Staff and contact
Group leader
- Kristina Gemzell DanielssonProfessor/Senior Physician | Head of department,Head of Division | Docent
All members of the group
- Klara AbrahamssonPhd Student
- Malin AhrneAffiliated to Research
- Susanna AlderAffiliated to Research
- Twana AlkasaliasAssistant Professor
- Amelia Almlöf KalmaruAdjunct Lecturer
- Sofia AlsingLecturer
- Emil AnderssonAffiliated to Research
- Annette AronssonResearch Specialist
- Cecilia ArvidsonAffiliated to Research
- Sonja BaldursdottirAffiliated to Research
- Marco BartocciAffiliated to Research
- Ninni BergPhd Student
- Veronica BerggrenAdjunct Lecturer
- Nils BergmanAffiliated to Research
- Charlotta BergströmPhd Student
- Staffan BergströmProfessor Emeritus/Emerita | Docent
- Isabella BizjakPhd Student
- Johanna BlomgrenPhd Student
- Marie BondesonAdjunct Lecturer
- Kirsty BourretAffiliated to Research
- Anna BrammåsPhd Student
- Karin Rebecka BrandellPhd Student
- Matilda BredellPhd Student
- Lovisa BrehmerAffiliated to Research
- Katarina BremmeAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Kristina CederbladAffiliated to Research
- Andrei ChilianuAffiliated to Research
- Kyllike ChristenssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita | Docent
- Amanda CleeveAssistant Professor
- Peter ConnerAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Anette DaberiusResearch Midwife
- Karin DahlströmPhd Student
- Emöke DeschmannAffiliated to Research
- Snorri DonaldssonAffiliated to Research
- Thomas DrevhammarAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Gabriella EdfeldtAffiliated to Research
- Malin EdqvistAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Susanne EismoAdjunct Lecturer
- Emma EklundAffiliated to Research
- Gunvor Ekman-OrdebergProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
- Jona Elings KnutssonAffiliated to Research
- Eva Elvin fd. AnderssonSenior Lecturer | Docent
- Karin Emtell IwarssonResearch Midwife | Postdoctoral Researcher
- Margit EndlerAssistant Professor | Docent
- Hedvig EngbergAdjunct Lecturer | Docent
- Niklas EnvallAffiliated to Research
- Henrik FalconerAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Omid FaridaniAffiliated to Research
- Jamie FeusnerAffiliated to Research
- Christian FialaAffiliated to Research
- Emil FlatholmAffiliated to Research
- Angelique Flöter-RådestadSenior Lecturer/Senior Physician | Docent
- Cecilia FridénAffiliated to Research | Affiliated to Teaching/Tutoring | Docent
- Jakob FrieAffiliated to Research
- Ulrika FundinResearch Midwife
- Kristina Gemzell DanielssonProfessor/Senior Physician | Head of department,Head of Division | Docent
- Igor GovorovAffiliated to Research
- Johanna Granhagen JungnerLecturer | Assistant Professor
- Nina Groes KofoedPhd Student
- Anna GudmundsdottirAffiliated to Research
- Okan GultekinResearch Assistant
- Kolbrún GunnarsdóttirPhd Student
- Anna GustafssonAssistant Professor
- Erika GyllencreutzAffiliated to Research
- Kerstin HagenfeldtProfessor Emeritus/Emerita | Docent
- Elin HallgrenAdjunct Lecturer
- Anna Hallin ProvenzanoPhd Student
- Anton HellbergPhd Student
- Agnes HerreClinical Assistant
- Anna Hildenbrand MichelmanAffiliated to Teaching/Tutoring
- Malin HolzmannAdjunct Senior Lecturer | Docent
- Ingela Hulthén VarliAffiliated to Research
- Daniel HundeAffiliated to Research | Phd Student
- Sara ImbodenAffiliated to Research
- Ivika JaksonAffiliated to Research
- Wibke JonasSenior Lecturer | Docent
- Ulrika JoneborgAffiliated to Research
- Baldvin JonssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita | Docent
- Kerstin JostAffiliated to Research
- Sandra KahlbomAdjunct Lecturer
- Asinja Eriab KapuruPhd Student
- Catharina KarlssonAdministrator
- Carina Karlsson BergqvistAdjunct Lecturer
- Annica KempeAffiliated to Research
- Helena KilanderAffiliated to Research
- Malin KjellbergAffiliated to Research
- Katarzyna KopaczkaAffiliated to Research
- Pierre KuhnAffiliated to Research
- Hedvig KvantaAffiliated to Research
- Hugo LagercrantzProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
