Health economic support to the National System for knowledge management (Nationellt system f枚r kunskapsstyrning)
Within our work at the Center for Health Economics, Informatics and Healthcare Research (CHIS) at Region Stockholm, we support the region's work within the National system for knowledge management by providing health economic competence and support to the national program areas (NPOs).
The focus of the projects
So far, we have provided health economic expertise in the development and implementation of the person-centered and coordinated care pathways (personcentrerade och sammanh氓llna v氓rdf枚rlopp) for sepsis, giant cell arteritis, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke/TIA and chronic wounds. This work has included searching for and reviewing health economic literature as well as performing cost-effectiveness analyses and budget impact analyses. We have also initiated a network for health economists who work within the knowledge management system. The network aims to promote a common health economic approach across the system and offers a place for exchange of knowledge and experiences.
Reports and publications
Read more about our results for rheumatoid arthritis in Budgetp氓verkan av uppf枚ljning och teamrehabilitering vid etablerad reumatoid artrit.
Read more about our results for sepsis in .