Seminars at the Division of Psychology
At the Division of Psychology, we're periodically -- usually on Wednesdays between 12:00 and 13:00 -- organizing seminars where researchers, both from our own division and elsewhere, presents their latest finding and ideas. These seminars are open for all who's interested, researchers and students alike. We also, now and then, organize internal seminars that are meant for employees at the division. Unless anything else is announced the seminars will be held in stora konferensrummet, Nobels väg 9, plan 4.
Seminars fall 2024
11/9: Sabina Kapetanovic, Univ.West, Stockholms Universitet. Title: Föräldrabarnrelationer och ungas riskbeteenden och hälsa
9/10: Leonie Balter, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, Stockholms Universitet, Donders Inst.. Title: TBD
23/10: MÃ¥rten Hammarlund, Stockholms Universitet. Title: Parenting with intellectual disability:
The role of contextual risk factors
13/11: Anna Dahlgren, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡. Title: TBD
27/11: Kristoffer MÃ¥nxson, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡. Title: Signal variability – friend or foe in fMRI research?
If you have any thoughts or inputs regarding the seminars, or if you want to suggest a lecturer or a topic that you think that we should have, then please contact one of the organizers who's listed below.