
Forskarstuderande vid enheten för anestesi och intensivvård

Registrerade doktorander

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Christian Ahlstedt

Lactate kinetics in septic shock and the role of fluid administration strategy

Mariam Amouzandeh

Kinetics of plasma proteins in liver insufficiency.

Bashar Dabbagh

Albumin Quality in liver failure and liver transplantation

Johan Helleberg

PreMOF; predicting the development of organ failure in acute severe illness using metabolomics

Albumin kinetics in circulatory instability.
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Oscar Lapidus

Trauma team activation and triage of severely injured patients at non-trauma hospitals

Mirjam Larsson

Regulation of autophagy in relation to organ failure and nutrition in critically ill children

Jenny Sofia Lönnkvist

Återhämtning och hälsorelaterad livskvalitet efter kritisk sjukdom och intensivvård ur patientens perspektiv - en longitudinell uppföljning - ReQoLIC

Nina Milerad

Immunocompetence and host response to bacterial colonization and infection
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Elisabeth Nagy

It is all connected
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Timo Oosterveld

Energy metabolism in the critically III

Dag Seldén

Albumin - Quality and leakage in sepsis