
Alexandra Circiumaru

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: D2:01, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Reuma Malmström V Bence R, 171 77 Stockholm


  • Article: RHEUMATOLOGY. 2024;63(11):3164-3171
    Circiumaru A; Kisten Y; Hansson M; Mathsson-Alm L; Joshua V; Waehaemaa H; Loberg Haarhaus M; Lindqvist J; Padyukov L; Catrina S-B; Fei G; Vivar N; Rezaei H; af Klint E; Antovic A; Rethi B; Catrina AI; Hensvold A
  • Article: BIOMOLECULES. 2023;13(4):630
    Circiumaru A; Afonso MG; Wahamaa H; Krishnamurthy A; Hansson M; Mathsson-Alm L; Keszei M; Stalesen R; Ottosson L; de Vries C; Shelef MA; Malmstrom V; Klareskog L; Catrina AI; Gronwall C; Hensvold A; Rethi B
  • Article: ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY. 2023;75(2):164-170
    Krishnamurthy A; Circiumaru A; Sun J; Kisten Y; Damberg P; Sakuraba K; Sandor K; Jarvoll P; Zhou T; Malmstrom V; Svensson CI; Hensvold A; Catrina AI; Klareskog L; Rethi B
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE. 2022;9:774945
    Knevel R; Knitza J; Hensvold A; Circiumaru A; Bruce T; Evans S; Maarseveen T; Maurits M; Beaart-van de Voorde L; Simon D; Kleyer A; Johannesson M; Schett G; Huizinga T; Svanteson S; Lindfors A; Klareskog L; Catrina A
  • Article: RMD OPEN. 2021;7(2):e001662
    Chatzidionysiou K; Circiumaru A; Rethi B; Joshua V; Engstrom M; Hensvold A; af Klint E; Catrina A
  • Article: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2019;78(12):1621-1631
    Sun M; Rethi B; Krishnamurthy A; Joshua V; Circiumaru A; Hensvold AH; Ossipova E; Gronwall C; Liu Y; Engstrom M; Catrina SB; Steen J; Malmstrom V; Klareskog L; Svensson C; Ospelt C; Wahamaa H; Catrina AI

All other publications

  • Thesis / dissertation: 2024
    Cîrciumaru, Alexandra
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2020;79:569-570
    Sun M; Rethi B; Krishnamurthy A; Joshua V; Circiumaru A; Engstrom M; Gronwall C; Malmstrom V; Amara K; Klareskog L; Wahamaa H; Catrina A
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2020;79:934-935
    Sakuraba K; Krishnamurthy A; Circiumaru A; Sun M; Joshua V; Engstrom M; Zheng X; Xu C; Amara K; Malmstrom V; Catrina SB; Gronwall C; Rethi B; Catrina A
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2020;79:1247
    Circiumaru A; Kisten Y; Hansson M; Joshua V; Sun M; Rezaei H; Af Klint E; Antovic A; Catrina A; Hensvold A
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2019;78:957
    Sun M; Krishnamurthy A; Circiumaru A; Engstrom M; Steen J; Titcombe P; Malmstrom V; Wahamaa H; Klareskog L; Rethi B; Catrina A
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2019;78:954
    Rethi B; Sun M; Circiumaru A; Krishnamurthy A; Wahamaa H; Ytterberg J; Malmstrom V; Klareskog L; Catrina A
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2019;78:310
    Hensvold A; Kisten Y; Circiumaru A; Hansson M; Sun M; Fei G; Vivar N; Af Klint E; Rezaei H; Klareskog L; Antovic A; Catrina A
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2019;78:1090-1091
    Krishnamurthy A; Kisten Y; Sandor K; Circiumaru A; Wigerblad G; Damberg P; Sakurabas K; Wahamaa H; Jarvolli P; Jimenez Andrade JJ; Malmstrom V; Klareskog L; Svensson C; Rethi B; Catrina A
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2019;78:A75
    Rethi B; Krishnamurthy A; Circiumaru A; Sakurabas K; Joshua V; Sun M; Szu-Ying C; Engstrom M; Wahamaa H; Hensvold A; Smith JE; Catrina AI
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2019;78:A8-A9
    Hensvold AH; Kisten Y; Hansson M; Circiumaru A; Sun M; Fei G; Af Klint E; Rezaei H; Antovic A; Catrina AI
  • Meeting abstract: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2017;76:212
    Circiumaru A; Liu Y; Krishnamurthy A; Mia SM; Joshua V; Engstrom M; Malmstrom V; Sun M; Wahamaa H; Rethi B; Catrina A


  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Medicine, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2024-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Medicine, Solna, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2024

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