
Behzad Iravani

Behzad Iravani

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Nobels väg 9, D3, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Fransson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a dedicated research scientist affiliated with the Laboratory for Large-Scale Network Connectivity in the Human Brain at the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡. My passion lies in the exploration of ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ devices, utilizing various clinical experiments and analytical tools to make a positive impact on healthcare.


  • Ph.D. in Medicine - Clinical Neuroscience 

  • M.Sc. in Bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ - Bioelectric Engineering
    B.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering


  • I have developed a non-invasive method, the so-called electrobulbogram (EBG), to record from a human olfactory bulb (OB). In this method, we placed 4 active electrodes on the forehead of individuals following the outline of their eyebrows. Assessing the spectrogram reveals that EBG can detect the characteristics of gamma oscillations of OB. We have further validated this method in several experiments. Non-invasive recording from the human olfactory bulb [1].

    Our EBG method has shown promising results where we could demonstrate that odor valence processing during the first sniff in humans is a sequential process consisting of early and late processes. The oscillatory behavior of these processes is different, and so does their functional role. Specifically, we indicated that the early process cues avoidance motor response in humans. The human olfactory bulb processes odor valence representation and cues motor avoidance behavior [2].

    Moreover, using EBG we further demonstrated that the odor identity can be deciphered from the connectivity between OB and piriform cortex (PC) as early as 100ms post odor onset. We also found that the oscillation in the OB-PC connectivity evolves from fast gamma oscillations to slower theta oscillations during late time points. Additionally, the afferent and efferent connections of OB-PC are found to operate in gamma/beta and delta/theta respectively. Odor identity can be extracted from the reciprocal connectivity between the olfactory bulb and the piriform cortex in humans [3].
    Given that OB is the first area of insult in Parkinson's disease (PD),  

  • measuring the OB function seems to be a relevant candidate for early
    diagnosis of PD. Yet there was no non-invasive method to measure OB function in humans until we developed EBG. Using EBG we demonstrated that the differences in the oscillator olfactory processes during the first sniff can dissociate PD patients from age-matched healthy controls with sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 100%, values comparable to clinical odor identification tests. Consequently, this finding puts EBG as a potentially best method for early diagnosis of PD that has to be validated in future works. A non-invasive olfactory bulb measure dissociates Parkinson's patients from healthy controls and discloses disease duration [4].


