Caroline Wachtler
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Allmänmedicin och primärvård, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- My clinical work as a specialist in general practice in primary care
(Stuvsta Primary care Center AB since 2009) informs my choice to do research
- multimorbidity is the norm but healthcare today is often designed for one
condition at a time, causing a problematic gap between research and
practice. I have a special interest in the interaction between mental
wellbeing and physical health.
* Research Travel Grant 2013 Swedish Society of Medicine
* The Hennerlofska Fund 2004 Swedish Society of Medicine
* NYU Scholars Award, Deans List of Honors 1999 New York University,
School of Arts and Sciences, New York, NY USA
* Graduated magna cum laude 1999 New York University, School of Arts and
Sciences, New York, NY USA
*Doctor of Philosophy *2006
The University of Lund (Sweden), Faculty of Medicine
Thesis title: Cultural Discord in a Medical Context: A Challenge for
Physicians. Supervisor: Dr Margareta Troein
*Doctor of Medicine* 2006
University of Lund, Sweden, Faculty of Medicine
*Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology)*1999
New York University, School of Arts and Sciences, New York, NY USA
• Graduated magna cum laude
• NYU Scholars Award, Deans List of Honors
- My primary care research aims to understand and improve the health of
individuals with multiple chronic conditions in primary care from a
patient-centered perspective. I apply both qualitative and quantitative
methodologies in my work and strive to do research that has a practical
clinical application that is meaningful and useful for the people affected by
it. During my post-doctoral fellowship, I led the user-centred design of a
complex intervention for a new model of depression care in primary care,
using the Medical Research Council framework as a guide. This intervention
has now been tested in a trial for which I contributed to design. My
continuing research here in Sweden includes the current development and
piloting of an intervention to improve wellbeing for individuals with
multimorbidity and common mental conditions in primary care. I am also
involved in the design and evaluation of several trials of complex
*Publications of interest*
1) Fletcher S, Chondros P, Densley K, Murray E, Dowrick C, Coe A, Hegarty K,
Davidson S, *Wachtler C*, Mihalopoulos C, Lee Y, Chatterton M, Palmer VJ.
PhD, Gunn J. Matching depression management to severity prognosis in
primary care: Results of the Target-D randomised controlled trial.
British Journal of General Practice. 11 January 2021.*
2) Fernholm R, *Wachtler C, *Malm-Willadsen K, * *Holzmann MJ, Carlsson AC,
Nilsson GH, Pukk Härenstam K. Validation and initial results of surveys
exploring perspectives on risks and solutions for diagnostic and
medication errors in primary care in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of
Primary Health Care, DOI: 10.1080/02813432.2020.1841531 [1].
3) Rajan G, *Wachtler C*, Lee S, Wändell P, Philips B, Wahlström L, Carl
Göran Svedin CG, Carlsson AC. A one session treatment of PTSD after
single sexual assault trauma. A pilot study of the WONSA MLI project: a
randomized controlled trial. J Interpers Violence. 2020.
DOI: 10.1177/0886260520965973 [2]
4) Forslund T, Carlsson AC, Ljunggren G, Ärnlöv J, *Wachtler C*. Patterns
of multimorbidity and pharmacotherapy: A total population
cross-sectional study. Fam Pract. 2020. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmaa056.
5) Fernholm R, Holzmann MJ, *Wachtler C, *Szulkin R, Carlsson AC, Pukk
Härenstam K. Patient-related factors associated with an increased risk
of being a reported case of preventable harm in first-line health care: a
case-control study. BMC Fam Pract 21, 20 (2020).
6) Fernholm R, Holzmann MJ, Malm-Willadsen K, Pukk Härenstam K, Carlsson
AC, Nilsson GH, *Wachtler C.* Patient and provider perspectives on
reducing risk of harm in primary health care: a qualitative questionnaire
study in Sweden, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2020 DOI:
7) Fernholm R, Pukk Härenstam K, *Wachtler C*, Nilsson GH, Holzmann MJ,
Carlsson AC. Diagnostic errors reported in primary healthcare and
emergency departments: A retrospective and descriptive cohort study of
4830 reported cases of preventable harm in Sweden. [4] Eur J Gen Pract.
