
Ferdinand Xiankeng Choong

Ferdinand Xiankeng Choong

E-postadress: xiankeng.choong@ki.se
Telefon: +46852486646
µþ±ð²õö°ì²õ²¹»å°ù±ð²õ²õ: Nobels väg 15A, 17165 Solna
Postadress: GVS Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd, GVS FER External Engagement Office, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • 1. Choong FX, Bäck M, Schulz A, Nilsson KPR, Edlund E & Richter-Dahlfors A,
    Stereochemical identification of glucans by oligothiophenes enables cellulose
    anatomical mapping in plant tissues,
    Scientific Reports, 2018 (8), 3108
    2. Choong FX, Tissue microbiology: an integrated approach for intravital
    studies of host-pathogen interactions, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ library, 2017,
    ISBN: 978-91-7676-710-8
    3. Choong FX, Bäck M, Fahlén S, Melican K, Rhen M, Nilsson KPR,
    Richter-Dahlfors A, Real-time optotracing of curli and cellulose in live
    Salmonella biofilms using luminescent oligothiophenes, npj Biofilms and
    Microbiomes, 2016, 16024
    4. Choong FX, Bäck M, Steiner SE, Melican K, Nilsson KPR, Edlund U,
    Richter-Dahlfors A, Nondestructive, real-time determination and visualization
    of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin by luminescent oligothiophenes,
    Scientific Reports, 2016 (6), 35578
    5. Choong FX, Antypas H, Richter-Dahlfors A, Intergrated pathophysiology of
    pyelonephritis. Microbiol Spectr, 2015, 3(5): UTI-0014-2012.
    6. Choong FX, Richter-Dahlfors A, Intravital two-photon imaging to understand
    bacterial infections of the mammalian host, Methods in Molecular Biology,
    2014, 1197: 87-100
    7. Choong FX, Regberg J, Udekwu KI, Richter-Dahlfors A, Intravital models of
    infection lay the foundation for tissue microbiology. Future Microbiol, 2012,
    8. Choong FX, Sandoval RM, Molitoris BA, Richter-Dahlfors A, Multiphoton
    microscopy applied for real-time intravital imaging of bacterial infections
    in vivo. Methods in Enzymol, 2012, 506:35-61.
    9. Melican K, Choong FX, Richter-Dahlfors A, Host-pathogen interactions and
    host defence mechanisms. In: Coffman TM, Falk RJ, Molitoris BA, Neilson EG,
    Schrier RW (eds). Schrier’s diseases of the kidney 9 ed, 2012, 1:673-688.


  • Article: BIOFILM. 2022;4:100083
    Eckert JA; Rosenberg M; Rhen M; Choong FX; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: CHEMBIOCHEM. 2022;23(11):e202100684
    Butina K; Lantz L; Choong FX; Tomac A; Shirani H; Loffler S; Nilsson KPR; Richter-Dahlfors A
    Karkkainen E; Jakobsson SG; Edlund U; Richter-Dahlfors A; Choong FX
  • Article: BIOFILM. 2021;3:100060
    Choong FX; Huzell S; Rosenberg M; Eckert JA; Nagaraj M; Zhang T; Melican K; Otzen DE; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: PLOS PATHOGENS. 2021;17(5):e1009553
    Steiner SE; Choong FX; Antypas H; Morado-Urbina CE; Schulz A; Farinotti AB; Bas DB; Svensson CI; Richter-Dahlfors A; Melican K
  • Article: NPJ BIOFILMS AND MICROBIOMES. 2020;6(1):35
    Butina K; Tomac A; Choong FX; Shirani H; Nilsson KPR; Loffler S; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: CELLULOSE. 2020;27(7):3707-3725
    Wahlstrom N; Edlund U; Pavia H; Toth G; Jaworski A; Pell AJ; Choong FX; Shirani H; Nilsson KPR; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: CELLULOSE. 2019;26(7):4253-4264
    Choong FX; Lantz L; Shirani H; Schulz A; Nilsson KPR; Edlund U; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2018;8(1):3108
    Choong FX; Back M; Schulz A; Nilsson KPR; Edlund U; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: NPJ BIOFILMS AND MICROBIOMES. 2018;4:26
    Antypas H; Choong FX; Libberton B; Braunerz A; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2016;6:35578
    Choong FX; Back M; Steiner SE; Melican K; Nilsson KPR; Edlund U; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: NPJ BIOFILMS AND MICROBIOMES. 2016;2:16024
    Choong FX; Back M; Fahlen S; Johansson LBG; Melican K; Rhen M; Nilsson KPR; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Article: METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2014;1197:87-100
    Choong FX; Richter-Dahlfors A

Alla övriga publikationer

  • Corrigendum: NPJ BIOFILMS AND MICROBIOMES. 2021;7(1):4
    Butina K; Tomac A; Choong FX; Shirani H; Nilsson KPR; Loffler S; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Review: FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY. 2019;7:265
    Loffler S; Antypas H; Choong FX; Nilsson KPR; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Doctoral thesis: 2017
    Choong X
  • Review: MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM. 2015;3(5):10.1128/microbiolspec.uti
    Choong FX; Antypas H; Richter-Dahlfors A
  • Review: FUTURE MICROBIOLOGY. 2012;7(4):519-533
    Choong FX; Regberg J; Udekwu KI; Richter-Dahlfors A
    Choong FX; Sandoval RM; Molitoris BA; Richter-Dahlfors A


  • Samordnare, Universitetsförvaltningen, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2025-
  • Samordnare, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2024-

Examina och utbildning

  • Medicine Doktorsexamen, Institutionen för neurovetenskap, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2018

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