
Alberto Joven Araus

Alberto Joven Araus

Research Specialist
Visiting address: Solnav盲gen 9, 17165 Stockholm
Postal address: C5 Cell- och molekyl盲rbiologi, C5 CMB Simon, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I have developed my scientific experience in the fields of Neuroscience, Developmental Biology and Regeneration, mainly using newts as animal model. My social and meticulous nature, together with an ambitious professional attitude, have led me to be part of a number of groundbreaking projects, in which we innovate and contribute to the continuous development of scientific knowledge, applying cutting-edge techniques to this animal model.

    My goal is to continue advancing the basic knowledge of complex tissue regeneration that occurs naturally in newts. This will pave the way towards translational approaches that will accelerate the development of new regenerative therapies for humans.


  • Some of the milestones I have achieved in Andr谩s Simon's lab have been the implementation of molecular methods to the Iberian ribbed newt (Pleurodeles waltl), the generation of genetically modified newts, and the study of their internal tissues using non-invasive research imaging techniques (ultrasound, micro-computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging). Our group was also a pioneer in the sequencing and assembly of the large genome and transcriptome of Pleurodeles, as well as in the implementation of next generation sequencing (Next Generation Sequencing) in this species (single-cell RNA sequencing and spatially-resolved transcriptomics).

    Taken together, these advances have been fundamental in positioning Pleurodeles as an internationally emerging model organism in cellular, molecular and genetic biology studies in the fields of neuroscience, tissue development and regeneration with an innovative, multidisciplinary and collaborative approach.


  • I contribute to teaching at 探花精选 since 2015. For my professional development and adequacy, I have completed the web course for supervisors of Karolinska Insitutet and the course 鈥淭eaching and Learning in Higher Education Distance (GHPD)鈥.

    My teaching activities have included:
    鈥 Cytoskeleton, ECM, Adhesion, Genetics in Health and Disease discussions for the Medicine program (2015-2018: 49 hours).
    鈥 Laboratory practical in Basic Cell biology (2017, 13 hours).
    鈥 Embryology and molecular signalling lectures for the Biomedicine program (2015-2023: 68 hours).
    鈥 Main supervisor of 3 projects from 2 undergrad students of the Master in Biomedicine:
    鈥 Junior Research Project: Role and cell dynamics of macrophages during salamander limb regeneration (6 weeks, full-time).
    鈥 Master thesis: Innate immune response in salamanders during homeostasis, induced sickness behavior and regeneration (20 weeks, full-time).
    鈥 Junior Research Project: Establishment of pharmacological depletion methodology of microglia and macrophages in the Salamander brain (6 weeks, full-time).
    鈥 Main supervisor of 1 ERASMUS+ trainee internship (project as part of his Master's degree program in Molecular Biotechnology):
    鈥 Methods development for subtype-specific neuronal tracing in salamanders (14 weeks, full-time).
    鈥 Co-supervisor of 2 PhD students:


  • Article: LIFE SCIENCE ALLIANCE. 2023;6(8):e202301979
    Cardiello JF; Araus AJ; Giatrellis S; Helsens C; Simon A; Leigh N
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2022;13(1):6949
    Kaucka M; Araus AJ; Tesarova M; Currie JD; Bostrom J; Kavkova M; Petersen J; Yao Z; Bouchnita A; Hellander A; Zikmund T; Elewa A; Newton PT; Fei J-F; Chagin AS; Fried K; Tanaka EM; Kaiser J; Simon A; Adameyko I
  • Article: SCIENCE. 2022;377(6610):eabp9186
    Woych J; Gurrola AO; Deryckere A; Jaeger ECB; Gumnit E; Merello G; Gu J; Araus AJ; Leigh ND; Yun M; Simon A; Tosches MA
  • Article: NATURE CELL BIOLOGY. 2022;24(5):645-658
    Eroglu E; Yen CYT; Tsoi Y-L; Witman N; Elewa A; Araus AJ; Wang H; Szattler T; Umeano CH; Sohlmer J; Goedel A; Simon A; Chien KR
  • Article: CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES. 2021;78(16):6033-6049
    Kaucka M; Szarowska B; Kavkova M; Kastriti ME; Kameneva P; Schmidt I; Peskova L; Joven Araus A; Simon A; Kaiser J; Adameyko I
  • Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS. 2021;348:109002
    Pinheiro T; Mayor I; Edwards S; Joven A; Kantzer CG; Kirkham M; Simon A
  • Article: DEVELOPMENT. 2019;146(14):dev167700
    Joven A; Elewa A; Simon A
  • Article: DEVELOPMENT. 2018;145(1):dev160051
    Joven A; Wang H; Pinheiro T; Hameed LS; Belnoue L; Simon A
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2017;8(1):2286
    Elewa A; Wang H; Talavera-Lopez C; Joven A; Brito G; Kumar A; Hameed LS; Penrad-Mobayed M; Yao Z; Zamani N; Abbas Y; Abdullayev I; Sandberg R; Grabherr M; Andersson B; Simon A
  • Article: METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2015;1290:91-99
    Kirkham M; Joven A
  • Article: METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2015;1290:47-70
    Joven A; Kirkham M; Simon A
  • Article: CELL STEM CELL. 2014;14(2):174-187
    Sandoval-Guzman T; Wang H; Khattak S; Schuez M; Roensch K; Nacu E; Tazaki A; Joven A; Tanaka EM; Simon A
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY. 2014;8:75
    Moreno N; Joven A; Morona R; Band铆n S; L贸pez JM; Gonz谩lez A
  • Article: JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY. 2013;521(17):3913-3953
    Joven A; Morona R; Gonz谩lez A; Moreno N
  • Article: BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. 2013;218(4):969-1003
    Joven A; Morona R; Moreno N; Gonz谩lez A
  • Article: JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY. 2013;521(9):2088-2124
    Joven A; Morona R; Gonz谩lez A; Moreno N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY. 2012;520(2):330-363
    Moreno N; Morona R; L贸pez JM; Dom铆nguez L; Joven A; Band铆n S; Gonz谩lez A

All other publications

  • Preprint: RES SQ. 2023;RES SQ
    Tsissios G; Sallese A; Perez-Estrada JR; Tangeman JA; Chen W; Smucker B; Ratvasky SC; Grajales-Esquive EL; Martinez A; Visser KJ; Araus AJ; Wang H; Simon A; Yun MH; Rio-Tsonis KD
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023;BIORXIV
    Tsissios G; Sallese A; Perez-Estrada JR; Tangeman JA; Chen W; Smucker B; Ratvasky SC; Grajales-Esquivel E; Martinez A; Visser KJ; Araus AJ; Wang H; Simon A; Yun MH; Rio-Tsonis KD
  • Review: PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY. 2018;170:81-98
    Joven A; Simon A
  • Review: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY. 2010;39(1):20-34
    Dom铆nguez L; Morona R; Joven A; Gonz谩lez A; L贸pez JM
  • Review: BRAIN, BEHAVIOR AND EVOLUTION. 2009;74(4):302-322
    L贸pez JM; Dom铆nguez L; Moreno N; Morona R; Joven A; Gonz谩lez A

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