
Georgios Sotiriou

Georgios Sotiriou

Senior Forskare | Docent
Telefon: +46852487056
叠别蝉枚办蝉补诲谤别蝉蝉: Solnav盲gen 9, Biomedicum A05, 17176 Stockholm
Postadress: C1 Mikrobiologi, tum枚r- och cellbiologi, C1 M P Henriques/Normark Sotiriou, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • Assoc. Professor (Docent) in Biomaterial Science, Principal Investigator
    *Lab website: [1] *
    Dr. Georgios A. Sotiriou is an Assoc. Professor (docent) in Biomaterial
    Science and tenured faculty in the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell
    Biology (MTC) leading the Bionanomaterial Technology lab at Karolinska
    Institutet. He received a Diploma in Applied Mathematical and Physical
    Sciences from the National Technical University of Athens and an MSc in
    Micro- and Nanosystems from ETH Zurich. He received his PhD from
    the Particle Technology Laboratory (Prof. Pratsinis group) at ETH Zurich,
    Switzerland (2011) and carried out postdoctoral research stays in Harvard
    University (2013-2015, Center for Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology, Prof.
    Demokritou group) and ETH Zurich (2015-2016, Drug Formulation and Delivery
    Lab, Prof. Leroux group) before joining MTC.
    * 2022 KI Research Incubator (KIRI) Fellow
    * 2021 KI Consolidator Grant
    * 2021 ERC Proof of Concept Grant
    * 2020 Smoluchowski Award, European Aerosol Assembly (GAeF).
    * 2020 Appointed Future Research Leader, Swedish Foundation
    for Strategic Research (SSF).
    * 2019 Young Investigator Award, Dept. Microbiology, Tumor
    and Cell Biology, 探花精选.
    * 2018 Young Faculty Award, Mayo Clinic Symposium Series,
    Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
    * 2018 Invited contribution to 鈥/Futures/鈥/ /Issue
    of /AIChE J./ recognizing the potential of young researchers.
    * 2017 ERC Starting Grant.
    * 2014 Elsevier Top Cited Paper Award for 2011 and 2012,
    AIChE 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
    * 2013 Hilti Award for Innovative Research, ETH Zurich,
    * 2013 TechConnect 2013 Global Innovation Award, Washington
    D.C., USA.
    * 2013 ETH Medal for Outstanding PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich.
    * 2012 Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
    Fellow, /Advanced Researcher /Fellowship.
    * 2012 Best PhD Thesis Award, Division of Polymers and
    Colloids, Swiss Chemical Society.
    * 2012 Poster Award, International Fine Particle Research
    Institute (IFPRI) Meeting, Ludwigsburg, Germany.
    * 2011 1st place at the AIChE Bionanotechnology Graduate
    Student Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) 2011
    Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
    PhD (2011), Dept. Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich,
    MSc (2008), Micro- and Nanosystems, Depts. Mechanical and Process
    Engineering and Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH
    Zurich, Switzerland.
    Diploma in Applied Physics (2006), Dept. Applied Mathematical and Physical
    Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.


  • *Nanoscale functional materials and devices for bio探花精选 applications*
    Nanostructured materials show great potential in the bio探花精选 field as they
    can serve as superior bioimaging contrast agents, diagnostic and therapeutic
    tools. Antibacterial nanosilver, plasmonic nanosized noble metals, quantum
    dots, nanophosphors and superparamagnetic nanoparticles constitute some of
    such functional materials.
    Here, we focus on aerosol manufacturing of smart nanoscale materials and
    devices and investigate the parameters that influence their properties,
    targeting superior performance in theranostics. Our approach is highly
    multidisciplinary combining expertise from material engineering,
    bioengineering and health sciences. This allows for the design and
    engineering of biomaterials that exhibit the desired functionality in
    applications ranging from diagnostics to therapeutic interventions.
    If you are a student and you like the above research topics, please do not
    hesitate to contact me. Research projects (e.g. master thesis) may be
    * 2022 KI Research Incubator (KIRI) Fellow
    * 2021 KI Consolidator Grant
    * 2021 ERC Proof of Concept Grant
    * 2020 Smoluchowski Award, European Aerosol Assembly (GAeF).
    * 2020 Appointed Future Research Leader, Swedish Foundation
    for Strategic Research (SSF).
    * 2019 Young Investigator Award, Dept. Microbiology, Tumor
    and Cell Biology, 探花精选.
    * 2018 Young Faculty Award, Mayo Clinic Symposium Series,
    Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
    * 2018 Invited contribution to 鈥/Futures/鈥/ /Issue
    of /AIChE J./ recognizing the potential of young researchers.
    * 2017 ERC Starting Grant.
    * 2014 Elsevier Top Cited Paper Award for 2011 and 2012,
    AIChE 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
    * 2013 Hilti Award for Innovative Research, ETH Zurich,
    * 2013 TechConnect 2013 Global Innovation Award, Washington
    D.C., USA.
    * 2013 ETH Medal for Outstanding PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich.
    * 2012 Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
    Fellow, /Advanced Researcher /Fellowship.
    * 2012 Best PhD Thesis Award, Division of Polymers and
    Colloids, Swiss Chemical Society.
    * 2012 Poster Award, International Fine Particle Research
    Institute (IFPRI) Meeting, Ludwigsburg, Germany.
    * 2011 1st place at the AIChE Bionanotechnology Graduate
    Student Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) 2011
    Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.


