
Cecilia G枚therstr枚m

Cecilia G枚therstr枚m

Principal Researcher | Docent
Telephone: +46852483395
Visiting address: H盲lsov盲gen, Enheten f枚r obstetrik och gynekologi K65, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLINTEC Obstetrik o gynekologi, 141 52 Huddinge

About me

  • My goal is to develop cell therapies that will have an impact on the health
    of persons with severe disorders. An evidence of this is that I have brought
    a cell therapy from the bench to the bedside.
    I am driven by challenges, which has led me to initiate, lead and
    successfully fulfill several complex projects and educations in the field of
    regenerative medicine in the academia, the health care sector and in the
    industry. My motto in life and work is courage and passion, courage for
    daring to discover new paths, and passion, which is to always go the extra
    * Established and lead Sweden鈥檚 altruistic Umbilical Cord Blood Bank at
    Karolinska University Hospital 2010-2016.
    * Secured > 73 million SEK as main Principle Investigator & > 30 million
    SEK as co-Principle Investigator.
    * Established an approved GMP-production of mesenchymal stem cells.
    * Initiated and lead the European Horizon 2020 BOOSTB4 project and clinical
    * Established two approved and ongoing clinical trials investigating MSC
    transplantation as a treatment of brittle bone disease (Osteogenesis
    Imperfecta) in children.
    * Initiated the first clinical trial on prenatal stem cell transplantation
    in the world.
    *Associate Professor (Docent) 2014, 探花精选, Stockholm,
    Subject: Stem Cell Science
    *PhD 2004, 探花精选, Stockholm, Sweden.*
    Subject: Allogeneic stem cell transplantation & transplantation research
    Thesis: Characterization of human fetal mesenchymal stem cells
    *MSc 2001, S枚dert枚rns University College, Stockholm, Sweden.*
    Subject: Molecular Cell Biology
    Degree thesis: Clinical aspects on maternal cells in the fetus


  • Cells derived from the fetal and perinatal tissues have more potential than
    cells derived from adult tissues. Promising candidates for clinical
    translation are mesenchymal stem cells (MSC).
    My interest in these cells is based on their multipotentiality, low
    immunogenicity and tissue repairing effects in combination with a minimal
    oncogeneic risk.
    *1. BOOSTB4 and BOOST2B: Developing MSC as a therapy for Osteogenesis
    In the BOOSTB4 and BOOST2B clinical trials fetal MSC are investigated as a
    therapy for severe types of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (inherited brittle bone
    disease). Previous case studies performed by us at KI have demonstrated a
    potential positive effect. The manufacturing of the MSC is led by Dr
    G枚therstr枚m and is performed at Karolinska Center for Cell Therapy at
    Karolinska University Hospital.
    Boost Brittle Bones Before Birth (*BOOSTB4*) is a European consortium lead
    by Dr G枚therstr枚m. The trial is investigating the safety and efficacy of
    this innovation in the treatment of Osteogenesis Imperfecta in the
    pediatric population. In the project we will also evaluate ethical standards
    and risks, acceptability and stakeholders views and experiences and health
    Four doses of fetal MSC will be administered after birth (group 1,


  • * Director of Studies, Doctoral Program in Regenerative Medicine,
    探花精选 2008-2015.
    * Organizer of 5 doctoral courses and 9 scientific conferences in the
    regenerative medicine field.
    * 250+ hours of teaching on all levels.
    * PhD thesis examiner >10 times, halftime examiner 6 times, and defence
    chair 5 times.
    * Main supervisor for 2 graduated PhD students 2018, and co-supervisor for 3
    PhD students 2009-2014.
    * Supervisor of >10 Master, Bachelor, foreign exchange and summer project
    students 2005-2023.


