
Alessio Crippa

Alessio Crippa

Senior Research Specialist
Telephone: +46852482264
Visiting address: Nobels v盲g 12a, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C8 Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik, C8 MEB Eklund, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a postdoctoral researcher in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB) at 探花精选 (KI). I did all my undergraduate studies in Biostatistics at the University of Milan-Bicocca, a part from a six-semester stint at the Stockholm University where I studied Mathematical Statistics, and a six-semester stint at KI where I wrote my master thesis. I also did my Phd at 探花精选 focusing on the development of novel methods for dose-response meta-analysis, with several applications to lifestyle factors and cancer. During my PhD, I spent three months in Boston at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health under the supervision of Prof. Donna Spiegelman. Since 2018, I work at MEB as postdoctoral researcher, where my research focuses on the design and analysis of modern trials to reduce the prostate cancer mortality by using genetics biomarkers to individualized treatment decision.

    PhD Medical Science, 探花精选, 2018
    MSc Biostatistics and Experimental Statistics, University of Milan-Bicocca 2013
    BSc Statistics and Information Management, University of Milan-Bicocca 2011


  • My research focuses on the development of methodologies within modern platform trials, with the aim of improving a personalized treatment decision for prostate cancer patients. I am the responsible for the statistical analysis plan, as well as the unblinded statistician, in the ProBio platform trial.


    Approximately 30% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer develop lethal metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Although recently approved new drugs are beneficial for many mCRPC patients they carry three serious disadvantages. First, these drugs are all very expensive. Second, the response rates to these drugs are low, ranging between 20-40%. This leads to suboptimal treatment and unnecessary side-effects. Third, there are no predictive treatment markers available in clinical care today, which leads to ineffective trial-and-error in treatment decisions. Our hypothesis is that treatment decisions based on molecular profiling will significantly increase progression free survival compared to current clinical care. The vast majority of CRPC metastasize to the bone, with low success rate in obtaining sufficient material. Therefore, we will sequence circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) consisting of DNA debris from apoptotic cancer being present at high levels in plasma. This hypothesis will be tested in the ProBio trial starting in the end of 2018, a large, nationwide, multicentre randomized study in men with CRPC. ProBio uses an outcome-adaptive randomization trial design, with the goal to learn as rapidly as possible which treatments are effective for which ctDNA biomarker profiles.


  • I have been teaching courses in Biostatistics (Basic Statistics and Advanced Statistics in Epidemiology) in the Master program in Public Health at Karolinska Insitutet. I've also been teaching assistant in different courses in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Introduction to Stata, Biostatistics II) in the Doctoral Program in Epidemiology, as well hold different workshops to introduce the statistical software R to public health researchers at 探花精选 and 探花精选 doctors at Uppsala Hospital. I regularly have seminars teaching statistical concepts survival analysis for students in the Master of Biostatistics and Experimental Statistics at the University of Milan-Bicocca.