- Benjamin LassebroAffiliated to Research
- Veronica LedouxAffiliated to Research
- Mikaela LenellsPhd Student
- Siri LilliesköldAffiliated to Research
- Angelica Lindén HirschbergProfessor/Senior Physician
- Helena LindgrenAffiliated to Research
- Peter LindgrenAffiliated to Research
- Lena LindgrenAdjunct Lecturer
- Johanna LindstedtResearch Assistant
- Emelie Looft-TrägårdhPhd Student
- Eva LundströmAffiliated to Teaching/Tutoring
- Elisa Maria MaffioliAffiliated to Research
- Marlene MakenziusAffiliated to Research
- Sara MalerPhd Student
- Cristina MattisonAffiliated to Research
- Patrick McGowanAffiliated to Research
- David MegyessiPostdoctoral Studies
- Charlotte Millde LuthanderAffiliated to Research
- Miriam MintsSenior Lecturer/Senior Physician | Docent
- Gustaf MÃ¥rtenssonResearch Specialist
- Sabine NaessénAffiliated to Research
- Nageswara Rao BoggavarapuAssistant Professor
- Karthik NairPhd Student
- Eva NissenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita | Docent
- Samson NivinsPostdoctoral Researcher
- Anna Norberg HardiePhd Student
- Lisa NorenAdjunct Lecturer
- Gunnar NorstedtProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
- Daniela NoskoAffiliated to Research
- Louise OdellAdjunct Lecturer
- Stig OllmarAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Jan OlofssonAffiliated to Research
- Linus OlsonAffiliated to Research
- Caroline-Aleksi Olsson MägiAffiliated to Research
- Nelly PadillaAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Kolbrun PalsdottirAffiliated to Research
- Kiriaki PapaikonomouAffiliated to Research
- Lalit Kumar Parameswaran GracePrincipal Researcher | Docent
- Mandira PaulAffiliated to Research
- Mariana PaulsonAffiliated to Research
- Rasha PolcerPhd Student
- Mohammed Fatih RasulPhd Student
- Zoia RazumovaAffiliated to Research
- Maria RefsgaardAdjunct Lecturer
- Malin RuukholmAdjunct Lecturer
- Sahra SaidArabAffiliated to Research
- Daniel SalamonSenior Research Specialist | Docent
- Sahar SalehiClinical Assistant | Docent
- Björn SalomonssonAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Sissel SaltvedtAffiliated to Research
- Anna SandAffiliated to Research
- Sreenivasa Raghavan SankavaramPostdoctoral Researcher
- Meruert SarsenovaPhd Student
- Isabella SchmehAffiliated to Research
- Maria SennströmAffiliated to Research
- Tewodros Seyoum (RM, Postdoctoral Researcher)Postdoctoral Studies
- Maral ShafeiPhd Student
- Veronica SiljehavAffiliated to Research
- Hanna Tesfaye SisayPhd Student
- Thilda SjöblomAdjunct Lecturer
- Lars SmedmanAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Isabelle SpataEducational Administrator
- Emma SteenAffiliated to Research
- Kristoffer Jonathan Steiner, MD, Dr. med, PhDAffiliated to Research
- Eleni StergiouPhd Student
- Moa StrandbergPhd Student
- Anna StäkeLecturer
- Kristin SvenssonAffiliated to Research
- Liisa SvenssonLecturer
- Gunnar SöderqvistAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Yiqun TangClinical Assistant
- Jun TangPostdoctoral Studies
- Pia TelemanAffiliated to Research
- Björn TingbergAssistant Senior Lecturer
- Sofia TornvallPhd Student
- Line Trondsen HettebergPhd Student
- Hanna UlfsdottirAssistant Professor
- Deborah UtjésPhd Student
- Frida ViirmanPostdoctoral Researcher
- Ylva Vladic StjernholmAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Malin VoltaireAdjunct Lecturer
- Noni WadströmPhd Student
- Ulla WaldenströmProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
- Maja WeinrybPhd Student
- Michael WellsSenior Lecturer | Docent
- Ofra WersällAffiliated to Research
- Björn WestrupAffiliated to Research
- Martin WidschwendterVisiting Professor
- Karin WillstrandPhd Student
- Emilija WilsonAssistant Professor
- Stina WretlerAffiliated to Research
- Anna WängborgPhd Student
- Diana ZachAffiliated to Research
- Alexander ZulligerBio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Scientist
- Ulrika ÅdénProfessor/Senior Physician | Docent
- Eva Ã…kermanPostdoctoral Researcher
- Emma ÖbergAffiliated to Research
- Maria ÖrtqvistAffiliated to Research | Docent
- Elin ÖstAdjunct Lecturer