
David Gustav Erik Olsson

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: ALB, Q2:05, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns h盲lsa, K6 Barnendokrinologi Nordenstr枚m, 171 77 Stockholm


  • Article: JIMD REPORTS. 2022;63(2):181-190
    Olsson D; Barbaro M; Haglind C; Halldin M; Lajic S; Tucci S; Zetterstroem RH; Nordenstroem A
  • Article: CTS-CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE. 2022;15(1):182-194
    Stenlid R; Olsson D; Cen J; Manell H; Haglind C; Chowdhury AI; Bergsten P; Nordenstrom A; Halldin M
  • Article: ACTA PAEDIATRICA. 2016;105(12):1451-1460
    Fahnehjelm KT; Liu Y; Olsson D; Amren U; Haglind CB; Holmstrom G; Halldin M; Andreasson S; Nordenstrom A

All other publications

  • Doctoral thesis: 2024
    Olsson DGE

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