
Matthew Smith

Matthew Smith

Postdoctoral Studies
Visiting address: Nobels v盲g 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet f枚r milj枚medicin, C6 Integrativ metabolomik Wheelock, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Postdoctoral researcher using targeted liquid chromatography and imaging mass spectrometry approaches to understand the role of lipid mediators in the onset and resolution of inflammation.


  • Article: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2024;96(45):17950-17959
    Smith MJ; Nie M; Adner M; Safholm J; Wheelock CE
  • Journal article: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY. 2024;98(4):1111-1123
    Viant MR; Amstalden E; Athersuch T; Bouhifd M; Camuzeaux S; Crizer DM; Driemert P; Ebbels T; Ekman D; Flick B; Giri V; Gomez-Romero M; Haake V; Herold M; Kende A; Lai F; Leonards PEG; Lim PP; Lloyd GR; Mosley J; Namini C; Rice JR; Romano S; Sands C; Smith MJ; Sobanski T; Southam AD; Swindale L; van Ravenzwaay B; Walk T; Weber RJM; Zickgraf FM; Kamp H
  • Journal article: METABOLITES. 2022;12(1):33
    Smith MJ; Weber RJM; Viant MR
  • Journal article: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2021;93(26):9258-9266
    Smith MJ; Ivanov DP; Weber RJM; Wingfield J; Viant MR

All other publications

  • Preprint: CHEMRXIV. 2024
    Smith M; Nie M; Adner M; S盲fholm J; Wheelock C

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