
Rasmus Gustafsson

Rasmus Gustafsson

Anknuten till Forskning
ö: L8:05, CMM Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna, 17176 Stockholm
Postadress: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Kockum, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • Publication list
    1) Sundholm A, *Gustafsson R*, Karrenbauer V. Syndrome of Transient Headache
    and Neurologic Deficits with Cerebrospinal Fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL):
    HHV-7 Finding in Cerebrospinal Fluid Challenges Diagnostic
    Criteria. /Pathogens/. 2023; 12(3):476.

    2) Katie Healy, Linda B S Aulin, Urban Freij, Marie Ellerstad, Lena
    Brückle, Helen Hillmering, Tor-Einar Svae, Kristina Broliden, *Rasmus
    Gustafsson*. Prevalence of parvovirus B19 viraemia among German blood
    donations and the relationship to ABO and Rhesus blood group
    antigens, /The Journal of Infectious Diseases/, 2022;,
    jiac456, [1]
    3) Healy, K., Freij, U., Ellerstad, M., Aulin, L.B.S., Brückle, L.,
    Hillmering, H., Chen, M.S. and *Gustafsson, R*. (2022), Evaluating the
    prevalence of Hepatitis E virus infection in a large cohort of European
    blood donors, 2015-2018. J Viral Hepat. Accepted Author
    Manuscript. [2]
    4) Wangko Lundström and *Rasmus Gustafsson*. Human herpesvirus 6A is a risk
    factor for multiple sclerosis. Accepted for publication in Frontiers in
    Immunology 2022-01-20. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.840753
    5) Viktor Grut, Martin Biström, Jonatan Salzer, Pernilla Stridh, Daniel
    Jons, *Rasmus Gustafsson*, Anna Fogdell-Hahn, Jesse Huang, Nicole
    Brenner, Julia Butt, Noemi Bender, Anna Lindam, Lucia Alonso-Magdalena,
    Martin Gunnarsson, Magnus Vrethem, Tomas Bergström, Oluf Andersen,
    Ingrid Kockum, Tim Waterboer, Tomas Olsson, Peter Sundström.
    Cytomegalovirus seropositivity is associated with reduced risk of
    multiple sclerosis – a presymptomatic case-control study. Eur J Neurol.
    2021 Jun 9. Doi: 10.1111/ene.14961.
    6) Jing Wu, Elin Engdahl, *Rasmus Gustafsson*, Anna Fogdell-Hahn, Tim
    Waterboer, Jan Hillert, Tomas Olsson, Lars Alfredsson, Anna Karin
    Hedström. High antibody levels against HHV-6A interact with lifestyle
    factors in MS development. Mult Scler. 2021 Jun 14. doi:
    7) *Gustafsson R*. Human Herpesvirus 6A Induces Dendritic Cell Death and
    HMGB1 Release without Virus Replication. Pathogens. 2021 Jan 11;10(1):57.
    doi: 10.3390/pathogens10010057.
    8) M. Biström, D. Jons, Engdahl E, *Gustafsson R*, Huang J, Brenner N, Butt
    J, Alonso-Magdalena L, Gunnarsson M, Vrethem M, Bender N, Waterboer T,
    Granåsen G, Olsson T, Kockum I, Andersen O, Fogdell-Hahn A, Sundström
    P. Epstein-Barr virus infection after adolescence and human herpesvirus
    6A as risk factors for multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology
    Eur J Neurol. 2021 Feb;28(2):579-586. doi: 10.1111/ene.14597. Epub 2020
    Nov 22
    9) Magnus Hansson, *Rasmus Gustafsson*, Chloé Jacquet, Nedia Chebaane,
    Simon Satchell, Therese Thunberg, Clas Ahlm and Anne-Marie Fors Connolly
    (2020). Cystatin C and α-1-Microglobulin Predict Severe Acute Kidney
    Injury in Patients with Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome. Pathogens
    2020, 9, 666; doi:10.3390/pathogens9080666
    10) Engdahl E, *Gustafsson R*, Huang J, Biström M, Lima Bomfim I, Stridh P,
    Khademi M, Brenner N, Butt J, Michel A, Jons D, Hortlund M,
    Alonso-Magdalena L, Hedström AK, Flamand L, Ihira M, Yoshikawa T,
    Andersen O, Hillert J, Alfredsson L, Waterboer T, Sundström P, Olsson
    T, Kockum I and Fogdell-Hahn A. (2019). Increased Serological Response
    Against Human Herpesvirus 6A Is Associated With Risk for Multiple
    Sclerosis. Front. Immunol. 10:2715. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02715
    11) *K.L.R. Gustafsson [3]*, T.Renné [4], C.Söderberg-Naucler [5],
    L.M.Butler [6]. Human cytomegalovirus replication induces endothelial
    cell interleukin-11. Cytokine. 2018 Maj 25.
    doi.org/10.1016/j.cyto.2018.05.018 [7].
    12) *Rasmus Gustafsson*, Hannah C. Jeffery, Koon-Chu Yaiw, Vanessa Wilhelmi,
    Ourania N. Kostopoulou, Belghis Davoudi, Afsar Rahbar, Melinda Benard,
    Thomas Renné, Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, and Lynn M. Butler. Direct
    infection of primary endothelial cells with human cytomegalovirus
    prevents angiogenesis and migration. J Gen Virol. 2015 Sep 28. doi:
    13) *Gustafsson R*, Svensson M and Fogdell-Hahn A (2015) Modulatory effects
    on dendritic cells by human herpesvirus 6. Front. Microbiol. 6:388. doi:
    14) Nicole Marquardt, Martin A. Ivarsson, Kim Blom, Veronica D. Gonzalez,
    Monika Braun, Karolin Falconer, *Rasmus Gustafsson*, Anna Fogdell-Hahn,
    Johan K. Sandberg, and Jakob Michaëlsson. The human NK cell response to
    yellow fever virus vaccination is largely governed by NK cell
    differentiation independently of NK cell education. The Journal of
    Immunology 08/2015; DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1401811.
    15) Elin Engdahl, *Rasmus Gustafsson*, Ryan Ramanujam, Emilie Sundqvist,