  • Journal article: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2024;60(60):7729-7732
    Geissel FJ; Platania V; Tsikourkitoudi V; Larsson JV; Thersleff T; Chatzinikolaidou M; Sotiriou GA
  • Journal article: RSC APPL INTERFACES. 2024;1(4):667-670
    Dietl S; Merkl P; Sotiriou GA
  • Journal article: NANOSCALE ADVANCES. 2024;6(10):2586-2593
    Merkl P; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2023;470:144023
    Li H; Dumont E; Slipets R; Thersleff T; Boisen A; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2023;462:142127
    Ziesmer J; Larsson JV; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2023;454:139971
    Bletsa E; Merkl P; Thersleff T; Normark S; Henriques-Normark B; Sotiriou GA
    Kanaki Z; Smina A; Chandrinou C; Koukouzeli FE; Ntounias Y; Paschalidis N; Cheliotis I; Makrygianni M; Ziesmer J; Sotiriou GA; Zergioti I; Tamvakopoulos C; Klinakis A
    Geissel FJ; Platania V; DeBerardinis N; Skjoldebrand C; Belibasakis GN; Persson C; Hulsart-Billstrom G; Chatzinikolaidou M; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES. 2022;9(34):admi.202201540
    Ziesmer J; Sonden I; Thersleff T; Sotiriou GA
    Tsikourkitoudi V; Henriques-Normark B; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS. 2022;11(21):e2201378
    Speidel AT; Chivers PRA; Wood CS; Roberts DA; Correia IP; Caravaca AS; Chan YKV; Hansel CS; Heimgaertner J; Mueller E; Ziesmer J; Sotiriou GA; Olofsson PS; Stevens MM
  • Article: ADVANCED SCIENCE. 2022;9(22):e2201133
    Li H; Merkl P; Sommertune J; Thersleff T; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE. 2022;608(Pt 3):3141-3150
    Geissel FJ; Platania V; Gogos A; Herrmann IK; Belibasakis GN; Chatzinikolaidou M; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOPRINTING. 2022;8(2):554-146
    Kanaki Z; Chandrinou C; Orfanou I-M; Kryou C; Ziesmer J; Sotiriou GA; Klinakis A; Tamvakopoulos C; Zergioti I
  • Article: JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY. 2021;19(1):291
    Mann R; Holmes A; McNeilly O; Cavaliere R; Sotiriou GA; Rice SA; Gunawan C
  • Article: PARTICLE AND FIBRE TOXICOLOGY. 2021;18(1):33
    Camaioni A; Massimiani M; Lacconi V; Magrini A; Salustri A; Sotiriou GA; Singh D; Bitounis D; Bocca B; Pino A; Barone F; Prota V; Iavicoli I; Scimeca M; Bonanno E; Cassee FR; Demokritou P; Pietroiusti A; Campagnolo L
  • Article: ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES. 2021;6(7):2001307
    Ziesmer J; Tajpara P; Hempel N-J; Ehrstrom M; Melican K; Eidsmo L; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: MOLECULES. 2021;26(13):4035
    Hempel N-J; Merkl P; Knopp MM; Berthelsen R; Teleki A; Hansen AK; Sotiriou GA; Lobmann K
  • Article: PHARMACEUTICS. 2021;13(6):917
    Hempel N-J; Merkl P; Knopp MM; Berthelsen R; Teleki A; Sotiriou GA; Lobmann K
  • Article: MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS. 2021;18(6):2254-2262
    Hempel N-J; Merkl P; Asad S; Knopp MM; Berthelsen R; Bergstrom CAS; Teleki A; Sotiriou GA; Lobmann K
  • Article: ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS. 2021;4(5):5330-5339
    Merkl P; Zhou S; Zaganiaris A; Shahata M; Eleftheraki A; Thersleff T; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: NANOMATERIALS. 2021;11(5):1312
    Merkl P; Long S; McInerney GM; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS. 2021;171:112732
    Merkl P; Aschtgen M-S; Henriques-Normark B; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE. 2020;12(11):e12695
    Subramanian K; Iovino F; Tsikourkitoudi V; Merkl P; Ahmed S; Berry SB; Aschtgen M-S; Svensson M; Bergman P; Sotiriou GA; Henriques-Normark B
  • Article: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2020;56(51):6989-6992
