Kirsti Skavberg Roaldsen
Affiliated to Research | Docent
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels All茅 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, v氓rdvetenskap och samh盲lle, H1 Fysioterapi Nygren-Bonnier, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am a registered physiotherapist since 1983 with expertise in specialized
neurological rehabilitation, geriatric medicine, prevention of falls, fear of
falling, avoidance of activity, physical activity and health, venous
insufficiency, measurement methods, quantitative and qualitative /
explorative research approaches. I have my clinical appointment at the
Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital in Oslo, Norway since 1983, has been
affiliated to research at 探花精选 since 2010, Oslo Metropolitan
University between 2016-2022, and UiT The Arctic
University of Norway, Troms酶, Norway since 2021.
* Docent/Associate professor at 探花精选, Department of Neurobiology,
Caring Sciences and Society, Senior researcher at Sunnaas Rehabilitation
Hospital, Department of Research and Professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Troms酶, Norway
* Deputy leader of the research group of Malin Nygren-Bonnier and
associated member of the research group of Anna-Karin Welmer, NVS
* Principal investigator of the SCIP FALLS Study, a multicenter
Swedish-Norwegian longitudinal study on prevention of falls in patients
with spinal cord injury, cooperation between KI, Aleris Rehab Station Stockholm
and Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital (2012-ongoing)
* Principal investigator of the SINpedSCI study, an international
multicenter study on the rehabilitation of children and adolescents with
spinal cord injury in ten rehabilitation units from Norway, Sweden, USA, Russia, China, Israel, and Palestine (2016-ongoing). A
multidisciplinary group of 25 researchers and clinicians are cooperating (2017-ongoing)
* Principal investigator of the study: International outcome measures in pediatrics
rehabilitation study, a Scandinavian multicenter study on reproducibility, acceptability, and utility of the international, age-appropriate, and recommended data sets for pediatric spinal cord injury rehabilitation in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark (2023 - grant applications)
* One of the principal investigators of the StayBalanced study鈥
Prevention of falls in older adults through implementation of evidence
based balance training鈥 from clinical research to clinical practice
(2015 - ongoing)
* Coordinator of the research collaboration between Sunnaas Rehabilitation
Hospital, Norway and 探花精选 (2006-ongoing)
1977 Biochemistry technician, Troms酶 Vocational School
1981 Bachelor in Physiotherapy, Bergen University College, Norway
1989 Master of Arts (Candidata magisterii) in Sociology, University of
Oslo, Norway
1994 Master of Science in Physiotherapy, University of Bergen, Norway
2009 Doctoral degree, 探花精选
2016 Associate professor at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital and Oslo
Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
2017 Docent/Associate professor 探花精选
2020 Professor UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Troms酶, Norway
- Current research projects follow four distinct tracks. (1)Prevention of
falls in persons with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Parkinson鈥檚 Disease,
Osteoporosis and in older adults in Norway and Sweden, (2) Psychosocial aspects and
rehabilitation services for children and adolescents with SCI, (3) Physical activity
and health in disability/ chronic disease, (4) Psychometric properties of outcome
PUBLICATIONS, see reference list. Additional publications, see below.
-*Roaldsen KS*, Wakefield E, Opheim A. Pragmatic evaluation of aspects
concerning validity and feasibility of the Mini Balance Evaluation System
Test (Mini-BESTest) in a specialized rehabilitation hospital. Int J Phys Ther
Rehab 2015 - 2(104):1-6.
-Wall茅n MB, St氓hle A, Hagstr枚mer M, Franz茅n E, *Roaldsen KS*. Exercise
habits and perceptions of physical activity in older adults. Publication for
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Publication no MSB669, March 2014, pages
1-31. ISBN 978-91-7383-427-8.
Additional publications published earlier than 1995 (n=4):
-Stanghelle J, Helseth R, *Roaldsen KS*, Rand-Hendriksen S. [42 patients
with post-polio syndrome. A retrospective study from Sunnaas hospital].
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen. 1991 Oct - 111(26):3159-62.
-Stanghelle JK, Winnem M, *Roaldsen KS*, de Wit S, Notgewisch JH, Nilsen BH.
Young patients with Cystic Fibrosis - attitudes towards physical activity and
influence on physical fitness and spirometric values of a 2-week training
course. Int J Sports Med 1991 - suppl 1(9):25:32.
-Maehlum S, *Roaldsen K*, Kolsrud M, Dahl M. [Rehabilitation after stroke].
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen. 1990 Aug - 110(20):2657-9.
-Stanghelle J, Winnem M, *Roaldsen KS*, de Wit S, Notgewitch J, Nilsen
B. Young patients with cystic fibrosis: attitude toward physical activity
and influence on physical fitness and spirometric values of a 2-week training
course. Int J Sports Med 1988 Feb - 9 Suppl 1():25-31.
