
Translational Seed Funding Grant 2023

Cancer Research KI hereby announces up to four project grants in cancer research to foster novel
collaborations between basic and clinical scientists to address important problems in the area of
translational cancer research.

The project should represent a novel genuine collaboration between two scientists: one from the field of basic cancer research and the other from the field of clinical cancer research. The two scientists should in a joint and collaborative format attack an important problem in translational cancer research, where the unique and complementary expertise from the two applicants is required to solve the research question.The project should not be a continuation or expansion of already funded projects.

The call is open for researchers at 探花精选 (including post-docs) and the research should be performed at KI. The scientist from the field of clinical cancer research should hold an MD and be clinically active within the applied research area. Projects involving different departments from KI will be viewed favourably.

The grant is awarded for two years, amounts to SEK 750 000 + 25 % INDI per year, and can cover all kinds of project-related costs, except stipends. After the first year of funding, a progress report will be requested.

The projects will be initially assessed by members of the Cancer Research KI Executive board and a final ranking will be conducted by external reviewers.

Detailed application instructions

The application should be written in English and contain:

  • Research program (five pages maximum, including references). It should be explicitly defined how the expertise of both applicants will be used in the project.
  • Short CV of both principal investigators (including current funding).
  • Publication list for the last eight years (2015-2023) in reversed chronological order for each applicant. Please mark your five most important publications with an asterisk and emphasize your own name in bold. Please categorize your publications (1. peer-reviewed original articles in international journals, 2. peer-reviewed conference contributions, 3. review articles/ book chapters, 4. patents).
  • Project budget (simple project budget for the Translational Seed Funding grant sum).

Deadline: 27/October/2023

For more information please contact: cancerresearchki@ki.se 