    Iovino F; Merkl P; Spyrogianni A; Henriques-Normark B; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: MOLECULES. 2020;25(7):1747
    Tsikourkitoudi V; Karlsson J; Merkl P; Loh E; Henriques-Normark B; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES. 2020;12(5):5557-5568
    Gunawan C; Faiz MB; Mann R; Ting SRS; Sotiriou GA; Marquis CP; Amal R
  • Article: NANOSCALE. 2020;12(4):2384-2392
    Valentin E; Bottomley AL; Chilambi GS; Harry EJ; Amal R; Sotiriou GA; Rice SA; Gunawan C
  • Article: NANO LETTERS. 2019;19(9):6013-6018
    Keevend K; Puust L; Kurvits K; Gerken LRH; Starsich FHL; Li J-H; Matter MT; Spyrogianni A; Sotiriou GA; Stiefel M; Herrmann IK
  • Article: BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS. 2019;132:286-293
    Henning DF; Merkl P; Yun C; Iovino F; Xie L; Mouzourakis E; Moularas C; Deligiannakis Y; Henriques-Normark B; Leifer K; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: AICHE JOURNAL. 2018;64(8):2947-2957
    Spyrogianni A; Tiefenboeck P; Starsich FHL; Keevend K; Krumeich F; Herrmann IK; Leroux J-C; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: NANOTOXICOLOGY. 2018;12(3):263-273
    Faiz MB; Amal R; Marquis CP; Harry EJ; Sotiriou GA; Rice SA; Gunawan C
  • Article: ACS NANO. 2017;11(12):12210-12218
    Pratsinis A; Kelesidis GA; Zuercher S; Krumeich F; Bolisetty S; Mezzenga R; Leroux J-C; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE. 2017;108:56-66
    Spyrogianni A; Sotiriou GA; Brambilla D; Leroux J-C; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2017;51(9):5222-5232
    Singh D; Schifman LA; Watson-Wrightt C; Sotiriou GA; Oyanedel-Craver V; Wohlleben W; Demokritou P
  • Article: ACS NANO. 2017;11(4):3438-3445
    Gunawan C; Marquis CP; Amal R; Sotiriou GA; Rice SA; Harry EJ
  • Article: NANOMEDICINE. 2016;11(19):2483-2496
    Spyrogianni A; Herrmann IK; Lucas MS; Leroux J-C; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS. 2016;5(20):2698-2706
    Starsich FHL; Sotiriou GA; Wurnig MC; Eberhardt C; Hirt AM; Boss A; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 2016;305:87-95
    Sotiriou GA; Singh D; Zhang F; Chalbot M-CG; Spielman-Sun E; Hoering L; Kavouras IG; Lowry GV; Wohlleben W; Demokritou P
  • Article: NANOSCALE. 2016;8(2):796-803
    Sotiriou GA; Blattmann CO; Deligiannakis Y
  • Article: RSC ADVANCES. 2016;6(26):21503-21510
    Teleki A; Haufe FL; Hirt AM; Pratsinis SE; Sotiriou GA
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: NANO. 2016;3(6):1293-1305
    Singh D; Sotiriou GA; Zhang F; Mead J; Bello D; Wohlleben W; Demokritou P
  • Article: NANOTOXICOLOGY. 2015;9(6):760-768
    Pirela SV; Sotiriou GA; Bello D; Shafer M; Bunker KL; Castranova V; Thomas T; Demokritou P
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: NANO. 2015;2(3):262-272
    Sotiriou GA; Singh D; Zhang F; Wohlleben W; Chalbot M-CG; Kavouras IG; Demokritou P
  • Article: LANGMUIR. 2015;31(19):5284-5290
    Fujiwara K; Sotiriou GA; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: NANOTECHNOLOGY. 2015;26(12):125601
    Blattmann CO; Sotiriou GA; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES. 2015;7(1):193-200
    Peters C; Ergeneman O; Sotiriou GA; Choi H; Nelson BJ; Hierold C
  • Article: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2014;50(88):13559-13562
    Sotiriou GA; Etterlin GD; Spyrogianni A; Krumeich F; Leroux J-C; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: PARTICLE AND FIBRE TOXICOLOGY. 2014;11:44
    Konduru NV; Murdaugh KM; Sotiriou GA; Donaghey TC; Demokritou P; Brain JD; Molina RM
  • Article: JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 2014;279:365-374
    Okello VA; Gass S; Pyrgiotakis G; Du N; Lake A; Kariuki V; Sotiriou GA; Addolorato J; Demokritou P; Sadik OA