  • Article: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 2024;34(35):2303622
    Arndt T; Chatterjee U; Shilkova O; Francis J; Lundkvist J; Johansson D; Schmuck B; Greco G; Nordberg AE; Li Y; Wahlberg LU; Langton M; Johansson J; Goetherstroem C; Rising A
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2024;14(6):e079767
    Sagar RL; Astrom E; Chitty LS; Crowe B; David AL; Devile C; Forsmark A; Franzen V; Hermeren G; Hill M; Johansson M; Lindemans C; Lindgren P; Nijhuis W; Oepkes D; Rehberg M; Sahlin N-E; Sakkers R; Semler O; Sundin M; Walther-Jallow L; Verweij EJTJ; Westgren M; Goetherstrom C
  • Article: STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY. 2024;15(1):77
    Gencer EB; Lor YK; Abomaray F; El Andaloussi S; Pernemalm M; Sharma N; Hagey DW; Gorgens A; Gustafsson MO; Le Blanc K; Toonsi MA; Walther-Jallow L; Goetherstrom C
  • Article: LANCET CHILD & ADOLESCENT HEALTH. 2022;6(9):643-653
    de Coppi P; Loukogeorgakis S; Gotherstrom C; David AL; Aimeida-Poradaierry G; Chan JKY; Deprest J; Wong KKY; Tam PKH
  • Article: ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD. 2022;107(4):351-358
    Larsson SM; Hellstrom-Westas L; Hillarp A; Akeson PK; Domellof M; Askelof U; Gotherstrom C; Andersson O
  • Article: DISABILITY AND HEALTH JOURNAL. 2022;15(1):101168
    Hill M; Hammond J; Sharmin M; Lewis C; Heath M; Crowe B; Gotherstrom C; Chitty LS; DeVile C
  • Article: CLINICAL OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. 2021;64(4):898-903
    Gotherstrom C; David AL; Walther-Jallow L; Astrom E; Westgren M
  • Article: CELLS. 2021;10(7):1713
    Lin C; Ekblad-Nordberg A; Michaelsson J; Gotherstrom C; Hsu C-C; Ye H; Johansson J; Rising A; Sundstrom E; Akesson E
    Larsson SM; Hillarp A; Karlsland akeson P; Hellstrom-Westas L; Domellof M; Askelof U; Gotherstrom C; Andersson O
    Abomaray F; Wagner AK; Chrobok M; Ekblad-Nordberg A; Gidlof S; Alici E; Gotherstrom C
  • Article: MOLECULAR THERAPY. 2020;28(11):2316-2319
    Sagar R; Almeida-Porada G; Blakemore K; Chan JKY; Choolani M; Gotherstrom C; Jaulent A; MacKenzie TC; Mattar C; Porada CD; Peranteau WH; Schneider H; Shaw SW; Waddington SN; Westgren M; David AL
    Chamorro CI; Asghar M; Ekblad A; Farnert A; Gotherstrom C; Fossum M
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 2019;27(8):1244-1253
    Hill M; Lewis C; Riddington M; Crowe B; DeVile C; David AL; Semler O; Westgren M; Gotherstrom C; Chitty LS
    Sagar R; Gotherstrom C; David AL; Westgren M
  • Article: CELL TRANSPLANTATION. 2019;28(5):522-528
    Kanold AMJ; Westgren M; Gotherstrom C
    Ekblad A; Westgren M; Fossum M; Goetherstroem C
  • Article: STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL. 2018;2018:7318513-12
    Abomaray F; Gidlof S; Bezubik B; Engman M; Gotherstrom C
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2017;7(12):e017215
    Askelof U; Andersson O; Domellof M; Fasth A; Hallberg B; Hellstrom-Westas L; Pettersson K; Westgren M; Wiklund IE; Gotherstrom C
  • Article: ELIFE. 2017;6:e26787
    Groen CM; Mcgrath C; Campbell KA; Gotherstrom C; Windebank AJ; Landazuri N
  • Article: STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL. 2017;2017:1626741-10
    Ekblad A; Fossum M; Gotherstrom C
  • Article: STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL. 2017;2017:3215962-13
    Abomaray F; Gidlof S; Gotherstrom C
    Gotherstrom C
  • Article: STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT. 2015;24(12):1405-1414
    Ekblad A; Qian H; Westgren M; Le Blanc K; Fossum M; Gotherstrom C
  • Article: CELL AND TISSUE BANKING. 2015;16(2):181-193
    Al-Saqi SH; Saliem M; Quezada HC; Ekblad A; Jonasson AF; Hovatta O; Gotherstrom C
  • Article: BIO-MEDICAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING. 2015;25(1):39-52
    Sundberg J; Gotherstrom C; Gatenholm P
  • Article: JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 2014;11(96):20140233
    Zhao J; Zeiai S; Ekblad A; Nordenskjold A; Hilborn J; Gotherstrom C; Fossum M
  • Article: CYTOTHERAPY. 2014;16(7):915-926
    Al-Saqi SH; Saliem M; Asikainen S; Quezada HC; Ekslad A; Hovatta O; Le Blanc K; Jonasson AF; Gotherstrom C
  • Article: STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 2014;3(2):255-264
    Gotherstrom C; Westgren M; Shaw SWS; Astrom E; Biswas A; Byers PH; Mattar CNZ; Graham GE; Taslimi J; Ewald U; Fisk NM; Yeoh AEJ; Lin J-L; Cheng P-J; Choolani M; Le Blanc K; Chan JKY
  • Article: STEM CELL RESEARCH. 2013;10(3):325-337
    Liu J; Gotherstrom C; Forsberg M; Samuelsson E-B; Wu J; Calzarossa C; Hovatta O; Sundstrom E; Akesson E
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2013;8(9):e74534