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- Pedagogical education:
2010 Pedagogy Course 鈥淐ase-based Learning鈥, Medical Case Center,
探花精选, Stockholm, Sweden. Two days course
2011 Supervisor Course 鈥滵octoral Supervisor Training Course -
Introductory鈥, 探花精选, Stockholm, Sweden. One week course
2014 Supervisor Course 鈥淏asic University Teaching, GHP鈥, Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Five weeks course
2015 Supervisor Course 鈥淧edagogy for Research Supervisors鈥, Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm , Sweden. Two weeks course
2017 "Designing Doctoral Courses", 探花精选, Stockholm ,
Sweden. Two weeks course
2022 Supervisor Course Doctoral Supervisors, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
Since 1993 I have been teaching, examining and supervising at Oslo Akershus
University College of Applied Sciences (now OsloMet) and at Sunnaas Rehabilitation
Hospital. From 2004 and onwards I have been teaching, examining and
supervising at 探花精选 and from 2021 and onward at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Troms酶, Norway .
My areas of teaching and supervision expertise are the field of
physiotherapy, i.e. specialized rehabilitation after spinal cord injury,
stroke, traumatic brain injury, multi trauma i.e., but also psychometric
properties of measurement instruments, venous insufficiency in elderly,
balance disorders in elderly, physical activity and prevention of diseases.
My current teaching activity is to some degree at the Physiotherapy program
at 探花精选 and to a greater degree at the Department of
Physiotherapy at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Oslo, Norway. The duties
include the main responsibilities for supervision of students at PhD and
master levels at Sunnaas, PhD and master at 探花精选 and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
conduct research according to own research plan, contribute to the assessment
and development of new research projects at Sunnaas, developing research
applications at Sunnaas, develop curriculums and teach physiotherapists at
Sunnaas to supports PT鈥檚 to deliver high-quality, evidence-based practice,
and teach selected topics at 探花精选 and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Undervisningen omfattar cirka 2000 timmar (dec 2023) exklusive tid som 盲gnas 氓t
planering, varav 35 % p氓 grundniv氓, 21 % p氓 forskarniv氓, 39 % p氓
forskarniv氓 och 5 % annan undervisningstid (se engelska versionen f枚r detaljer).
- Article: BMC PULMONARY MEDICINE. 2023;23(1):65
- Article: PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2022;38(13):2806-2816
- Article: BMC NEUROLOGY. 2022;22(1):183
- Article: SPINAL CORD. 2022;60(4):339-347
- Article: PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2022;38(1):122-131
- Article: OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL. 2021;32(12):2563-2570
- Article: TRIALS. 2021;22(1):166
- Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;20(1):1671
- Article: BMC GERIATRICS. 2020;20(1):432
- Article: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 2020;20(1):985
- Article: DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2020;42(13):1797-1802
- Article: PHYSICAL THERAPY. 2019;99(11):1501-1510
- Article: SPINAL CORD. 2019;57(11):985-991
- Article: BMC GERIATRICS. 2019;19(1):278
- Article: DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2019;41(8):934-940
- Article: SPINAL CORD. 2019;57(2):91-99
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2019;14(7):e0219854
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2019;14(11):e0225467
- Article: PHYSICAL THERAPY. 2017;97(6):677-687
- Article: CLINICAL REHABILITATION. 2017;31(4):544-554
- Article: JOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY. 2017;63(2):108-113
- Article: JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE. 2017;49(2):144-151
- Article: PHYSICAL THERAPY. 2017;97(1):81-89
- Article: JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE. 2016;39(3):317-326
- Article: DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2016;38(8):796-802
- Article: PHYSICAL THERAPY. 2016;96(3):361-370
- Article: SPINAL CORD. 2016;54(2):115-119
- Article: CLINICAL REHABILITATION. 2014;28(12):1189-1197
- Article: DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2014;36(10):813-817
- Article: PHLEBOLOGY. 2012;27(1):5-12
- Article: CLINICAL REHABILITATION. 2011;25(3):275-286
- Article: PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE. 1999;61(4):576-583
- Article: JOURNAL OF TRAUMA. 1997;42(1):54-61
- Show more
All other publications
- Conference publication: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL. 2022;60:1002
- Conference publication: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL. 2021;58:pa757
- Thesis / dissertation: 2009
- Conference publication: ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA. 1987;76(5):397
- Spinal Cord Injury om the pediatric population - an international multicenter studyThe South-East Authority of Health, Norway2 February 2020 - 30 November 2026
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, 探花精选, 2023-2025
Degrees and Education
- Docent, Physiotherapy, 探花精选, 2017
- Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, 探花精选, 2009