    Tomas Olsson, Jan Hillert, Lars Alfredsson, Ingrid Kockum, Anna
    Fogdell-Hahn. HLA-A*02 carriership, gender and tobacco smoking, but not
    multiple sclerosis, affects the IgG antibody response against human
    herpesvirus 6. Human Immunology 2014 Jun;75(6):524-30. doi:
    16) *Gustafsson, R*., R. Reitsma, A. Stralfors, A. Lindholm, R. Press, and
    A. Fogdell-Hahn. 2013. Incidence of human herpesvirus 6 in clinical
    samples from Swedish patients with demyelinating diseases. Journal of
    microbiology, immunology, and infection. 2013 May 31. doi:pii:
    S1684-1182(13)00062-5. 10.1016/j.jmii.2013.03.009.
    17) *Gustafsson, R. K*., E. E. Engdahl, O. Hammarfjord, S. B. Adikari, M.
    Lourda, J. Klingstrom, M. Svensson, and A. Fogdell-Hahn. 2013. Human
    herpesvirus 6A partially suppresses functional properties of DC without
    viral replication. PLoS ONE 8:e58122.
    18) *Gustafsson, R. K.*, E. E. Engdahl, and A. Fogdell-Hahn. 2012.
    Development and validation of a Q-PCR based TCID50 method for human
    herpesvirus 6. Virol J 9:311.
    19) Hoof, I., C. L. Perez, M. Buggert, *R. K. Gustafsson*, M. Nielsen, O.
    Lund, and A. C. Karlsson. 2010. Interdisciplinary analysis of
    HIV-specific CD8+ T cell responses against variant epitopes reveals
    restricted TCR promiscuity. J Immunol 184:5383-5391.
    20) Perez, C. L., M. V. Larsen, *R. Gustafsson*, M. M. Norstrom, A. Atlas,
    D. F. Nixon, M. Nielsen, O. Lund, and A. C. Karlsson. 2008. Broadly
    immunogenic HLA class I supertype-restricted elite CTL epitopes
    recognized in a diverse population infected with different HIV-1
    subtypes. J Immunol 180:5092-5100.
    *Commisions of trust*
    1) Member of the scientific reviewer board of the scientific journal
    Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland). 2021-present.
    2) Scientific reviewed for several manuscripts submitted to the scientific
    journals Frontiers in Immunology, Frontiers in Transplantation,
    Pathogens, Microorganisms, Children, Biology
    *Selected grants*
    1) Research grant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
    for the project Beta-Antithrombin as target for drug development, 2022.
    2) Research grant from the foundation ”Stiftelsen för Gamla
    tjänarinnor” for project on HHV-6 and Alzheimer’s disease, 2020.
    3) Travel grant as invited speaker at the 11th International Conference on
    HHV-6 & 7, Quebec City, Canada, 2019.
    4) Research grant from Neuro Sweden for project on host genetics and HHV-6
    immunity, 2015.
    5) Research grant from The Swedish Association of Persons with Neurological
    Disabilities for project on the effect of HHV-6A on dendritic cells,
    6) Research grant from the HHV-6 foundation, Santa Barbara, CA, for project
    on development of a TCID50 method for HHV-6A and HHV-6B, 2011.
    7) Travel grant from Scandinavian Society for Immunology for the 7th
    International Conference on HHV-6 & 7 [8], Reston, Virginia, USA, 2011.
    8) Faculty funds from the Board of Doctoral Education at Karolinska
    Institutet, KID, 2008-2012.
    1. PhD degree 2013-12-06 from the Karolinska Institute. Thesis title:
    Human herpesvirus 6 in multiple sclerosis: Assay development, immune
    responses and host genetics.
    2. Master of Science in Engineering, Biotechnology, focus on
    molecular biology and pharmacology. Lund University, Sweden 2001-2007. Master
    thesis approved 2007.
    1. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 7, 5 hp. Karolinska
    Institutet, Stockholm. Ongoing 2022
    2. Introductory Doctoral Supervision course, four days. Karolinska
    Institutet, Stockholm. 2020
    3. Basic course for project management (XLPM), three days. Semcon AB,
    Stockholm. 2019
    4. Sociology 1-20 p, Lund University, Sweden, autumn semester 2003.
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  • 1) Supervisor for Emma Persson, master student from KTH. Spring sem. 2023.
    2) Supervisor for Teresa Abrudan, master student from Umeå University.
    Autumn sem. 2022.
    3) Supervisor for Zhihan Yang, master student from KTH. Autumn sem. 2022.
    4) Supervisor for Katie Healy, PhD student from ̽ѡ,
    Autumn sem. 2021.
    5) Supervisor for Jacob Degenne, master student from KTH. Spring sem. 2021.
    6) Supervisor for Anna Malin Hallberg, master student from Lund University.
    Autumn sem. 2020.
    7) Supervisor for Josefine Sundgren, master student from Lund University.
    Spring sem. 2020.
    8) Mentor for Qian Xiao, architect student from China. Via The Swedish
    Association of Graduate Engineers. 2019
    9) Co-supervisor for PhD student Ivan Kmezic. ̽ѡ.
    10) Mentor for Saraa Wahdan, newly arrived bio-technician from Iraq to
    Sweden. Via The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers. 2018.
    11) Supervisor for Silvia Karlberg, bachelor student from Karolinska
    Institutet. Spring sem. 2017.
    12) Supervisor for master student Ajay Waghmare from Skövde University.
    Autumn sem. 2015.
    13) Solely responsible for PhD course in Neurovirology, 20 participants.
    Autumn sem. 2011.


