About the department of physiology and pharmacology
At the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (FyFa) we are committed to teaching and conducting internationally acclaimed, high-quality research in physiology, pharmacology, anesthesiology and intensive care.
We have around 400 employees, more than 30 research groups, and 90 doctoral students.
When you choose to become a researcher or take a doctorate at the department, you will be met by a long-standing academic tradition combined with the technology and development opportunities of tomorrow. Here you will find:
- An effective integration of clinical and pre-clinical research.
- Several highly internationally successful research teams.
- Efficient administrative support for researchers, teachers and students.
Our vision and mission
Pioneering physiology and pharmacology to drive next generation discoveries and health care.
Our mission is to improve human health through pioneering translational research and education in physiology and pharmacology. Our watchwords are creativity, innovation and FyFa community.
Our research fields
The following research fields are established at the department:
- cellular signaling
- cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- neuropsychopharmacology/neuroinflammation
- pharmacogenetics
- anesthesiology and intensive care
- muscle physiology.
Our collaboration with the clinics at Karolinska University Hospital provides unique opportunities for translational research within our subjects.
More information about research at FyFa
Our research groups
The research groups at the department work as part of an open culture with an international atmosphere. You will find a high proportion of visiting research fellows from around the world.
We place great emphasis on the abilities of researchers to link networks and collaborate both internally at the department and externally with other institutes of higher education, in Sweden and abroad.
Equipment and methods
The methodological arsenal at the department is extensive, from advanced molecular biological techniques to whole animal research and human experimentation. At the department, you have access to:
- established research networks for pain research
- imaging equipment and related expertise
- liver tissue bioreactor
- experimental behavioural facility
- human research laboratory.
Physiology and Pharmacology is one of the departments most frequently involved in teaching within 探花精选's study programmes. The teachers at the department teach future 探花精选 doctors, physiotherapists, biomedics and dentists.
We are proud of our educational tradition and welcome you who view teaching as an integral part of your work as a researcher.
More information on undergraduate education at FyFa
Undergraduate studies at FyFa
Administration and support
Research and teaching at the department is facilitated by our financial unit, HR unit, course service desk and communication officer.
Administrative staff at the department
Work or study at FyFa
Do you want to work as a researcher at FyFa? Contact our research group leaders or read more about research at FyFa. You can also check out our Vacant positions
Do you want to study for a doctoral degree at FyFa? Read more about doctoral studies at FyFa
Do you want to know about undergraduate studies at FyFa? Read more about undergraduate education at FyFa
The department in brief
Annual turnover (2016): 214 MSEK
state funding: 36 %
external funding bodies: 64 %
Number of researchers, doctoral students and associates: approximately 400
Number of research groups: approximately 30
Number of professors: approximately 20
Work as a researcher at FyFa
Study for a doctoral degree at FyFa
Contact us
Please contact us with any general questions you may have.