    Hammarstrom M; Gabrielson M; Bergqvist J; Lundholm C; Crippa A; Backlund M; Wengstrom Y; Borgquist S; Eliasson E; Eriksson M; Tapia J; Czene K; Hall P
  • Article: NATURE MEDICINE. 2024;30(11):3291-3302
    De Laere B; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Larsson B; Persson M; Johansson S; D'hondt S; Bergstrom R; Chellappa V; Mayrhofer M; Banijamali M; Kotsalaynen A; Schelstraete C; Vanwelkenhuyzen JP; Hjalm-Eriksson M; Pettersson L; Ullen A; Lumen N; Enblad G; Thellenberg Karlsson C; Janes E; Sandzen J; Schatteman P; Vigmostad M; Olsson M; Ghysel C; Sautois B; De Roock W; Van Bruwaene S; Anden M; Verbiene I; De Maeseneer D; Everaert E; Darras J; Aksnessether BY; Luyten D; Strijbos M; Mortezavi A; Oldenburg J; Ost P; Eklund M; Gronberg H; Lindberg J
    Klein T; Breilmann J; Schneider C; Girlanda F; Fiedler I; Dawson S; Crippa A; Priebe S; Barbui C; Becker T; Koesters M
  • Article: BIOSTATISTICS. 2023;25(1):220-236
    Sachs MC; Gabriel EE; Crippa A; Daniels MJ
  • Article: BJU INTERNATIONAL. 2023;132(6):696-704
    Lehner F; Crippa A; Sigg S; Eberli D; Mortezavi A
  • Article: LANCET DIGITAL HEALTH. 2023;5(10):e703-e711
    Dembrower K; Crippa A; Colon E; Eklund M
  • Journal article: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2023;34:s1327
    Gronberg H; Lindberg J; De laere B; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Karlsson CT; Ullen A; Janes E; Mortezavi A; Ost P; Enblad G; Oldenburg J; Sandzen J; Pettersson L; Vigmostad MN; Hjalm-Eriksson ME; Olsson M; Schatteman P; Ghysel C; Eklund M
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2023;129(1):61-71
    Hammarstroem M; Gabrielson M; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Eklund M; Lundholm C; Baecklund M; Wengstroem Y; Borgquist S; Bergqvist J; Eriksson M; Tapia J; Czene K; Hall P
  • Journal article: CRITICAL CARE EXPLORATIONS. 2023;5(6):e0930
    Yang P; Dickert NW; Haczku A; Spainhour C; Auld SC
  • Article: ECLINICALMEDICINE. 2023;58:101889
    I-SPY COVID Consortium
  • Journal article: INVESTIGATIVE UROLOGY. 2023;209(Supplement 4):e997
    Micoli C; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Palsdottir T; Vigneswaran H; Aly M; Adolfsson J; Lindberg J; Wiklund P; Thompson J; Brandberg Y; Clements M; Egevad L; Gr枚nberg H; Nordstr枚m T; Eklund M
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY. 2023;84(2):22r14490
    Sabe M; Pallis K; Solmi M; Crippa A; Sentissi O; Kaiser S
  • Journal article: EUROPEAN UROLOGY. 2023;83:s1266-s1267
    Micoli C; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Vigneswaran H; Palsdottir T; Clements M; Aly M; Adolfsson J; Fredrik W; Wiklund P; James T; Lindberg J; Gronberg H; Egevad L; Nordstrom T; Eklund M
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2022;12(6):e060664
    Files DC; Matthay MA; Calfee CS; Aggarwal NR; Asare AL; Beitler JR; Berger PA; Burnham EL; Cimino G; Coleman MH; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Gandotra S; Gibbs KW; Henderson PT; Ittner CAG; Jauregui A; Khan KT; Koff JL; Lang J; LaRose M; Levitt J; Lu R; McKeehan JD; Meyer NJ; Russell DW; Thomas KW; Eklund M; Esserman LJ; Liu KD
  • Article: JAMA NETWORK OPEN. 2022;5(4):e228959
    Mortezavi A; Crippa A; Kotopouli MI; Akre O; Wiklund P; Hosseini A
  • Journal article: INVESTIGATIVE UROLOGY. 2021;206(Supplement 3):e565-e566
    Vigneswaran H; Mittelstaedt L; Crippa A; Eklund M; Vidal A; Freedland S; Abern M
