Take part of Nobel Calling 2023 at 探花精选
Every year in October, the recipients of the Nobel Prizes will be announced. In connection with this, the Nobel Prize Museum organizes inspirational events and instructive meetings in collaboration with, among others, 探花精选.

Can AI get a Nobel Prize?
2 October 16:00-17:00
Participants: Panel discussion with (KI), 脜sa Wikforss (Stockholms university), Nina Wormbs (KTH) and Cissi Askwall (Vetenskapsr氓det).
Location: Nobel Prize Museum, Stortorget 2
The panel is held in Swedish. .

Visit the Nordics largest Zebrafish facility
2-4 October, 09:00 and 12:00
KI:s Zebrafish core facility offers guided tours on site for three days. Take this opportunity to take part of 探花精选 research, animal husbandry, technology and so much more!
Location: Nobels v盲g 16, Solna.
The tours will be held in either English or Swedish. .

Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Seminarium (hybrid), 6 October 15:00-16:30
At this seminar you will hear more about human papillomavirus (HPV): from detection to eradication of cervical cancer. The seminar is in Swedish.
Participants: , , Kjell Ivarsson (SKR) and .
Location: , Biomedicum, Solnav盲gen 9. No registration is needed. You can also join the seminar digitally.
(in Swedish).