
Real-world effectiveness of psychopharmacological treatment – Jari Tiihonen's Research Group

We study the real-world effectiveness of psychopharmacological treatments of psychoses and depression by using nationwide hospital discharge, prescription and mortality registers.

Real-world effectiveness of psychopharmacological treatment

Nowadays, most treatment guidelines are largely based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs), but also observational studies can give important contribution to evidence-based medicine. The patient populations in RCTs are highly selected, and follow-up periods are short and, therefore, the generalization of RCTs to real-world settings is questionable. Also, studying infrequent phenomena, such as death and suicide, is practically impossible in RCTs. We study the real-world effectiveness of psychopharmacological treatments of psychoses and depression by using nationwide hospital discharge, prescription and mortality registers.

We have shown that in the treatment of schizophrenia, use of antipsychotic is associated with decreased mortality compared with no use of antipsychotic, and clozapine is associated with lower mortality than other antipsychotics. We have also observed that benzodiazepine use is linked with increased mortality, whereas use of an antidepressant or several concomitant antipsychotics is not. In first episode patients, use of depot antipsychotic injections leads to decreased risk of rehospitalization.

We study also the etiology and neurobiology of schizophrenia and violent behavior with genetics and stem cell research.

Research Projects

  • Studies on effectiveness on psychopharmacological treatments of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
  • Studies on neurobiology of schizophrenia, psychopathy, and antisocial personality


Selected publications

  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2023;180(5):377-385
    Taipale H; Tanskanen A; Tiihonen J
  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2023;80(1):31-39
    Heikkinen M; Taipale H; Tanskanen A; Mittendorfer-Rutz E; Lahteenvuo M; Tiihonen J
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2022;179(12):938-946
    Solmi M; Taipale H; Holm M; Tanskanen A; Mittendorfer-Rutz E; Correll CU; Tiihonen J
  • Article: LANCET PSYCHIATRY. 2022;9(5):353-362
    Tiihonen J; Tanskanen A; Bell JS; Dawson JL; Kataja V; Taipale H
  • Article: LANCET PSYCHIATRY. 2022;9(4):271-279
    Taipale H; Tanskanen A; Correll CU; Tiihonen J
  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2022;79(3):210-218
    Taipale H; Schneider-Thoma J; Pinzon-Espinosa J; Radua J; Efthimiou O; Vinkers CH; Mittendorfer-Rutz E; Cardoner N; Pintor L; Tanskanen A; Tomlinson A; Fusar-Poli P; Cipriani A; Vieta E; Leucht S; Tiihonen J; Luykx JJ
  • Article: LANCET PSYCHIATRY. 2021;8(10):883-891
    Taipale H; Solmi M; Lahteenvuo M; Tanskanen A; Correll CU; Tiihonen J
  • Article: MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. 2020;25(12):3432-3441
    Tiihonen J; Koskuvi M; Lahteenvuo M; Virtanen PLJ; Ojansuu I; Vaurio O; Gao Y; Hyotylainen I; Puttonen KA; Repo-Tiihonen E; Paunio T; Rautiainen M-R; Tyni S; Koistinaho J; Lehtonen S
  • Article: WORLD PSYCHIATRY. 2020;19(1):61-68
    Taipale H; Tanskanen A; Mehtala J; Vattulainen P; Correll CU; Tiihonen J
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2019;10(1):3933
    Tiihonen J; Koskuvi M; Storvik M; Hyotylainen I; Gao Y; Puttonen KA; Giniatullina R; Poguzhelskaya E; Ojansuu I; Vaurio O; Cannon TD; Lonnqvist J; Therman S; Suvisaari J; Kaprio J; Cheng L; Hill AF; Lahteenvuo M; Tohka J; Giniatullin R; Lehtonen S; Koistinaho J
  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2019;76(5):499-507
    Tiihonen J; Taipale H; Mehtala J; Vattulainen P; Correll CU; Tanskanen A
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2018;175(8):765-773
    Tiihonen J; Tanskanen A; Taipale H
  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2018;75(4):347-355
    Lahteenvuo M; Tanskanen A; Taipale H; Hoti F; Vattulainen P; Vieta E; Tiihonen J
  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2017;74(12):1242-1250
    Tielbeek JJ; Johansson A; Polderman TJC; Rautiainen M-R; Jansen P; Taylor M; Tong X; Lu Q; Burt AS; Tiemeier H; Viding E; Plomin R; Martin NG; Heath AC; Madden PAF; Montgomery G; Beaver KM; Waldman I; Gelernter J; Kranzler HR; Farrer LA; Perry JRB; Munafo M; LoParo D; Paunio T; Tiihonen J; Mous SE; Pappa I; de Leeuw C; Watanabe K; Hammerschlag AR; Salvatore JE; Aliev F; Bigdeli TB; Dick D; Faraone SV; Popma A; Medland SE; Posthuma D
  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2017;74(7):686-693
    Tiihonen J; Mittendorfer-Rutz E; Majak M; Mehtala J; Hoti F; Jedenius E; Enkusson D; Leval A; Sermon J; Tanskanen A; Taipale H
  • Article: LANCET PSYCHIATRY. 2017;4(7):547-553
    Tiihonen J; Tanskanen A; Hoti F; Vattulainen P; Taipale H; Mehtala J; Lahteenvuo M
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2016;173(6):600-606
    Tiihonen J; Mittendorfer-Rutz E; Torniainen M; Alexanderson K; Tanskanen A
  • Article: MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. 2015;20(6):786-792
    Tiihonen J; Rautiainen M-R; Ollila HM; Repo-Tiihonen E; Virkkunen M; Palotie A; Pietilainen O; Kristiansson K; Joukamaa M; Lauerma H; Saarela J; Tyni S; Vartiainen H; Paananen J; Goldman D; Paunio T
  • Article: ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY. 2012;69(5):476-483
    Tiihonen J; Suokas JT; Suvisaari JM; Haukka J; Korhonen P
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2012;169(5):531-536
    Tiihonen J; Krupitsky E; Verbitskaya E; Blokhina E; Mamontova O; Fohr J; Tuomola P; Kuoppasalmi K; Kiviniemi V; Zwartau E
  • Corrigendum: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2012;169(2):223
    Tiihonen J
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