  • Article: BRAIN. 2024;147(1):177-185
    Grut V; Bistrom M; Salzer J; Stridh P; Jons D; Gustafsson R; Fogdell-Hahn A; Huang J; Butt J; Lindam A; Alonso-Magdalena L; Bergstrom T; Kockum I; Waterboer T; Olsson T; Zetterberg H; Blennow K; Andersen O; Nilsson S; Sundstroem P
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2023;227(10):1214-1218
    Healy K; Aulin LBS; Freij U; Ellerstad M; Brueckle L; Hillmering H; Svae T-E; Broliden K; Gustafsson R
  • Article: PATHOGENS. 2023;12(3):476
    Sundholm A; Gustafsson R; Karrenbauer V
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2023;14:1241199
    Kmezic I; Gustafsson R; Fink K; Svenningsson A; Samuelsson K; Ingre C; Olsson T; Hansson M; Kockum I; Adzemovic MZ; Press R
  • Article: JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS. 2022;29(9):835-839
    Healy K; Freij U; Ellerstad M; Aulin LBS; Bruckle L; Hillmering H; Chen MS; Gustafsson R
  • Article: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. 2022;28(3):383-392
    Wu J; Engdahl E; Gustafsson R; Fogdell-Hahn A; Waterboer T; Hillert J; Olsson T; Alfredsson L; Hedstrom AK
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2021;28(9):3072-3079
    Grut V; Bistrom M; Salzer J; Stridh P; Jons D; Gustafsson R; Fogdell-Hahn A; Huang J; Brenner N; Butt J; Bender N; Lindam A; Alonso-Magdalena L; Gunnarsson M; Vrethem M; Bergstrom T; Andersen O; Kockum I; Waterboer T; Olsson T; Sundstrom P
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2021;28(2):579-586
    Bistrom M; Jons D; Engdahl E; Gustafsson R; Huang J; Brenner N; Butt J; Alonso-Magdalena L; Gunnarsson M; Vrethem M; Bender N; Waterboer T; Granasen G; Olsson T; Kockum I; Andersen O; Fogdell-Hahn A; Sundstrom P
  • Article: PATHOGENS. 2021;10(1):57
    Gustafsson R
  • Article: PATHOGENS. 2020;9(8):E666-666
    Hansson M; Gustafsson R; Jacquet C; Chebaane N; Satchell S; Thunberg T; Ahlm C; Connolly A-MF
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2019;10:2715
    Engdahl E; Gustafsson R; Huang J; Bistrom M; Bomfim IL; Stridh P; Khademi M; Brenner N; Butt J; Michel A; Jons D; Hortlund M; Alonso-Magdalena L; Hedstrom AK; Flamand L; Ihira M; Yoshikawa T; Andersen O; Hillert J; Alfredsson L; Waterboer T; Sundstrom P; Olsson T; Kockum I; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Article: CYTOKINE. 2018;111:563-566
    Gustafsson KLR; Renne T; Soderberg-Naucler C; Butler LM
  • Article: JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY. 2015;96(12):3598-3612
    Gustafsson RKL; Jeffery HC; Yaiw K-C; Wilhelmi V; Kostopoulou ON; Davoudi B; Rahbar A; Benard M; Renne T; Soderberg-Naucler C; Butler LM
  • Article: JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2015;195(7):3262-3272
    Marquardt N; Ivarsson MA; Blom K; Gonzalez VD; Braun M; Falconer K; Gustafsson R; Fogdell-Hahn A; Sandberg JK; Michaelsson J
    Gustafsson R; Reitsma R; Stralfors A; Lindholm A; Press R; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Article: HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY. 2014;75(6):524-530
    Engdahl E; Gustafsson R; Ramanujam R; Sundqyist E; Olsson T; Hillert J; Alfredsson L; Kockum I; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2013;8(3):e58122
    Gustafsson RKL; Engdahl EE; Hammarfjord O; Adikari SB; Lourda M; Klingstrom J; Svensson M; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Article: VIROLOGY JOURNAL. 2012;9:311
    Gustafsson RKL; Engdahl EE; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Article: JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2010;184(9):5383-5391
    Hoof I; Perez CL; Buggert M; Gustafsson RKL; Nielsen M; Lund O; Karlsson AC
  • Article: JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2008;180(7):5092-5100
    Perez CL; Larsen MV; Gustafsson R; Norstroem MM; Atlas A; Nixon DF; Nielsen M; Lund O; Karlsson AC

