
Specialistkliniken (Specialist Clinic)

±«²Ô¾±±¹±ð°ù²õ¾±³Ù±ð³Ù²õ³Ù²¹²Ô»å±¹Ã¥°ù»å±ð²Ôs (University Dental Clinic) specialised dentists treat people who have special care needs that require extensive examinations and qualified treatments.

Contact us

Contact Specialistkliniken: 08-524 883 30

Telephone and opening hours: Monday-Friday 8-17.

Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 8, 141 52 Huddinge, lift B, floor 8.

E-mail: specialistkliniken@ki.se

Please notify us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend, at least 24 hours in advance. Missed and/or late cancelled visits will be charged SEK 400.

Become a patient with us

To receive treatment from us, you must have a referral from a dentist, doctor or other healthcare provider. Dental certificates apply here.

Our treatments

At Specialistkliniken, we offer specialised dental care for children, adolescents and adults in the following areas:

  • occlusal physiology (jaw joint problems and facial pain)
  • endodontics (root canal therapy and root canal filling)
  • jaw surgery (wisdom teeth, infections, installation of implants or investigations of mucosal changes)
  • orofacial medicine (mucosal changes)
  • periodontology (periodontal diseases)
  • prosthetics (tooth replacements)

We also cooperate with the clinics of the other specialities of universitetstandvÃ¥rden: kliniken för odontologisk röntgen (oral radiology), kliniken för barn- och ungdomstandvÃ¥rd (pedodontics) and kliniken för tandreglering (orthodontics and orthodontics).

At present, we accept referrals for jaw surgery treatment. We do not accept referrals for extensive surgical treatments.

How to get here

Specialistkliniken is located at Alfred Nobels allé 8, lift B, level 8.

Our prices (in Swedish)

You can find our full price list under the heading Treatment by a licensed dentist or dental hygienist on the page on  Prices at UniversitetstandvÃ¥rd.

If you are unable to attend, please remember to change or cancel your appointment:

If you can't make your appointment, it's important to call as soon as possible, at least 24 hours before the visit. This will avoid you having to pay for a no-show or late cancellation, which costs SEK 400.

We who work here

At Specialistklinken, you will meet some of the country's most knowledgeable dental professionals, many of whom also conduct research in their speciality.

Head of the clinic

Joannis Grigoriadis

Specialist Dentist

  • Anastasios Grigoriadis, prosthodontics
  • Gunnar Johanssen, Periodontology
  • Helen Baranto, oral surgery
  • Jacob Holmer, periodontics
  • Karin Garming-Legert, orofacial medicine
  • KÃ¥re Buhlin, periodontology
  • Nikolaos Christidis, Orthodontics
  • Patricia de Palma, periodontology
  • Peggy Näsman, endodontics
  • Sofia Louca, occlusal physiology
  • Sabrina Svedjevik, Orofacial Medicine


  • Aafreen Gillani Haji (resident dentist)
  • Dyana Jergis (Dental Resident)
  • Emma Dybeck (Dental Resident)
  • Evelina Wang (Resident Dentist)
  • Jacob Holmer (dental resident)
  • Johanna Svedenlöf (dental resident)
  • Marisol Barrera (Dental Resident)
  • Mizgin Bulduk
  • Qing Ye (dental resident)
  • Victor Tollemar (Resident Dentist)

Dental hygienist

  • Ann-Charlotte Berggren
  • Amira Chamoun

Dental technician

  • Maysam Jirjes

Dental nurse

  • Anna Marin
  • Annica Magnusson Lindholm
  • Britta Tjärnberg Halvarsson
  • Caroline Waernberg
Kicki Carlsson