
Daniela Strodthoff

Telephone: +46852487592
Visiting address: Nobels v盲g 15A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: GVS Gemensamt verksamhetsst枚d, GVS FER Grants Office, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • *Coordinator for EU applications at Grants Office. *
    With my background in 探花精选 research (Cardio-Metabolic diseases) and
    extensive administrative skills, I am supporting researchers applying to EU
    collaborative research grants. I enjoy working together with the researcher
    to improve their applications, support them through the jungle of rules and
    regulations and try to find solutions to pave the way for a smooth project
    start when my colleagues at Grants Management Office take over.
    Currently working with:
    - the Horizon Europe program (in particular Pillar 2)
    - Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)
    Past experience:
    - NIH
    - Private US foundations
    - the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) program
    - Horizon 2020
    Building a network with administrative officers from other national and
    international Grants Offices is helpful for my own professional development,
    but will also lead to improve our service at Grants Office and will help to
    facilitate collaborations between universities.
    Part of my work together with my colleagues is therefore to:
    - Organize workshops and seminars to increase the knowledge about funding
    - Contact person for Research Professional, an extensive online database of
    research-funding opportunities, which is free for KI students and employees
    - Organize network events for researcher
    - Participate in EU information and network events
    PhD, Department of Medicine, Solna, 探花精选, 2014
    Diplom (Ms) Biology (Cell and molecular biology, microbiology, toxicology),
    Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, 2006


  • Journal article: PEDIATRIC DIABETES. 2017;18(8):714-721
    Jung C; Lichtenauer M; Strodthoff D; Winkels H; Wernly B; Buerger C; Kamchybekov U; Lutgens E; Figulla H-R; Gerdes N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2017;281(4):383-397
    Gistera A; Hermansson A; Strodthoff D; Klement ML; Hedin U; Fredrikson GN; Nilsson J; Hansson GK; Ketelhuth DFJ
  • Article: DIABETES. 2015;64(10):3425-3438
    Strodthoff D; Ma Z; Wirstrom T; Strawbridge RJ; Ketelhuth DFJ; Engel D; Clarke R; Falkmer S; Hamsten A; Hansson GK; Bjorklund A; Lundberg AM
  • Journal article: PEDIATRIC OBESITY. 2013;8(5):385-391
    Fujita B; Strodthoff D; Fritzenwanger M; Pfeil A; Ferrari M; Goebel B; Figulla HR; Gerdes N; Jung C
    Strodthoff D; Lundberg AM; Agardh HE; Ketelhuth DFJ; Paulsson-Berne G; Arner P; Hansson GK; Gerdes N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION. 2013;123(3):1323-1334
    Klingenberg R; Gerdes N; Badeau RM; Gistera A; Strodthoff D; Ketelhuth DFJ; Lundberg AM; Rudling M; Nilsson SK; Olivecrona G; Zoller S; Lohmann C; Luescher TF; Jauhiainen M; Sparwasser T; Hansson GK
  • Article: IMMUNOBIOLOGY. 2012;217(5):540-547
    Klingenberg R; Ketelhuth DFJ; Strodthoff D; Gregori S; Hansson GK
  • Article: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE. 2010;207(5):1081-1093
    Hermansson A; Ketelhuth DFJ; Strodthoff D; Wurm M; Hansson EM; Nicoletti A; Paulsson-Berne G; Hansson GK
    Klingenberg R; Lebens M; Hermansson A; Fredrikson GN; Strodthoff D; Rudling M; Ketelhuth DFJ; Gerdes N; Holmgren J; Nilsson J; Hansson GK
  • Article: CIRCULATION RESEARCH. 2009;104(8):961-968
    Sultan A; Strodthoff D; Robertson A-K; Paulsson-Berne G; Fauconnier J; Parini P; Ryden M; Thierry-Mieg N; Johansson ME; Chibalin AV; Zierath JR; Arner P; Hansson GK

All other publications

  • Doctoral thesis: 2013
    Strodthoff D
  • Conference publication: ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS. 2011;12(1):33
    Strodthoff D; Agardh HE; Lundberg AM; Paulsson-Berne G; Hansson GK; Gerdes N
  • Meeting abstract: ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS. 2011;12(1):80
    Klingenberg R; Gerdes N; Badeau RM; Ketelhuth D; Rudling M; Strodthoff D; Nilsson SK; Oorni K; Jauhiainen M; Lohmann C; Luescher T; Lahl K; Sparwasser T; Hansson GK
  • Conference publication: EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. 2011;32:4
    Klingenberg R; Ketelhuth DFJ; Strodthoff D; Gregori S; Hansson GK


  • Coordinator, Central Administration, 探花精选, 2025-
  • Coordinator, Professional Services, 探花精选, 2024-

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Medicine, Solna, 探花精选, 2014

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