
Unit of Molecular Toxicology

Our research is aimed at identifying and characterizing molecular and biochemical processes that are induced by exposure to toxic substances including nanomaterials.


Selected publications

  • Article: NANO TODAY. 2024;54:102084
    Gazzi A; Fusco L; Orecchioni M; Keshavan S; Shin Y; Grivel J-C; Rinchai D; Ahmed EI; Elhanani O; Furesi G; Rauner M; Keren L; Ley K; Casiraghi C; Bedognetti D; Fadeel B; Delogu LG
  • Article: MATTER. 2024;7(1):191-215
    Malina T; Hamawandi B; Toprak MS; Chen L; Bjork J; Zhou J; Rosen J; Fadeel B
  • Article: ACS NANO. 2023;17(17):17451-17467
    Gupta G; Kaur J; Bhattacharya K; Chambers BJ; Gazzi A; Furesi G; Rauner M; Fuoco C; Orecchioni M; Delogu LG; Haag L; Stehr JE; Thomen A; Bordes R; Malmberg P; Seisenbaeva GA; Kessler VG; Persson M; Fadeel B
  • Article: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY. 2023;18(1):42-48
    Peng G; Sinkko HM; Alenius H; Lozano N; Kostarelos K; Brautigam L; Fadeel B
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2022;13(1):3798
    Fortino V; Kinaret PAS; Fratello M; Serra A; Saarimaki LA; Gallud A; Gupta G; Vales G; Correia M; Rasool O; Ytterberg J; Monopoli M; Skoog T; Ritchie P; Moya S; Vazquez-Campos S; Handy R; Grafstrom R; Tran L; Zubarev R; Lahesmaa R; Dawson K; Loeschner K; Larsen EH; Krombach F; Norppa H; Kere J; Savolainen K; Alenius H; Fadeel B; Greco D
  • Article: SMALL. 2022;18(20):e2107816
    Peng G; Keshavan S; Delogu L; Shin Y; Casiraghi C; Fadeel B
  • Article: SMALL. 2020;16(21):e1907686
    Mukherjee SP; Gupta G; Kloditz K; Wang J; Rodrigues AF; Kostarelos K; Fadeel B
  • Article: CHEM. 2018;4(2):334-358
    Mukherjee SP; Lazzaretto B; Hultenby K; Newman L; Rodrigues AF; Lozano N; Kostarelos K; Malmberg P; Fadeel B
  • Article: SCIENCE SIGNALING. 2015;8(395):ra95
    Balasubramanian K; Maeda A; Lee JS; Mohammadyani D; Dar HH; Jiang JF; Croix CMS; Watkins S; Tyurin VA; Tyurina YY; Kloeditz K; Polimova A; Kapralova VI; Xiong Z; Ray P; Klein-Seetharaman J; Mallampalli RK; Bayir H; Fadeel B; Kagan VE
  • Article: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY. 2010;5(5):354-359
    Kagan VE; Konduru NV; Feng W; Allen BL; Conroy J; Volkov Y; Vlasova II; Belikova NA; Yanamala N; Kapralov A; Tyurina YY; Shi J; Kisin ER; Murray AR; Franks J; Stolz D; Gou P; Klein-Seetharaman J; Fadeel B; Star A; Shvedova AA



  • European Commission
  • Swedish Research Council
  • Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research
  • European Commission
  • Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning

Staff and contact

Head of Unit

All members of the group

Visiting address

̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nobels väg 13, Stockholm, 171 77, Sweden

Postal address

̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nobels väg 13, Stockholm, 171 77, Sweden