Alla övriga publikationer

  • Conference publication: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. 2023;29:237-238
    Grut V; Bistrom M; Salzer J; Stridh P; Jons D; Gustafsson R; Huang J; Bergstrom T; Kockum I; Waterboer T; Olsson T; Andersen OA; Sundstrom P
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 2022;27:S66-S67
    Kmezic I; Gustafsson R; Hansson M; Press R
  • Review: FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2022;13:840753
    Lundstroem W; Gustafsson R
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2019
    Engdahl E; Gustafsson R; Huang J; Biström M; Bomfim IL; Stridh P; Khademi M; Brenner N; Butt J; Michel A; Jons D; Hortlund M; Alonso-Magdalena L; Hedström AK; Flamand L; Ihira M; Yoshikawa T; Andersen O; Hillert J; Alfredsson L; Waterboer T; Sundström P; Olsson T; Kockum I; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF VASCULAR RESEARCH. 2019;56:35
    Rankin G; Bystrom JW; Gustafsson R; Hansson M; Thunberg T; Ahlm C; Connolly A-MF
  • Conference publication: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. 2019;25:81-82
    Engdahl E; Gustafsson R; Huang J; Bistrom M; Bomfim IL; Stridh P; Khademi M; Brenner N; Butt J; Michel A; Jons D; Hortlund M; Alonso-Magdalena L; Hedstrom AK; Flamand L; Ihira M; Yoshikawa T; Andersen O; Hillert J; Alfredsson L; Waterboer T; Sundstrom P; Olsson T; Kockum I; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Conference publication: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. 2016;22:859-860
    Engdahl E; Gustafsson R; Huang J; Bomfim IL; Khademi M; Michel A; Butt J; Brenner N; Hillert J; Alfredsson L; Waterboer T; Olsson T; Kockum I; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Conference publication: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. 2016;22:187
    Bistrom M; Gustafsson R; Engdahl E; Bomfim IL; Huang J; Jons D; Andersen O; Hortlund M; Alonso-Magdalena L; Waterboer T; Kockum I; Olsson T; Fogdell-Hahn A; Sundstrom P
  • Review: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2015;6:388
    Gustafsson R; Svensson M; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Doctoral thesis: 2013
    Gustafsson, Rasmus
  • Conference publication: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2012;76(2):201
    Engdahl E; Gustafsson R; Hermanrud C; Hultenby K; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Conference publication: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2010;71(6):529
    Gustafsson R; Adikari S; Mattias S; Fogdell-Hahn A
  • Conference publication: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2008;68(2):241
    Adikari S; Gustafsson R; Svensson M; Foqdell-Hahn A


  • Anknuten till Forskning, Klinisk neurovetenskap, ̽ѡ, 2023-2025

Examina och utbildning

  • Medicine Doktorsexamen, Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, ̽ѡ, 2014

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