    Kanold AMJ; Svenungsson E; Gunnarsson I; Gotherstrom C; Padyukov L; Papadogiannakis N; Uzunel M; Westgren M
  • Article: STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT. 2012;21(9):1478-1487
    Davies LC; Lonnies H; Locke M; Sundberg B; Rosendahl K; Gotherstrom C; Le Blanc K; Stephens P
  • Article: PLACENTA. 2011;32(0 4):S285-S290
    Parolini O; Alviano F; Betz AG; Bianchi DW; Gotherstrom C; Manuelpillai U; Mellor AL; Ofir R; Ponsaerts P; Scherjon SA; Weiss ML; Wolbank S; Wood KJ; Borlongan CV
  • Article: CYTOTHERAPY. 2011;13(3):269-278
    Gotherstrom C; Lundqvist A; Duprez IR; Childs R; Berg L; le Blanc K
  • Article: MOLECULAR HUMAN REPRODUCTION. 2010;16(7):472-480
    Gotherstrom C; Chan J; O'Donoghue K; Fisk NM
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. 2008;198(3):325.e1-325.e6
    Jonsson AM; Uzunel M; Gotherstrom C; Papadogiannakis N; Westgren M
  • Article: CYTOTHERAPY. 2008;10(2):174-181
    Ennis J; Gotherstrom C; Le Blanc K; Davies JE
  • Article: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2007;92(9):1208-1215
    Sundin M; Ringden O; Sundberg B; Nava S; Gotherstrom C; Le Blanc K
  • Article: STEM CELLS. 2007;25(4):875-884
    Chan J; Waddington SN; O'Donoghue K; Kurata H; Guillot PV; Gotherstrom C; Themis M; Morgan JE; Fisk NM
  • Article: STEM CELLS. 2007;25(3):646-654
    Guillot PV; Gotherstrom C; Chan J; Kurata H; Fisk NM
  • Article: FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY. 2005;20(5):355-358
    G枚therstr枚m C; Johnsson AM; Mattsson J; Papadogiannakis N; Westgren M
  • Article: EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH. 2005;308(2):283-290
    Dicker A; Le Blanc K; 脜str枚m G; van Harmelen V; G枚therstr枚m C; Blomqvist L; Arner P; Ryd茅n M
  • Article: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2005;90(8):1017-1026
    Gotherstrom C; West A; Liden J; Uzunel M; Lahesmaa R; Le Blanc K
  • Article: TRANSPLANTATION. 2005;79(11):1607-1614
    Le Blanc K; G枚therstr枚m C; Ringd茅n O; Hassan M; McMahon R; Horwitz E; Anneren G; Axelsson O; Nunn J; Ewald U; Nord茅n-Lindeberg S; Jansson M; Dalton A; 脜str枚m E; Westgren M
  • Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2005;65(6):2207-2215
    Cronwright G; Le Blanc K; G枚therstr枚m C; Darcy P; Ehnman M; Brodin B
  • Article: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2004;60(3):307-315
    Le Blanc K; Rasmusson I; G枚therstr枚m C; Seidel C; Sundberg B; Sundin M; Rosendahl K; Tammik C; Ringd茅n O
  • Article: LANCET. 2004;363(9419):1439-1441
    Le Blanc K; Rasmusson I; Sundberg B; G枚therstr枚m C; Hassan M; Uzunel M; Ringd茅n O
    G枚therstr枚m C; Ringd茅n O; Tammik C; Zetterberg E; Westgren M; Le Blanc K
    Ryd茅n M; Dicker A; G枚therstr枚m C; 脜str枚m G; Tammik C; Arner P; Le Blanc K
  • Article: BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION. 2003;32(3):265-272
    G枚therstr枚m C; Ringd茅n O; Westgren M; Tammik C; Le Blanc K
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Review: PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS. 2023;43(13):1622-1637
    Sagar RL; Walther-Jallow L; Gotherstrom C; Westgren M; David AL
  • Editorial comment: CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 2021;11(4):e385
    Ramesh S; Daniel D; Gotherstrom C; Madhuri V
  • Review: CURRENT OSTEOPOROSIS REPORTS. 2020;18(4):337-343
    Gotherstrom C; Walther-Jallow L
  • Review: STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 2020;9(2):148-157
    Ekblad-Nordberg A; Walther-Jallow L; Westgren M; Gotherstrom C
  • Review: DISABILITY AND HEALTH JOURNAL. 2019;12(3):340-349
    Hill M; Lewis C; Riddington M; Crowe B; DeVile C; Gotherstrom C; Chitty L
  • Corrigendum: CELL AND TISSUE BANKING. 2019;20(2):329-330
    Al-Saqi SH; Saliem M; Quezada HC; Ekblad A; Jonasson AF; Hovatta O; Gotherstrom C
  • Review: CURRENT STEM CELL REPORTS. 2018;4(1):61-68
    Sagar R; Walther-Jallow L; David AL; Gotherstrom C; Westgren M
  • Review: PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS. 2015;35(9):827-832
    Westgren M; Gotherstrom C
  • Review: FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY. 2014;5:223
    Chan JKY; Gotherstrom C
  • Published conference paper: TRANSPLANTATION. 2007;84(1):S35-S37
    Gotherstrom C
  • Meeting abstract: TRANSPLANTATION AND CELLULAR THERAPY. 2007;13(2):47
    Ringden O; Uzunel M; Sundberg B; Lonnies L; Nava S; Gotherstrom C; Gustafsson J; Henningsohn L; Le Blanc K
  • Doctoral thesis: 2004
    G枚therstr枚m, Cecilia


  • Principal Researcher, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, 探花精选, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, 探花精选, 2014
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Laboratory Medicine, 探花精选, 2004

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