
Cecilia Chrapkowska

Cecilia Chrapkowska

Phd Student
Visiting address: BioMedicum A4, Solnav盲gen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns h盲lsa, K6 Barnonkologi och Barnkirurgi Nilsson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • * I am a board-certified *specialist in paediatrics* with a special interest
    in *vaccination epidemiology, * *health communication* and *health care
    system development.*
    * I am a PhD student at the Department for Women's and Children's Health
    since 2015. I completed my half time seminar in November 2019.
    * I work as a paediatrician at the advanced paediatric home care section at
    Astrid Lindgren's Children's hospital.
    * I also run one of Sweden's leading paediatric information sites
    www.barnakuten.nu [1]and will in 2020 publish Parenthood the Swedish Way
    - a science-based to pregnancy, birth and infancy [2]. (Scribe
    * 探花精选/Stockholm County *Research School for Clinicians in
    Epidemiology*, 2016-2018
    * Board Certified *Specialist in Pediatrics*, 2016
    * *PhD student*, Department for Children鈥檚 and Women鈥檚 health,
    探花精选, 151006-
    * Board certified, 2010
    * *MD*, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, 220 p (330 ECTS),


  • My PhD project is conducted as a collaboration project between Karolinska
    Institutet and the Public Health Agency of Sweden. Associate professor Anna
    Nilsson [1] is my main supervisor and my co-supervisors are PhD
    epidemiologist Malin Kark and associate professor Adam Roth [2] The
    project aims at:
    * validating the Swedish Vaccination Register
    * determining socioeconomic and 探花精选 risk factors for incomplete and
    untimely vaccination among Swedish infants
    * evaluating what effect incomplete or untimely vaccination will have on
    infectious disease morbidity in a high-coverage setting.
    *Publications related to my PhD project: *
    Validation of the new Swedish Vaccination Register 鈥 accuracy and
    completeness of register data [3]
    Chrapkowska C, Galanis I, Kark M, Lepp T, Lindstrand A, Roth A, Nilsson A
    /Vaccine, 2020/
    *Other publications: *
    Vaccination of preterm infants against pertussis and pneumococci.
    Immunogenicity, effectiveness and safety. [4]
    Bernice Aronsson, Cecilia Chrapkowska Flor茅n, Margrethe Greve-Isdahl, Ann
    Lindstrand, Hanne N酶kleby, 脴ystein Riise, Jann Stors忙ter, Didrik F.
    Vestrheim, Sara Viksmoen Watle. Folkehelseinstituttet. Rapport 03.2018. ISBN
    (elektronisk): 978-82-8082-909-2. Tilgjengelig p氓 www.fhi.no
    Diverse effects on vaccine-specific serum IgG titres and memory B cells upon
    methotrexate and anti-TNF-伪 therapy in children with rheumatic diseases: A
    cross-sectional study. [5]
    Ingelman-Sundberg HM, Laestadius 脜, Chrapkowska C, M枚rdrup K, Magnusson B,
    Sundberg E, Nilsson A
    /Vaccine 2016 Mar
  • 34(10):1304-11/
    Cyclooxygenase-2 polymorphisms in Parkinson's disease. [6]
    H氓kansson A, Bergman O, Chrapkowska C, Westberg L, Belin AC, Sydow O,
    Johnels B, Olson L, Holmberg B/, Nissbrandt H/
    /Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 2007 Apr
  • 144B(3):367-9/
    *Presentations at international scientific meetings: *
    /Challenges in using the newly established Swedish Vaccine Register for
    surveillance and research purposes 鈥 data completeness and reporting
    Chrapkowska C, Kark M, Lepp T, Galanis I, Roth A, Nilsson A
    Oral presentation (accepted with top score)
    Congress: ESPID 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenien 2-6/5 2019
    /Safety aspects of vaccination of premature infants against pertussis and
    pneumococci 鈥 a rapid systematic review with focus on apnea, bradycardia
    and desaturation/
    Chrapkowska C, Aronsson B, Lindstrand A, Johansson A-L, Viksmoen Watle S,
    Storsaeter J
    Presentationstyp: Oral presentation of e-poster
    Congress: ESPID 2018, Malm枚, Sverige 29/5-2/6 2018
    [1] _Nilsson6
    [3] %3Dihub


  • /Lecture/ 鈥滻nfant vaccinations鈥 for paediatric residents, Astrid
    Lindgren's Children's Hospital Solna 2019
    /Lecture 鈥/Allergies in children鈥 for residents in family medicine in
    western Stockholm 2019
    /Clinical instructor / paediatric course for 探花精选 students jan-jun
    /Lecture /about the Swedish National Immunisation Programme Barnveckan
    (Yearly meeting for Swedish Pediatricians and pediatric specialist nurses)
    2015 and 2016
    /Lecture /鈥 Perinatal infections鈥 Elective course for 探花精选 students
    in perinatology, KI, 2014-2015


  • Article: VACCINE. 2020;38(25):4104-4110
    Chrapkowska C; Galanis I; Kark M; Lepp T; Lindstrand A; Roth A; Nilsson A
  • Article: VACCINE. 2016;34(10):1304-1311
    Ingelman-Sundberg HM; Laestadius A; Chrapkowska C; Mordrup K; Magnusson B; Sundberg E; Nilsson A
    Hakansson A; Bergman O; Chrapkowska C; Westberg L; Belin AC; Sydow O; Johnels B; Olson L; Holmberg B; Nissbrandt H

All other publications

  • Editorial comment: ACTA PAEDIATRICA, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRICS. 2023;112(2):176-177
    Chrapkowska C
  • Letter: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2014;111(11):494-495
    Altman M; Altman D; Fischler B; Bj枚rkst茅n B; Bruchfeld A; B枚hm F; Chrapkowska C; Finder M; Finkel Y; Halmin M; Heyman M; Ilicki A; Kahn R; Karpman D; Katz-Salamon M; Lagercrantz H; M氓rtensson T; Nisell H; Rosling H; Sarman I; Wackernagel D; Wennergren G; Wilczek M
    Hakansson A; Bergman O; Chrapkowska C; Westberg L; Belin AC; Sydow O; Johnels B; Olson L; Holmberg B; Nissbrandt H
  • Letter: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2002;99(25):2881
    Chrapkowska C

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