2019 Jul;25(3):128-135. doi: 10.1080/13814788.2019.1625886. Epub 2019 Jul
8) Ruge T, Malmer G, *Wachtler C*, Ekelund U, Westerlund E, Svensson P,
Carlsson Age is associated with increased mortality in the RETTS-A triage
scale. [5] AC.BMC Geriatr. 2019 May 23;19(1):139. doi:
10.1186/s12877-019-1157-4. PMID: 31122186.
9) *Wachtler C*, Coe A, Davidson S, Fletcher S, Mendoza A, Sterling L, Gunn
J. Development of a Mobile Clinical Prediction Tool to Estimate Future
Depression Severity and Guide Treatment in Primary Care: User-Centered
Design. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(4):e95. URL:
[6]; DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.9502; PMID:
10) Gunn J, *Wachtler C*, Fletcher S, et al. Target-D: a stratified
individually randomized controlled trial of the /diamond/ clinical
prediction tool to triage and target treatment for depressive symptoms
in general practice: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
/Trials/. 2017;18:342. doi:10.1186/s13063-017-2089-y.
11) Davidson S, Harris M, Dowrick C, *Wachtler C*, Pirkis J, Gunn J. Mental
health interventions and future major depression among primary care
patients with subthreshold depression. J of Affective Disorders. 2015
May 15; 177:65. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2015.02.014 [7]
12) Liberg B, Klauser P, Harding IH, Adler M, Rahm C, Lundberg J, Masterman
T, *Wachtler C*, Jonsson T, Kristoffersen-Wiberg M, Pantelis C, Wahlund
B. Functional and structural alterations in the cingulate motor area
relate to decreased fronto-striatal coupling in major depressive
disorder with psychomotor disturbances. [8] Front Psychiatry. 2014 Dec
4;5:176. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00176. eCollection 2014.
13) Kristiansson MH, Brorsson A, *Wachtler C*, Troein M. Pain, power and
patience-a narrative study of general practitioners' relations with
chronic pain patients. [9] BMC Fam Pract. 2011 May 15;12:31. doi:
14) Hök J, *Wachtler C*, Falkenberg T, Tishelman C. Using narrative
analysis to understand the combined use of complementary therapies and
bio-̽ѡly oriented health care. [10] Soc Sci Med. 2007
Oct;65(8):1642-53. Epub 2007 Jul 9.
15) *Wachtler C*, Lundin S, Troein M. Humanities for ̽ѡ students? A
qualitative study of a ̽ѡ humanities curriculum in a ̽ѡ school
program. BMC Medical Education 2006 Mar 6;6:16.
16) *Wachtler C*, Brorsson A, Troein M. Meeting and treating cultural
difference in primary care: a qualitative interview study. Fam Pract.
Feb 2006; 23: 111-115.
17) *Wachtler C*, Troein M. A hidden curriculum: mapping cultural competency
in a ̽ѡ program. Med Educ. 2003;37:861-868.
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[10] blank
- *Teaching*
I currently teach for 50% of my full-time position. I have over 450 hours of
teaching hours not including planning, implementation and evaluation, with
more than 50% percent of those being teaching hours at KIs Medical Program at
the undergraduate level. During the past 2 years I have spent more than 1000
hours involved in teaching or teaching related activities. I have had course
leadership responsibility for the current introductory course to KIs ̽ѡ
program, Upptakt: Introduktion till läkaryrket (2LK153, 6hp), since April
2018. In this role, I was responsible for the course curriculum design and
development, examination design and development, and course evaluation.
*Supervision *
* Dr. Caroline Kappelin, PhD student.
