
Laws and regulations on animal experimentation

Here you find the Swedish and European laws and regulations on animal experimentation, as well as local KI regulations.

The care and use of laboratory animals in research is regulated under a common law frame across the EU (). The Swedish legislation was adjusted to the EU directive in 2013.

The EU directive puts more emphasis on species-specific education and training in laboratory animal science, and the implementation of the 3R鈥檚 in every aspect of care and use of laboratory animals. Replacement (if valid replacement methods exist a permit is not granted), refinement (reducing discomfort and stress wherever it is possible) and reduction must be considered in every aspect of a project involving the use of lab animals.

Ethical permits

Animal experiments can only be performed if there is an ethical permit/ethical license which is granted by an ethical committee. The permit is valid up to five years and can comprise several projects. It is the research group leader/project leader who submits the application for ethical evaulation of animal experiments. Ethical evaluation of animal experiments

Experiments conducted under a license should be kept in an animal record.

Educational requirements

Experiments may only be executed by staff/researchers that have the necessary formal training (procedure license) in Laboratory Animal Science. Educational requirements for animal experimentation

Multiple persons (researchers and technicians) may perform practical tasks within a project, including various invasive procedures. All such staff and researchers must be identified in the project plan or animal record, and each person must possess the relevant procedure license(s).

Roles and responsibilities

It is the holder (Principal investigator/Project director) of the ethical permit that is legally responsible for all activities covered by the ethical license.

Each facility has a designated superintendent (installed by the Government competent authority) and it is she/he who shall supervise that the work and use of lab animals are in accord with the legislation.

In addition, inspectors of the County Council do annual audits and the inspector can close down the facility if its operations do not comply with the legislation.

Facilities are provided with a license to house and use laboratory animals and to house and use Genetically Modified Animals (GMA), both by the Governments Competent Authority. To hold a license the facility must have a designated veterinarian and a designated superintendent.

List of governing laws, regulations and policies

Swedish laws and regulations on animal experimentation (in Swedish)

  • L1 Djurskyddslagen SFS 2018:1192: 
  • L2 Djurskyddsf枚rordningen SFS 2019:66:  
  • L150 Statens jordbruksverks fo虉reskrifter och allma虉nna ra虋d om fo虉rso虉ksdjur SJVFS 2019:9:  
  • L5 Statens jordbruksverks fo虉reskrifter och allma虉nna ra虋d om transport av levande djur SJVFS 2019:7:  
  • L117 Statens jordbruksverks fo虉reskrifter om avgifter i vissa djurskyddsa虉renden SJVFS 2019:10:  

EU directives and conventions

. Implemented January 1, 2013

European Treaty Series (from "2003 Council of Europe Treaty Series") (CETS)

  • ETS 123: 
  • ETS 170: 

探花精选鈥檚 rules and guidelines

For internal KI rules please visit . 

Komparativ Medicin