology


  • Article: FASEB JOURNAL. 2021;35(12):e22010
    Liu Z; Chaillou T; Santos Alves E; Mader T; Jude B; Ferreira DMS; Hynynen H; Cheng AJ; Jonsson WO; Pironti G; Andersson DC; Kenne E; Ruas JL; Tavi P; Lanner JT
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2021;12(1):5948
    Massart J; Sjogren RJO; Egan B; Garde C; Lindgren M; Gu W; Ferreira DMS; Katayama M; Ruas JL; Barres R; O'Gorman DJ; Zierath JR; Krook A
  • Article: METABOLITES. 2021;11(8):508
    Valente-Silva P; Cervenka I; Ferreira DMS; Correia JC; Edman S; Horwath O; Heng B; Chow S; Jacobs KR; Guillemin GJ; Blomstrand E; Ruas JL
  • Article: BMC BIOLOGY. 2021;19(1):57
    Naia L; Pinho CM; Dentoni G; Liu J; Leal NS; Ferreira DMS; Schreiner B; Filadi R; Fao L; Connolly NMC; Forsell P; Nordvall G; Shimozawa M; Greotti E; Basso E; Theurey P; Gioran A; Joselin A; Arsenian-Henriksson M; Nilsson P; Rego AC; Ruas JL; Park D; Bano D; Pizzo P; Prehn JHM; Ankarcrona M
    Taylor-Weiner H; Grigsby CL; Ferreira DMS; Dias JM; Stevens MM; Ruas JL; Teixeira AI
  • Article: REDOX BIOLOGY. 2020;28:101387
    Peleli M; Ferreira DMS; Tarnawski L; Haworth SM; Xuechen L; Zhuge Z; Newton PT; Massart J; Chagin AS; Olofsson PS; Ruas JL; Weitzberg E; Lundberg JO; Carlstrom M
  • Article: SKELETAL MUSCLE. 2019;9(1):26
    Ferreira DMS; Cheng AJ; Agudelo LZ; Cervenka I; Chaillou T; Correia JC; Porsmyr-Palmertz M; Izadi M; Hansson A; Martinez-Redondo V; Valente-Silva P; Pettersson-Klein AT; Estall JL; Robinson MM; Nair KS; Lanner JT; Ruas JL
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2019;10(1):2767
    Agudelo LZ; Ferreira DMS; Dadyar S; Cervenka I; Ketscher L; Izadi M; Liu Z; Furrer R; Handschin C; Venckunas T; Brazaitis M; Kamandulis S; Lanner JT; Ruas JL
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2018;284(5):519-533
    Dadvar S; Ferreira DMS; Cervenka I; Ruas JL
  • Article: MOLECULAR METABOLISM. 2018;9:28-42
    Pettersson-Klein AT; Izadi M; Ferreira DMS; Cervenka I; Correia JC; Martinez-Redondo V; Southern M; Cameron M; Kamenecka T; Agudelo LZ; Porsmyr-Palmertz M; Martens U; Lundgren B; Otrocka M; Jenmalm-Jensen A; Griffin PR; Ruas JL
  • Article: CELL METABOLISM. 2018;27(2):378-392.e5
    Agudelo LZ; Ferreira DMS; Cervenka I; Bryzgalova G; Dadvar S; Jannig PR; Pettersson-Klein AT; Lakshmikanth T; Sustarsic EG; Porsmyr-Palmertz M; Correia JC; Izadi M; Martinez-Redondo V; Ueland PM; Midttun O; Gerhart-Hines Z; Brodin P; Pereira T; Berggren P-O; Ruas JL
  • Article: MOLECULAR METABOLISM. 2018;7:12-22
    Mills R; Taylor-Weiner H; Correia JC; Agudelo LZ; Allodi I; Kolonelou C; Martinez-Redondo V; Ferreira DMS; Nichterwitz S; Comley LH; Lundin V; Hedlund E; Ruas JL; Teixeira AI
  • Article: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2016;291(29):15169-15184
    Martinez-Redondo V; Jannig PR; Correia JC; Ferreira DMS; Cervenka I; Lindvall JM; Sinha I; Izadi M; Pettersson-Klein AT; Agudelo LZ; Gimenez-Cassina A; Brum PC; Dahlman-Wright K; Ruas JL
  • Article: CELL. 2014;159(1):33-45
    Agudelo LZ; Femenia T; Orhan F; Porsmyr-Palmertz M; Goiny M; Martinez-Redondo V; Correia JC; Izadi M; Bhat M; Schuppe-Koistinen I; Pettersson AT; Ferreira DMS; Krook A; Barres R; Zierath JR; Erhardt S; Lindskog M; Ruas JL
  • Article: MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY. 2014;34(6):1100-1120
    Ferreira DMS; Afonso MB; Rodrigues PM; Simão AL; Pereira DM; Borralho PM; Rodrigues CMP; Castro RE
  • Article: JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY. 2013;58(1):119-125
    Castro RE; Ferreira DMS; Afonso MB; Borralho PM; Machado MV; Cortez-Pinto H; Rodrigues CMP
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2012;7(2):e31738
    Machado MV; Ferreira DMS; Castro RE; Silvestre AR; Evangelista T; Coutinho J; Carepa F; Costa A; Rodrigues CMP; Cortez-Pinto H
  • Article: DIABETOLOGIA. 2011;54(7):1788-1798
    Ferreira DMS; Castro RE; Machado MV; Evangelista T; Silvestre A; Costa A; Coutinho J; Carepa F; Cortez-Pinto H; Rodrigues CMP
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2011;6(8):e23787
    Borralho PM; Simões AES; Gomes SE; Lima RT; Carvalho T; Ferreira DMS; Vasconcelos MH; Castro RE; Rodrigues CMP
    Castro RE; Ferreira DMS; Zhang X; Borralho PM; Sarver AL; Zeng Y; Steer CJ; Kren BT; Rodrigues CMP

All other publications

  • Conference publication: ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA. 2017;219:16-17
    Chaillou T; Hynynen H; Ferreira D; Pironti G; Andersson D; Ruas J; Tavi P; Lanner J
  • Meeting abstract: FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2016;100:S186
    Chaillou T; Hynynen H; Ferreira D; Pironti G; Kenne E; Andersson DC; Ruas JL; Tavi P; Lanner JT
  • Review: TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM. 2015;26(6):305-314
    Correia JC; Ferreira DMS; Ruas JL
  • Corrigendum: CELL. 2015;160(1-2):351
    Agudelo LZ; Femenia T; Orhan F; Porsmyr-Palmertz M; Goiny M; Martinez-Redondo V; Correia JC; Izadi M; Bhat M; Schuppe-Koistinen I; Pettersson A; Ferreira DMS; Krook A; Barres R; Zierath JR; Erhardt S; Lindskog M; Ruas JL
  • Review: FEBS JOURNAL. 2014;281(11):2503-2524
    Ferreira DMS; Simão AL; Rodrigues CMP; Castro RE
  • Review: CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN. 2010;16(25):2851-2864
    Castro RE; Santos MMM; Glória PMC; Ribeiro CJA; Ferreira DMS; Xavier JM; Moreira R; Rodrigues CMP

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