* Dr Märta Kron 2020 VESTA Videobesök: Allmänläkares attityder och
erfarenheter (Video consultatations: experiences and attitudes of primary
care physicians.)
* Dr. Karolina Lundberg 2020 VESTA Kartläggning av förskrivning av
Zopiklon och Zolpidem på Stuvsta vårdcentral under 2018 (Mapping
preciptions of Zolpiklon och Zolpidem at Stuvsta Primary Care Center 2018)
* Dr. Magnus Scheele 2019 VESTA Finns det fördelar med telefontriagering i
primärvården? (Is telephone triage positive for primary care?)
* Dr. Emma Hanfot, 2018 VESTA Process evaluation of the Lifespan Integration
for sexual trauma treatment study
* Dr. Malin Ellner 2018 VESTA Förbättrar vegansk kost HbA1c hos patienter
med typ 2 diabetes? En systematisk litteraturgenomgång. (Does a vegan
diet improve Hb1AC for patients with type 2 diabetes? A systematic
* Dr.Frida Emilsson, 2018 VESTA Continuity for the elderly in primary care:
effects on emergency and in-patient health care use and health.
* Ms. Sanjana Kumar 2017 Masters in Global Health, Karolinska institutet.
“Art is an injection that cures us”-The perception of art based
interventions for patients with severe mental illness at community mental
health centers in Southern India
* Dr. Eric Norlander 2017 VESTA Farmakologisk behandling av patienter med
kronisk hjärtsvikt på Ekerö Vårdcentral. (Pharmacological treatment of
patients with chronic heart failure at Ekerö Primary Care Center)
* Dr Peter Olszamowski 2016 VESTA "Finns det evidens för att lokal
kortisoninjektion är den bästa behandlingsmetoden, avseende smärta och
rörlighet, vid adhesiv kapsulit? En litteraturgenomgång av
översiktsartiklar" Main supervisor.
* Dr Maria Gavelin 2016 VESTA "Gynnsamt samarbete? Några
öppenvårdsgynekologers syn på samarbetet med primärvården i
Stockholmsregionen." Main supervisor.
* Ms Bridget Fernando 2014-2015 Scholarly Selective “Between a rock and a
hard place”: Management of Hazara refugee mental health in General
Practice. Co-supervisor with Dr Phyllis Lau
* Ms Sahema Saberi 2014 Honours degree Understanding primary mental
health care access and utilisation among young Hazara refugees living in
Melbourne Co-supervisor with Dr. Phyllis Lau
- Article: JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 2024;351:765-773
- Article: ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY. 2023;15(1):161
- Article: BMC PRIMARY CARE. 2023;24(1):104
- Article: JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE. 2022;37(9-10):NP6582-NP6603
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2022;17(5):e0268948
- Article: AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH. 2021;27(6):450-455
- Article: NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2021;75(5):370-377
- Article: FAMILY PRACTICE. 2021;38(2):132-140
- Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE. 2021;71(703):e85-e94
- Article: BMC FAMILY PRACTICE. 2020;21(1):20
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE. 2019;25(3):128-135
- Article: BMC GERIATRICS. 2019;19(1):139
- Article: JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH. 2018;6(4):e95
- Article: TRIALS. 2017;18(1):342
- Article: JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 2015;177:65-73
- Article: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY. 2014;5:176
- Article: BMC FAMILY PRACTICE. 2011;12:31
- Article: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2007;65(8):1642-1653
- Article: BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2006;6:16
- Article: FAMILY PRACTICE. 2006;23(1):111-115
- Article: MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2003;37(10):861-868
- Article: MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY. 2001;40(1):37-51
- Article: MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY. 2001;39(3):542-552
- Article: MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY. 1999;33(4):693-703
- Show more
All other publications
- Review: FAMILY PRACTICE. 2022;39(4):725-734
- Published conference paper: JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2001;183 Suppl 1:S61-S65
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, ̽ѡ, 2023-2024
Degrees and Education
- Docent, ̽ѡ, 2023