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2021;39(17):1899-1908
    Eriksson M; Eklund M; Borgquist S; Hellgren R; Margolin S; Thoren L; Rosendahl A; Lang K; Tapia J; Backlund M; Discacciati A; Crippa A; Gabrielson M; Hammarstrom M; Wengstrom Y; Czene K; Hall AP
  • Article: BJU INTERNATIONAL. 2021;127(5):585-595
    Mortezavi A; Crippa A; Edeling S; Pokupic S; Dell'Oglio P; Montorsi F; D'Hondt F; Mottrie A; Decaestecker K; Wijburg CJ; Collins J; Kelly JD; Tan WS; Sridhar A; John H; Canda AE; Schwentner C; Ronmark EP; Wiklund P; Hosseini A
  • Article: WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2021;39(4):1153-1159
    Lantz A; Haug ES; Picker W; Crippa A; Jaderling F; Mortezavi A; Nordstrom T
  • Article: CANCERS. 2021;13(7):1588
    De Laere B; Crippa A; Mortezavi A; Ghysel C; Rajan P; Eklund M; Wyatt A; Dirix L; Ost P; Gronberg H; Lindberg J
  • Article: TRIALS. 2020;21(1):579
    Crippa A; De Laere B; Discacciati A; Larsson B; Connor JT; Gabriel EE; Thellenberg C; Janes E; Enblad G; Ullen A; Hjalm-Eriksson M; Oldenburg J; Ost P; Lindberg J; Eklund M; Gronberg H
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2020;177(4):342-353
    Leucht S; Crippa A; Siafis S; Patel MX; Orsini N; Davis JM
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2019;9(12):e033650
    Zhou X; Crippa A; Danielsson A-K; Galanti MR; Orsini N
  • Journal article: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2019;30:v354
    Lindberg J; De Laere B; Crippa A; Eklund M; Gr枚nberg H
  • Journal article: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2019;30:v30-v31
    De Laere B; Crippa A; Ghysel C; Ost P; Rajan P; Eklund M; Dirix L; Gr枚nberg H; Lindberg J
  • Article: STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH. 2019;28(5):1579-1596
    Crippa A; Discacciati A; Bottai M; Spiegelman D; Orsini N
    Crippa A; Thomas I; Orsini N
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION. 2018;57(2):689-701
    Crippa A; Larsson SC; Discacciati A; Wolk A; Orsini N
  • Article: RESEARCH SYNTHESIS METHODS. 2017;8(2):149-160
    Discacciati A; Crippa A; Orsini N
  • Article: DIABETOLOGIA. 2016;59(12):2527-2545
    Smith AD; Crippa A; Woodcock J; Brage S
  • Article: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. 2016;5(10):e004210
    Vinceti M; Filippini T; Crippa A; de Sesmaisons A; Wise LA; Orsini N
  • Article: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 2016;35(21):3661-3675
    Crippa A; Khudyakov P; Wang M; Orsini N; Spiegelman D
    Crippa A; Orsini N
  • Journal article: CIRCULATION. 2016;133(suppl_1)
    Aneni EC; Crippa A; Younus A; Osondu CU; Veledar E; Nasir K
  • Article: JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE. 2016;72(CS1):1-15
    Crippa A; Orsini N
  • Article: NUTRIENTS. 2015;7(9):7749-7763
    Larsson SC; Crippa A; Orsini N; Wolk A; Michaelsson K
  • Article: ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY. 2014;16(5):446
    Di Giuseppe D; Crippa A; Orsini N; Wolk A
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Corrigendum: NATURE MEDICINE. 2024;30(11):3381
    De Laere B; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Larsson B; Persson M; Johansson S; D'hondt S; Bergstrom R; Chellappa V; Mayrhofer M; Banijamali M; Kotsalaynen A; Schelstraete C; Vanwelkenhuyzen JP; Hjaelm-Eriksson M; Pettersson L; Ullen A; Lumen N; Enblad G; Karlsson CT; Jaenes E; Sandzen J; Schatteman P; Vigmostad MN; Olsson M; Ghysel C; Sautois B; De Roock W; Van Bruwaene S; Anden M; Verbiene I; De Maeseneer D; Everaert E; Darras J; Aksnessether BY; Luyten D; Strijbos M; Mortezavi A; Oldenburg J; Ost P; Eklund M; Gronberg H; Lindberg J
