
ALS Seminars

Upcoming and previous seminars organized by us in the ALS Clinical Research Group


Upcoming Seminars

Stay tuned for upcoming seminars!


Previous Seminars

ALS webinar May8 2024

May 8 2024, 12AM-1PM: ALS Market Access in the Nordics

Mark your calendars!
Our team is organizing an ALS Market Access seminar, with a focus on the Nordic countries. This seminar is dedicated to ALS clinicians, members of ALS clinics and ALS researchers, and aims to provide information and education on market access, the processes and steps involved, the different key actors as well as expected timelines.

Join us on May 8th over lunch to listen to Gabriella Brunlid from Biogen and Martí Hopmans from Ferrer.




Colm Peelo
Colm Peelo


March 22 2024, 12AM-1PM: ALS Lunch Seminar
Speaker: Colm Peelo
Title: "Neuropsychology of ALS: an overview of extramotor symptoms, familiality and endophenotypes".

We welcome Colm Peelo from Trinity College in Dublin. Join us for another ALS Lunch Seminar, from 12 to 13 (CET).

About Colm Peelo:
I'm a 4th year PhD Student in the Academic Unit of Neurology, School of Medicine in Trinity College Dublin. My research is on the neuropsychology of progressive neurodegenerative disorders of the motor system, with a focus on ALS and HD. My PhD research aims to characterise the cognitive and behavioural profile of presymptomatic and early symptomatic HD patients in Ireland. Similarly, I am assessing the cognitive profiles of unaffected family members of familial-ALS patients to evaluate the presence of potential cognitive endophenotypes and begin to examine early cognitive change in unaffected-C9orf72 gene carriers over time.

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 658 8663 8763
Meeting code: 056283  

Ole-Bjørn Tysnes
Ole-Bjørn Tysnes


  • February 16 2024, 12AM-12.45PM: ALS Lunch Seminar
    Speaker: Ole-Bjørn Tysnes - neurologist Haukeland University Hospital, Professor in Neurology, University of Bergen, Head of the NO-ALS trial.
    Title: "How to conduct a clinical trial on a chronic disease? The NO-ALS trial".




  • November 16 2023, 12AM-1PM: ALS Lunch Seminar
    Speaker: Edoardo Aiello
    Title: "Clinimetrics and feasibility of cognitive screening tests in ALS: an update"
  • October 10 2023, 12AM-1PM: ALS Lunch Seminar
    Dr Jakob Blicher, Professor at the Department of Neurology at the Aalborg University Hospital.
    Talk: "Advanced imaging in ALS, examples from high resolution fMRI, MEG and MR spectroscopy". 
  • October 2, 2023, 12AM-1PM: ALS Lunch Seminar
    Sanharib Chamoun, PhD student. 
    Talk: "Cardiac involvement in patients with ALS".

  • May 17, 2023: ALS Lunch Seminar
    Dr Audrey Labarre from the research center of the Montreal university hospital (CRCHUM) will talk about her last paper (see attached document below). 12-1PM. 
  • April 27, 2023:
    Andrea Malaspina, Professor of Neurology at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology in London, will give a lecture at KI about ALS biomarkers. 
    Location: Atrium, Nobels väg 12B. 
    Start time: 4PM.


Professor Angela Genge, ALS
Dr Angela Genge
  • February 1, 2023:
    Speech by Dr. Angela Genge who has been the Director of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) clinic at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) since 1998 as well as the Executive Director of The Neuro’s Clinical Research Unit (CRU) since 2004.