  • Article: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 2014;24(19):2818-2827
    Sotiriou GA; Starsich F; Dasargyri A; Wurnig MC; Krumeich F; Boss A; Leroux J-C; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: NANO. 2014;1(2):144-153
    Sotiriou GA; Watson C; Murdaugh KM; Darrah TH; Pyrgiotakis G; Elder A; Brain JD; Demokritou P
  • Article: ADVANCED MATERIALS. 2014;26(6):952-957
    Fusco S; Sakar MS; Kennedy S; Peters C; Bottani R; Starsich F; Mao A; Sotiriou GA; Pane S; Pratsinis SE; Mooney D; Nelson BJ
  • Article: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2014;115(4):044314
    Hirt AM; Sotiriou GA; Kidambi PR; Teleki A
  • Article: CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. 2013;25(22):4603-4612
    Sotiriou GA; Visbal-Onufrak MA; Teleki A; Juan EJ; Hirt AM; Pratsinis SE; Rinaldi C
  • Article: SMALL. 2013;9(15):2576-2584
    Pratsinis A; Hervella P; Leroux J-C; Pratsinis SE; Sotiriou GA
    Gass S; Cohen JM; Pyrgiotakis G; Sotiriou GA; Pratsinis SE; Demokritou P
  • Article: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 2013;23(1):34-41
    Sotiriou GA; Blattmann CO; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES. 2012;4(12):6609-6617
    Deligiannakis Y; Sotiriou GA; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: LANGMUIR. 2012;28(45):15929-15936
    Sotiriou GA; Meyer A; Knijnenburg JTN; Panke S; Pratsinis SE
    Ergeneman O; Chatzipirpiridis G; Pokki J; Marin-Suarez M; Sotiriou GA; Medina-Rodriguez S; Fernandez Sanchez JF; Fernandez-Gutierrez A; Pane S; Nelson BJ
  • Article: NANOTOXICOLOGY. 2012;6(6):680-690
    Sotiriou GA; Diaz E; Long MS; Godleski J; Brain J; Pratsinis SE; Demokritou P
  • Article: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES. 2012;4(5):2664-2671
    Bubenhofer SB; Schumacher CM; Koehler FM; Luechinger NA; Sotiriou GA; Grass RN; Stark WJ
  • Article: ACS NANO. 2012;6(5):3888-3897
    Sotiriou GA; Franco D; Poulikakos D; Ferrari A
  • Article: JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH. 2012;14(5):812
    Tsai CS-J; Echevarria-Vega ME; Sotiriou GA; Santeufemio C; Schmidt D; Demokritou P; Ellenbecker M
  • Article: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 2012;116(7):4493-4499
    Sotiriou GA; Schneider M; Pratsinis SE
    Sotiriou GA; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2011;170(2-3):547-554
    Sotiriou GA; Teleki A; Camenzind A; Krumeich F; Meyer A; Panke S; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. 2011;23(7):1985-1992
    Sotiriou GA; Hirt AM; Lozach P-Y; Teleki A; Krumeich F; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: NANO LETTERS. 2011;11(3):1337-1343
    Dahlin AB; Sannomiya T; Zahn R; Sotiriou GA; Voeroes J
  • Article: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 2011;115(4):1084-1089
    Sotiriou GA; Schneider M; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 2010;20(24):4250-4257
    Sotiriou GA; Sannomiya T; Teleki A; Krumeich F; Voeroes J; Pratsinis SE
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2010;44(14):5649-5654
    Sotiriou GA; Pratsinis SE
    Ergeneman O; Chatzipirpiridis G; Gelderblom FB; Pokki J; Pan茅 S; Mar铆n Su谩rez Del Toro M; Fern谩ndez S谩nchez JF; Sotiriou GA; Nelson BJ
  • Visa fler

Alla 枚vriga publikationer

  • Meeting abstract: CANCER RESEARCH. 2015;75:2723
    Wang L; Davidson DC; Derk R; Luanpitpong S; Sotiriou GA; Demokritou P; Castranova V; Rojanasakul Y; Stueckle TA
    Sotiriou GA


  • Senior Forskare, Institutionen f枚r mikrobiologi, tum枚r- och cellbiologi, 探花精选, 2022-

Examina och utbildning

  • Docent, Biomaterialvetenskap, 探花精选, 2022

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