  • Review: JOURNAL OF PINEAL RESEARCH. 2024;76(5):e12985
    Cruz-Sanabria F; Bruno S; Crippa A; Frumento P; Scarselli M; Skene DJ; Faraguna U
  • Review: JAMA NETWORK OPEN. 2024;7(5):e2412616
    Sabe M; Hyde J; Cramer C; Eberhard A; Crippa A; Brunoni AR; Aleman A; Kaiser S; Baldwin DS; Garner M; Sentissi O; Fiedorowicz JG; Brandt V; Cortese S; Solmi M
  • Review: BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. 2023;57(15):979-989
    Garcia L; Pearce M; Abbas A; Mok A; Strain T; Ali S; Crippa A; Dempsey PC; Golubic R; Kelly P; Laird Y; McNamara E; Moore S; de Sa TH; Smith AD; Wijndaele K; Woodcock J; Brage S
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2023;209:E997-E998
    Micoli C; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Palsdottir T; Vigneswaran H; Aly M; Adolfsson J; Lindberg J; Wiklund P; Thompson J; Brandberg Y; Clements M; Egevad L; Gronberg H; Nordstrom T; Eklund M
  • Editorial comment: EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS. 2022;8(6):1617-1621
    De laere B; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Larsson B; Oldenburg J; Mortezavi A; Ost P; Eklund M; Lindberg J; Gronberg H
  • Preprint: 2022
    Sachs MC; Gabriel EE; Crippa A; Daniels MJ
  • Preprint: MEDRXIV. 2022
    Files DC; Matthay MA; Calfee CS; Aggarwal N; Asare AL; Beitler JR; Berger PA; Burnham EL; Cimino G; Coleman MH; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Gandotra S; Gibbs KW; Henderson PT; Ittner CAG; Jauregui A; Khan KT; Koff JL; Lang J; LaRose M; Levitt J; Lu R; McKeehan JD; Meyer NJ; Russell DW; Thomas KW; Eklund M; Esserman LJ; Liu KD
    Calfee CS; Eklund M; Albertson TE; Auld S; Beitler JR; Berger PA; Burnham EL; Cobb NK; Crippa A; Daniel BM; Discacciati A; Files DC; Friedman EB; Gandotra S; Gong MN; Khan KT; Koff JL; Kumar SI; Lang JE; Lu R; Martin TR; Matthay MA; Meyer NJ; Moskowitz A; Obermiller TF; Robinson PA; Russell D; Thomas KW; Wong S; Wurfel MM; Wunderink RG; Yen YF; Youssef FA; Esserman LJ; Liu KD
  • Preprint: MEDRXIV. 2022
    Garcia L; Pearce M; Abbas A; Mok A; Strain T; Ali S; Crippa A; Dempsey PC; Golubic R; Kelly P; Laird Y; McNamara E; Moore S; de TH; Smith AD; Wijndaele K; Woodcock J; Brage S
  • Review: PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES. 2022;25(2):165-173
    Vigneswaran HT; Mittelstaedt L; Crippa A; Eklund M; Vidal A; Freedland SJ; Abern MR
  • Letter: NATURE MEDICINE. 2022;28(1):9-11
    Calfee CS; Liu KD; Asare AL; Beitler JR; Berger PAIII; Coleman MH; Crippa A; Discacciati A; Eklund M; Files DC; Gandotra S; Gibbs KW; Henderson P; Levitt JE; Lu R; Matthay MA; Meyer NJ; Russell DW; Thomas KW; Esserman LJ; Mittel AM; Dzierba AL; Madahar P; Serra AL; Rosen A; Garcia I; Muir J; Schicchi J; Darmanian A; Wahab R; Gosek K; Auld SC; Adelman MW; Nugent KL; Harris GH; Creel-Bulos C; Yang P; Detelich JF; Spainhour C; Cobb NK; Sonti R; Orr LA; Robinson PA; Sarafian F; Martinez E; Jones P; Nguyen J; Obermiller TF; Weiler-Lisowski B; Kufa L; Saba PL; Wyatt J; Youssef FA; Tanios M; Blevins D; Macias LR; Suarez AE; Reyes MB; Jung M; Melendrez M; Rosario-Remigio L; Su H; Friedman EB; Angelucci CM; Chaparro-Rojas