  • Journal article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2024;14(1):16682
    Kaboodvand N; Karimi H; Iravani B
  • Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2024;44(11):e1634232024
    Iravani B; Kaboodvand N; Stieger JR; Liang EY; Lusk Z; Fransson P; Deutsch GK; Gotlib IH; Parvizi J
  • Article: BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 2024;187:108770
    Iravani B; Frasnelli J; Arshamian A; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 2023;19(3):e1010958
    Kaboodvand N; Iravani B; van den Heuvel M; Persson J; Boden R
  • Article: BRAIN AND LANGUAGE. 2022;235:105200
    Speed LJ; Iravani B; Lundstrom JN; Majid A
  • Article: COMMUNICATIONS MEDICINE. 2022;2(1):34
    Snitz K; Honigstein D; Weissgross R; Ravia A; Mishor E; Perl O; Karagach S; Medhanie A; Harel N; Shushan S; Roth Y; Iravani B; Arshamian A; Ernst G; Okamoto M; Poo C; Bonacchi N; Mainen Z; Monteleone E; Dinnella C; Spinelli S; Marino-Sanchez F; Ferdenzi C; Smeets M; Touhara K; Bensafi M; Hummel T; Lundstrom JN; Sobel N
  • Article: NEUROIMAGE: CLINICAL. 2022;36:103266
    Shabanpour M; Kaboodvand N; Iravani B
  • Article: CHEMICAL SENSES. 2022;47:bjac022
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Lundstrom JN
    Iravani B; Schaefer M; Wilson DA; Arshamian A; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: NPJ PARKINSON'S DISEASE. 2021;7(1):75
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Schaefer M; Svenningsson P; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: NEUROIMAGE. 2021;237:118130
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Lundqvist M; Kay LM; Wilson DA; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2021;11(1):16422
    Iravani B; Peter MG; Arshamian A; Olsson MJ; Hummel T; Kitzler HH; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: NEUROIMAGE. 2021;231:117844
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Fransson P; Kaboodvand N
  • Article: I-PERCEPTION. 2021;12(1):2041669520983339
    Schaefer M; Iravani B; Arshamian A; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: JOURNAL OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE. 2020;10(4):1587-1600
    Tremblay C; Iravani B; Lafontaine EA; Steffener J; Fischmeister FPS; Lundstrom JN; Frasnelli J
  • Journal article: CHEMICAL SENSES. 2020;45(6):491-492
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Ravia A; Mishor E; Snitz K; Shushan S; Roth Y; Perl O; Honigstein D; Weissgross R; Karagach S; Ernst G; Okamoto M; Mainen Z; Monteleone E; Dinnella C; Spinelli S; Marino-Sanchez F; Ferdenzi C; Smeets M; Touhara K; Bensafi M; Hummel T; Sobel N; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: CHEMICAL SENSES. 2020;45(6):bjaa034-456
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Ravia A; Mishor E; Snitz K; Shushan S; Roth Y; Perl O; Honigstein D; Weissgross R; Karagach S; Ernst G; Okamoto M; Mainen Z; Monteleone E; Dinnella C; Spinelli S; Marino-Sanchez F; Ferdenzi C; Smeets M; Touhara K; Bensafi M; Hummel T; Sobel N; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: NEUROIMAGE. 2020;207:116347
    Kaboodvand N; Iravani B; Fransson P
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2020;11(1):648
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Ohla K; Wilson DA; Lundstrom JN
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019;9(1):10113
    Hedblom M; Gunnarsson B; Iravani B; Knez I; Schaefer M; Thorsson P; Lundstrom JN
  • Journal article: BRAIN STIMULATION. 2019;12(2):590
    Kaboodvand N; Iravani B; Fransson P
  • Journal article: BRAIN STIMULATION. 2019;12(2):590
    Iravani B; Kaboodvand N; Arshamian A
  • Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2018;38(48):10286-10294
    Arshamian A; Iravani B; Majid A; Lundstrom JN
    Iravani B; Towhidkhah F; Roghani M
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023
    Nordén F; Iravani B; Schaefer M; Winter A; Lundqvist M; Lundqvist M; Arshamian A; Lundström J
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023
    Iravani B; Frasnelli J; Arshamian A; Lundström J
  • Letter: NPJ PARKINSON'S DISEASE. 2023;9(1):95
    Arshamian A; Iravani B; Lundstrom JN
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023
    Thunell E; Peter M; Iravani B; Porada D; Prenner K; Darki F; Lundström J
  • Conference publication: CHEMICAL SENSES. 2023;48
    Norden F; Iravani B; Schaefer M; Arshamian A; Lundqvist M; Lundstrom J
  • Conference publication: CHEMICAL SENSES. 2023;48
    Norden FJ; Iravani B; Schaefer M; Arshamian A; Lundstrom JN
  • Editorial comment: NPJ PARKINSON'S DISEASE. 2022;8(1):152
    Arshamian A; Iravani B; Lundstrom JN
  • Preprint: MEDRXIV. 2022
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Lundström J
    Speed L; Iravani B; Lundström JN; Majid A
    Shabanpour M; Kaboodvand N; Iravani B
  • Thesis / dissertation: 2021
    Iravani, Behzad
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2021
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Lundqvist M; Kay L; Wilson D; Lundström J
  • Preprint: MEDRXIV. 2021
    Snitz K; Honigstein D; Weissgross R; Ravia A; Mishor E; Perl O; Karagach S; Medhanie A; Harel N; Shushan S; Roth Y; Iravani B; Arshamian A; Ernst G; Okamoto M; Poo C; Bonacchi N; Mainen Z; Monteleone E; Dinnella C; Spinelli S; Mariño-Sánchez F; Ferdenzi C; Smeets M; Touhara K; Bensafi M; Hummel T; Lundström J; Sobel N
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2021
    Iravani B; Schaefer M; Wilson D; Arshamian A; Lundström J
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2021
    Iravani B; Peter M; Arshamian A; Olsson M; Hummel T; Kitzler H; Lundström J
  • Preprint: MEDRXIV. 2020
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Ravia A; Mishor E; Snitz K; Shushan S; Roth Y; Perl O; Honigstein D; Weissgross R; Karagach S; Ernst G; Okamoto M; Mainen Z; Monteleone E; Dinnella C; Spinelli S; Mariño-Sánchez F; Ferdenzi C; Smeets M; Touhara K; Bensafi M; Hummel T; Sobel N; Lundström J
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2020
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Fransson P; Kaboodvand N
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2019
    Kaboodvand N; Iravani B; Fransson P
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2019
    Iravani B; Arshamian A; Ohla K; Wilson D; Lundström J


  • Swedish Research Council
    1 January 2022 - 31 August 2024


  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2024-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2021

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