F; Sternlieb MP; Sutter JB; Whealon S; Nair R; Lopez B; Amosu O; Tzehaie H; Wunderink RG; Patel C; Simonson A; Dodin J; Oliver T; Lupu RA; Meyers M; Albertson TE; Haczku A; Hardy E; Morrissey BM; Juarez MM; Pearson SJ; Lee RA; Amin AN; Jauregui A; Fields S; Ng D; Daniel BM; Yee K; Jones C; Burnham EL; McKeehan JD; Ittner CAG; Reilly JP; Mangalmurti NS; Rodrigues LG; Weisman AR; Khan KT; Wong SF; Yen AF; Peterfreund G; Kumar SI; Marshall PS; Huerta LE; Lindgren B; Lee JS; Barker AD; Lang JE; LaRose M; Landreth L; Parks L; Barot HV; Koff JL; Kazianis J; Boerger LL
  • Review: NPJ SCHIZOPHRENIA. 2021;7(1):43
    Sabe M; Zhao N; Crippa A; Kaiser S
    Sabe M; Zhao N; Crippa A; Strauss GP; Kaiser S
  • Review: BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. 2020;54(20):1195-1201
    Blond K; Brinklov CF; Ried-Larsen M; Crippa A; Grontved A
  • Preprint: RESEARCH SQUARE. 2020
    Crippa A; De Laere B; Discacciati A; Larsson B; Connor JT; Gabriel EE; Thellenberg C; J盲nes E; Enblad G; Ullen A; Hj盲lm-Eriksson M; Oldenburg J; Ost P; Lindberg J; Eklund M; Gr枚nberg H
  • Preprint: RESEARCH SQUARE. 2020
    Crippa A; De Laere B; Discacciati A; Larsson B; Connor JT; Gabriel EE; Thellenberg C; J盲nes E; Enblad G; Ullen A; Hj盲lm-Eriksson M; Oldenburg J; Ost P; Lindberg J; Eklund M; Gr枚nberg H
    Trevisan C; Crippa A; Ek S; Welmer A-K; Sergi G; Maggi S; Manzato E; Bea JW; Cauley JA; Decullier E; Hirani V; LaMonte MJ; Lewis CE; Schott A-M; Orsini N; Rizzuto D
  • Review: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. 2019;127(4):46002
    Filippini T; Hatch EE; Rothman KJ; Heck JE; Park AS; Crippa A; Orsini N; Vinceti M
  • Conference publication: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2019;30:354
    Lindberg J; De Laere B; Crippa A; Eklund M; Gronberg H
  • Conference publication: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2019;30
    De Laere B; Crippa A; Ghysel C; Ost P; Rajan P; Eklund M; Dirix L; Gronberg H; Lindberg J
  • Review: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2018;104:117-126
    Lugo A; Peveri G; Bosetti C; Bagnardi V; Crippa A; Orsini N; Rota M; Gallus S
  • Conference publication: SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN. 2018;44:S94
    Leucht S; Crippa A; Orsini N; Davis J
  • Doctoral thesis: 2018
    Crippa, Alessio
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH. 2018;15(10):S36
    Brage S; Abbas A; Mok A; Garcia L; McNamara E; Crippa A; Sa T; Smith A; Kim D; Im J; Olayinka O; Golubic R; Pearce M; Tainio M; Wijndaele K; Edwards P; Woodcock J
    Aneni EC; Crippa A; Osondu CU; Valero-Elizondo J; Younus A; Nasir K; Veledar E
  • Conference publication: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2017;27:ckx187.235
    Crippa A; Orsini N
    Veledar E; Crippa A; Osondu CU; Younus A; Nasir K
  • Letter: ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 2016;43(1):166-167
    Crippa A; Discacciati A; Orsini N; Oskarsson V
  • Review: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2014;180(8):763-775
    Crippa A; Discacciati A; Larsson SC; Wolk A; Orsini N
  • Show more


  • Swedish Research Council
    1 January 2022 - 31 December 2025


  • Senior Research Specialist, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 探花精选, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Global Public Health, 探花精选, 2018

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